RT @Parliament_RM: 🇪🇺🇲🇩 Visit of the President of the European Parliament
@europarl_en, @EP_President @RobertaMetsola.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RobertaMetsola/status/1591043646471966721
RT @EP_President: In @europarl_en, the people of Moldova have an ally, a friend.
Thank you Prime Minister @natgavrilita for believing in Europe.
We stand in solidarity with you:
▫ with political support
▫ with financial assistance
▫ with economic measures
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RobertaMetsola/status/1591034363193401344
RT @IonBabici: ”Locul Republicii Moldova este în Uniunea Europeană. Trebuie să avem un viitor comun și Parlamentul European va face tot ce este necesar pentru a vă susține în calea de a deveni stat membru al UE”, este mesajul transmis de Președinta Parlamentului European, Roberta Metsola.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RobertaMetsola/status/1591034239122046976
RT @WeiglBenedikt: Ein toller Festabend zu 30 Jahre EBBK @eu_local. Thank you Roberta Metsola @EP_President for your inspiring ceremonial speech! Vielen Dank Frau Staatsministerin @MelanieHuml und Herrn Präsidenten des Bay. Landkreistages Thomas Karmasin für die herzlichen Worte und Redebeiträge!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RobertaMetsola/status/1591034206641360901
RT @eu_local: Volles Haus beim 30. Jubiläum des Europabüros der bayerischen Kommunen! Ein gelungener Abend mit hochkarätigen Gästen, einer eindrucksvollen Festrede von @EP_President Metsola und herzlichen Begrüßungsworten von @MelanieHuml. Herzlichen Dank für die Glückwünsche! #eu_local
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RobertaMetsola/status/1591034170578731008
RT @EP_President: Excellent meeting with @Parliament_RM President @Igor_Grosu_md.
In these troubled times, it is crucial we remain united.
To fight misinformation, to protect democracy, to give stability.
We will continue working hand in hand with @Parliament_RM on European integration.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RobertaMetsola/status/1590998229872959488
RT @paulaerizanu: Roberta Metsola in the Moldovan Parliament today: 'Moldova can lead in Europe. You are already leading in gender equality, setting an example with a female president, a female prime-minister, and a female president of the Constitutional Court'
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RobertaMetsola/status/1590998038767898627
RT @sandumaiamd: Delighted to welcome @EP_President @RobertaMetsola in Chisinau today. @europarl_en has been a staunch supporter of #Moldova & its European future, from the very beginning, in good times & in bad times. We’re very grateful for this & count on #EP’s support & solidarity in future.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RobertaMetsola/status/1590998022535917568
RT @EP_President: Europe's power lies in solidarity.
In walking side by side with Moldova towards membership, in facilitating energy supply.
I am here to offer hope. To reiterate @europarl_en's support.
You can count on us. We will write history together.
@Parliament_RM https://nitter.eu/i/broadcasts/1yNxaNEnyvgKj
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RobertaMetsola/status/1590986746489376770
RT @EP_President: Thank you @sandumaiamd for your very warm welcome in Chișinău. It is great to be with you in Moldova today.
With your leadership I know that the future of Moldova and the EU will be a shared one.
Europe stands with Moldova.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RobertaMetsola/status/1590964020265222144
RT @repubblica: Ue, Metsola a Meloni: "Italia ha ruolo centrale, dobbiamo restare uniti"
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RobertaMetsola/status/1588225418028515328
RT @europarl_it: .@EP_President @RobertaMetsola accoglie @GiorgiaMeloni Presidente del Consiglio dei ministri della Repubblica italiana, al Parlamento europeo.
Estratti video della visita, si possono scaricare dal centro multimediale del Parlamento europeo: https://multimedia.europarl.europa.eu/it/video/roberta-metsola-ep-president-meets-with-giorgia-meloni-italian-prime-minister-arrival-welcome-and-roundtable_I232683
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RobertaMetsola/status/1588225157520302083
RT @EP_President: Benvenuta Presidente @GiorgiaMeloni al @europarl_it.
L'Italia ha sempre avuto un ruolo centrale nell'UE.
Più che mai - con l'invasione Russa dell’Ucraina, prezzi dell'energia alle stelle e inflazione in aumento - dobbiamo rimanere uniti.
Siamo più forti se stiamo insieme 🇪🇺🇮🇹
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RobertaMetsola/status/1588200566206889984
RT @EP_President: Democracy is effective. The best way to ensure stability, prosperity & peace.
To reinforce it, we must overhaul Europe's security policy & reform our energy markets.
For European businesses & families.
Thank you @zeitonline for such a timely discussion.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RobertaMetsola/status/1588099406347239424
RT @karlnehammer: Wir gedenken heute der Opfer des Terroranschlags vom 2. November 2020. Heute wie damals sind wir mit unseren Gedanken bei jenen, die wir am Tag dieses feigen Anschlags verloren haben: https://t.co/gIctyIBrYX
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RobertaMetsola/status/1587936632031744000
We have to keep working so that her path will be a little bit easier than it was for us. #WithHer
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RobertaMetsola/status/1587519626061250563
RT @EP_President: It is Ukrainian women, men and children who are worst hit by cowardly and repetitive attacks - on Kyiv and other cities.
Civilians left without basic needs such as water and electricity.
Ukrainians will not lose their courage & strength. Neither will we.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RobertaMetsola/status/1587157726454497281
RT @EP_President: Great to see so many young Europeans meeting in Malta to debate, discuss and dream.
Thank you @JCIEurope for the inspiration, and to all the participants for believing in Europe.
Lead. Be change-makers. Europe needs you.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RobertaMetsola/status/1587133052395945987
RT @MaltaChamber: The President and CEO of The #MaltaChamber met with Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament, to discuss the issues which are worrying businesses at the moment such as #energyprices and competitiveness, state aid rules, and how to engage better with #EU institutions.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RobertaMetsola/status/1587133023425789953
RT @ilpiotr: La presidente del Pe, @RobertaMetsola sarà oggi a @Mezzorainpiu su @RaiTre
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RobertaMetsola/status/1586665841789210624
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