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RT @EP_President: In @europarl_en, the people of Moldova have an ally, a friend.

Thank you Prime Minister @natgavrilita for believing in Europe.

We stand in solidarity with you:
▫ with political support
▫ with financial assistance
▫ with economic measures



RT @IonBabici: ”Locul Republicii Moldova este în Uniunea Europeană. Trebuie să avem un viitor comun și Parlamentul European va face tot ce este necesar pentru a vă susține în calea de a deveni stat membru al UE”, este mesajul transmis de Președinta Parlamentului European, Roberta Metsola.


RT @WeiglBenedikt: Ein toller Festabend zu 30 Jahre EBBK @eu_local. Thank you Roberta Metsola @EP_President for your inspiring ceremonial speech! Vielen Dank Frau Staatsministerin @MelanieHuml und Herrn Präsidenten des Bay. Landkreistages Thomas Karmasin für die herzlichen Worte und Redebeiträge!


RT @eu_local: Volles Haus beim 30. Jubiläum des Europabüros der bayerischen Kommunen! Ein gelungener Abend mit hochkarätigen Gästen, einer eindrucksvollen Festrede von @EP_President Metsola und herzlichen Begrüßungsworten von @MelanieHuml. Herzlichen Dank für die Glückwünsche!


RT @EP_President: Excellent meeting with @Parliament_RM President @Igor_Grosu_md.

In these troubled times, it is crucial we remain united.
To fight misinformation, to protect democracy, to give stability.

We will continue working hand in hand with @Parliament_RM on European integration.



RT @paulaerizanu: Roberta Metsola in the Moldovan Parliament today: 'Moldova can lead in Europe. You are already leading in gender equality, setting an example with a female president, a female prime-minister, and a female president of the Constitutional Court'


RT @sandumaiamd: Delighted to welcome @EP_President @RobertaMetsola in Chisinau today. @europarl_en has been a staunch supporter of & its European future, from the very beginning, in good times & in bad times. We’re very grateful for this & count on ’s support & solidarity in future.


RT @EP_President: Europe's power lies in solidarity.

In walking side by side with Moldova towards membership, in facilitating energy supply.

I am here to offer hope. To reiterate @europarl_en's support.

You can count on us. We will write history together.



RT @EP_President: Thank you @sandumaiamd for your very warm welcome in Chișinău. It is great to be with you in Moldova today.

With your leadership I know that the future of Moldova and the EU will be a shared one.

Europe stands with Moldova.



RT @europarl_it: .@EP_President @RobertaMetsola accoglie @GiorgiaMeloni Presidente del Consiglio dei ministri della Repubblica italiana, al Parlamento europeo.

Estratti video della visita, si possono scaricare dal centro multimediale del Parlamento europeo:



RT @EP_President: Benvenuta Presidente @GiorgiaMeloni al @europarl_it.

L'Italia ha sempre avuto un ruolo centrale nell'UE.

Più che mai - con l'invasione Russa dell’Ucraina, prezzi dell'energia alle stelle e inflazione in aumento - dobbiamo rimanere uniti.

Siamo più forti se stiamo insieme 🇪🇺🇮🇹


RT @EP_President: Democracy is effective. The best way to ensure stability, prosperity & peace.

To reinforce it, we must overhaul Europe's security policy & reform our energy markets.

For European businesses & families.

Thank you @zeitonline for such a timely discussion.


RT @karlnehammer: Wir gedenken heute der Opfer des Terroranschlags vom 2. November 2020. Heute wie damals sind wir mit unseren Gedanken bei jenen, die wir am Tag dieses feigen Anschlags verloren haben:


RT @EP_President: It is Ukrainian women, men and children who are worst hit by cowardly and repetitive attacks - on Kyiv and other cities.

Civilians left without basic needs such as water and electricity.

Ukrainians will not lose their courage & strength. Neither will we.


RT @EP_President: Great to see so many young Europeans meeting in Malta to debate, discuss and dream.

Thank you @JCIEurope for the inspiration, and to all the participants for believing in Europe.

Lead. Be change-makers. Europe needs you.


RT @MaltaChamber: The President and CEO of The met with Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament, to discuss the issues which are worrying businesses at the moment such as and competitiveness, state aid rules, and how to engage better with institutions.


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