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RT @micha_bloss: Die 🇪🇺 erlebt eine nie dagewesene Energiekrise. 🇪🇺-Länder rufen nach einem Schulterschluss, die Erneuerbaren müssen rasant ausgebaut werden.

Christian Lindner blockiert das, wir bekommen keinen 🇪🇺-Energiefonds. Europas Finanzwumms verpufft.


@hkpmcgregor Climate activists in Europe are making a lot of people angry these days by pouring soup onto famous artworks (that are protected by glass). Almost certainly not what you were talking about, still rang true to me.


Reading this made me think of tomato soup. „The expectations we place on art—that it should make us more empathetic, for example—can, in fact, be deeply depoliticizing when we treat art as an end in itself, rather than a place to begin from.“ @hkpmcgregor


RT @davidakaye: in today's PEGA Committee hearing at the European Parliament, i concluded my remarks with strong doubts that use of hacking tools like can ever meet the tests of human rights law


RT @mahrko: Das Land Sachsen-Anhalt listet erstmals alle -Waldbrände der letzten 28 Jahre auf und bestätigt damit @tonline-Recherchen.

Sie ziehen sich - auf wundersame Weise zufällig - entlang der Dampflok-Strecke auf den Brocken. 🚂


RT @communia_eu: To which extent are platforms in compliance with the German implementation of Article 17 CDSM? Jasmin Brieske provides a first empirical assessment in her contribution to the conference.
Read now the second installment of our blog series:


RT @beimwort: Also nach unseren Infos ist die Hafen-Sache besiegelt: Scholz besteht darauf, den Deal nicht zu untersagen. Es soll eine Teiluntersagung geben, nur (knapp) unter 25 Prozent Beteiligung ohne Sonderrechte. Das soll das Kabinett morgen beschließen.


@llaisdy @sovtechfund be an agreement between the governing parties in the German parliament to add another € 1.5 million, this was reported in the press in a paywalled article, but as far as I know not on the parliament website yet.


@llaisdy @sovtechfund I’m not sure if there is one authoritative source for the current status. Here is a press release from the Ministry of Economy from July, announcing that the government’s draft budget includes € 10 million for the @sovtechfund: Meanwhile, there appears to


@JeniT Thanks for the shoutout! 💚 @avwgo @octopuscitizen @r00tkate & @tarakiyee are the amazing team running the @sovtechfund. Can’t wait to see what they will do with it!


RT @JeniT: Did you know about Germany's Sovereign Tech Fund?

It's finally doing something about the problem illustrated in this xkcd: so much of our digital infrastructure is reliant on open source tools that are only kept going through good will.


@llaisdy @sovtechfund The German annual budget has dedicated € 3.5 million to the operation of the fund in 2022. The 2023 budget is yet to be adopted, but the budget for the @sovtechfund is proposed to be € 11.5 million (total operational cost, not funding size).


RT @doctorow: What's worse than a tool that doesn't work? One that *does* work, *nearly* perfectly, except when it fails in unpredictable and subtle ways. 1/


RT @beimwort: Das rationale Hauptargument für einen Teilverkauf des Hafens scheint ja zu sein, dass sonst Cosco mehr über andere europäische Häfen abwickelt, an denen es schon beteiligt ist, was Verluste bedeutet, also: Wir sind schon zu abhängig und müssen deshalb mehr Abhängigkeit zulassen.


RT @GefionT: Do you want to help decide which kinds of initiatives @impetus4cs will support and award? Join our citizen panel! We're looking for members who are passionate about and active in citizen science in all its variations. For infos & to apply:


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