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RT @Europol: Executive Director De Bolle briefed 🇪🇺 @EP_President Roberta Metsola today on security developments & criminal threats.

As organised crime is increasingly digital, networked & international, cross-border & EU-level cooperation has never been more critical to .


RT @EP_President: In Europe's fight against terrorism, cybersecurity & criminal organisations, cross-border cooperation is crucial.

With @Europol Executive Director Catherine De Bolle, discussed the importance of information exchange between authorities in Member States.

Europe can be safer.


RT @SIOPEurope: We were honoured to meet today with @EP_President @RobertaMetsola during 🎗️Thank you 🙏for your leadership in shaping the EU agenda – the EU can make a life-saving difference for children and adolescents with cancer thanks to your support!


RT @EP_President: United in diversity.

There's no better day to celebrate our EU motto than today, on the European Day of Languages.

Understanding the power of Europe is best in your own language.


RT @EP_President: The daughters of are rising up to demand equality, respect for their rights & freedoms, an end to oppression.

It's the brave, young women leading the charge. From @europarl_en, I want to tell you that you are not alone.

was 22 years old. Remember her.


RT @jurilaas: 'Unfortunately, children have also been victims of the unjustified war in Ukraine. Until they can return to their homes and schools safely, we will ensure that they feel at home and get the best education possible in the EU' @EP_President @RobertaMetsola


RT @UNICEF_EU: From attacks on schools to mass displacement, pay the highest price in conflict-price with their education.

Grateful to @RobertaMetsola & @europarl_en for support of Ukrainian children & warm welcome to continue learning in schools across Europe🇪🇺


RT @Pabriks: Happy 58th Independence day to the people of 🇲🇹 Malta.

🇲🇹 🇪🇺 A beautiful, small country full of innovation. Also, a place where President of European Parliament Roberta Metsola comes from.

Awguri għal Jum l-Indipendenza!


RT @europarl_it: ⚪️ “Per essere chiari.
Nessun referendum farsa cambierà la posizione dell’Europa sull’Ucraina e la sua integrità.
Né cambierà il dato di fatto che è stata la Russia ad invadere l’Ucraina sovrana.

L’Europa è al fianco dell’Ucraina 🇪🇺🇺🇦.”@EP_President @RobertaMetsola


RT @EUDelegationUA: 🇺🇦Маємо бути абсолютно чіткі: жодні фіктивні референдуми не змінять позицію Європи щодо України та її територіальної цілісності. Це також не змінить того факту, що саме Росія вторглася в суверенну Україну.

Європа пліч-о-пліч з Україною 🇪🇺🇺🇦


RT @EP_President: To be clear: no sham referenda will change Europe's stance on Ukraine and its territorial integrity. Nor will it change the fact that it was Russia that invaded sovereign Ukraine.

Europe stands with Ukraine 🇪🇺 🇺🇦


RT @fabienne_keller: | Hémicycle plein au Parlement européen pour écouter Yasmina Khadra, Delphine Horvilleur puis Emmanuel Carrère en clôture des Bibliothèques Idéales. Bravo @librairiekleber & @FranzWolfermann pour cette édition exceptionnelle à l’occasion des 70a du @PEStrasbourg 📚🇪🇺


RT @AnttiTimonen: Têtu:…«Nous avons toujours besoin de Fierté. Trop de personnes vivent dans la peur, trop de discriminations perdurent. (...) J'aimerais dire que tous nos citoyens, jeunes ou plus âgés, peuvent vivre comme ils le souhaitent en Europe…» a déclaré @RobertaMetsola… 🏳️‍🌈🇪🇺


Il-ħsibijiet tiegħi f’dawn il-mumenti diffiċli jinsabu mal-Kap tal-@PNmalta @bernardgrechmt wara t-telfa tal-għażiż missieru.

Kondoljanzi lill-familja Grech.


RT @larazon_es: Roberta Metsola: «Hay que seguir ayudando militarmente a Ucrania» ➡ La presidenta del Parlamento Europeo advierte que la Unión se debe preparar para los ataques híbridos y aplaude el papel de las sanciones contra Rusia. Por @essieteiglesias


RT @EP_President: 🇪🇺🇩🇪🇫🇷🇮🇹🇬🇧🇺🇸🇨🇦🇯🇵🇺🇦

Our global partnership is united.

In defending democracies & in helping Ukraine.

Democracy must be consolidated & supported.

At @G7 Speakers' Summit with @baerbelbas @YaelBRAUNPIVET @Roberto_Fico @SpeakerPelosi @AnthonyRota @HosodaHiroyuki @r_stefanchuk


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