Thumbs up! Setting a🔝notch, future-proof regulatory framework for #batteries is yet another milestone, as our battery industry is of strategic importance to Europe's global competitiveness. #EUBatteryAlliance
RT @EU2022_CZ: #ENVI | 🤝 DEAL! We have reached a provisional political agreement between the @EUCouncil and the @europarl_en on the batteries and waste batteries regulation. 🔋
🆕 Top-notch rules on #batteries have been the #EUBatteryAlliance's priority – we're now delivering! All industrial players in Europe will have a clear legal environment that supports them in innovating & preparing for the expected surge in e-mobility.
With the #FitForFuture Platform: great expertise around the table.
👍 Well done on delivering new opinions - helping @EU_Commission make EU laws simpler and more efficient, while also cutting unnecessary costs. Glad to see that public input via #EUHaveYourSay also played a part.
They're young. They're successful. They're responsible.
Enjoyed my #EYY2022 discussion on clean mobility with a group of start-ups. Many ides in sync with our work under the #EUBatteryAlliance and #foresight.
Also a sneak peek into our future #YouthTests on policy initiatives.
#EYY2022 Looking forward to hosting an innovative group of young people.
Start-ups are key to driving innovation. Having initiated the #EUBatteryAlliance, discussing their manifesto with recommendations for smart, cleaner mobility is valuable to me.
RT @EuStartupPrize: Join us tomorrow as we broadcast live from @EU_Commission a political dialogue between VP @MarosSefcovic and our winning #startups. They will discuss the latest Startup Manifesto as part of this year's #EYY2022, with concrete ideas on #CleanMobility:
📞 Good conversation with @JamesCleverly.
The EU's ready to double down on our efforts to find joint solutions for the benefit of all communities in Northern Ireland. I want to make the most of this clear window of opportunity.
Our teams continue to work and we'll speak soon.
Today the EU has agreed internal rules that allow us, if needed, to enforce our agreements with the UK.
Continued unity @EU_Commission @EUCouncil @europarl_en in action!
The EU is committed to a positive, constructive relationship with the UK.
Our future 🇪🇺🇦🇩 Association Agreement could be amongst the most far-reaching offered by the EU to outside partners.
With @XavierEspot, we've agreed to further accelerate the pace of our talks. There's a clear window of opportunity, and we jointly intend to make the most of it.
Très heureux d'accueillir @XavierEspot à la @EU_Commission. Cette visite montre en soi l'importance que nous accordons à nos négociations en cours en vue d'un accord d'association. Notre objectif est de parvenir à un accord d'ici la fin 2023 pour renforcer nos 🇪🇺🇦🇩 relations.
Today's need to push for even greater unity and solidarity across our continent highlights the political importance of 🇪🇺🇮🇸🇱🇮🇳🇴 cooperation.
The #EEA Council under Iceland's chairmanship:
🔎 the timely incorporation of EU legislation into the EEA Agreement;
🔎 #energy security.
A good meeting with 🇨🇿 Minister @JanLipavsky on #energysecurity as well as EU-UK and EU-Swiss relations. I appreciate our excellent cooperation with the @EU2022_CZ and its role in fostering EU unity.
#ESPAS Geopolitical upheaval isn't new. What's novel is the weaponisation of almost anything, from food to energy to information. We must build up strategic capacities where opportunities to reduce risks by international trade are more limited. #foresight
#RawMaterials that we consider critical can be found in abundance in Ukraine. It has deposits of ~ 20 out of 30 such materials.
Great coop with PM @Denys_Shmyhal, Minister @RuslanStrilets and @JRigterink @EBRD. Collectively turning ambition to action!
RT @Denys_Shmyhal: 🇺🇦 is ready to unite its efforts with 🇪🇺 to achieve full independence from russian resources. Confirmed this during the forum under 🇺🇦🇪🇺 strategic partnership on #rawmaterials with the participation of @MarosSefcovic. We also remain committed to achieving the goals of Green Deal.
If the energy crisis has taught us anything it's that we can't fall into a trap of becoming over-dependent on any one supplier or technology. #RawMaterials stand out.
Today's MoU on digitalisation of geodata shows that the 🇪🇺🇺🇦 partnership is delivering.
🆕 A truly impressive development under the 🇪🇺🇺🇦 strategic partnership on #rawmaterials.
The MoU between the @EBRD and the Ukrainian Geological Survey signed to modernise the management of geodata - by making it truly digital across the board, from documents to maps and data.
We need to boost Europe's open #strategicautonomy by reducing our dependencies in areas of strategic importance. We must also do what it takes to support our industry so that the EU remains the place to invest.
A good forward-looking exchange with @Vystrcil_Milos @SenatCZ.
A valuable meeting with 🇨🇿 PM @P_Fiala, focused particularly on helping Europeans and European businesses in terms of soaring energy prices. The @EU_Commission has already made a series of proposals and more is on the way.
Hats off to the work and commitment of the @EU2022_CZ.
RT @P_Fiala: Na Úřadu vlády jsem přivítal místopředsedu Evropské komise @MarosSefcovic.
Mluvili jsme hlavně o energetice, připravovaných návrzích Evropské komise na zastropování cen plynu pro výrobu elektřiny a také o rovných podmínkách pro pomoc průmyslu.
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ @EU_Commission VP for Interinstitutional Relations & Foresight. Coordinating the #EUBatteryAlliance. Co-chair of 🇪🇺🇬🇧 Joint Committee & Partnership Council.