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A pleasure to welcome Cypriot 🇨🇾🇪🇺 President @Christodulides to the European Parliament. Cyprus is a key Member State for issues like energy, security, and migration in the Mediterranean. Cypriot concerns are European concerns and we will never accept a two-state solution!


RT @EPP: Today, we mourn the loss of Silvio Berlusconi. He was the founder and leader of Forza Italia, the longest serving Italian Prime Minister in the post-war era & a leading force in our political family. Our sympathy & condolences to his family & loved ones.


Saddened by the passing of Silvio @berlusconi. My thoughts go to his family and loved ones in this difficult moment. We will not forget the energy and dedication with which he worked for his beloved Italy, for his political family and his European ideals. Riposa in pace.


Jeudi, nous voterons contre la loi « restauration de la nature ». Non pas par dogmatisme comme certains veulent le faire croire, mais bien parce que nous croyons en l’urgence d’une vraie transition écologique du secteur agricole. @lopinion_fr


Congratulation to @UrmasReinsalu and to @Erakond's new board, including my colleague @RihoTerras. Cooperation and unity are needed more than ever before. Looking forward to working together for a better, stronger Estonia & Europe.


675 Jahre Marktrechte für den Markt . Ein Fest der Bürgerinnen und Bürger, die mit Dankbarkeit und Stolz auf die Geschichte ihrer Heimat zurückblicken. Es ist mir eine große Ehre, Schirmherr dieses Anlasses zu sein. (Fotos: Armin Weigel)


Great pleasure to meet Italian President Mattarella in Rome. I thanked him for his leadership and European commitment. Italy is a founding member of the EU and will always play a key role to shape the future of Europe. Italian concerns are European concerns.


Great pleasure to meet Italian President Mattarella in Rome. I thanked him for his leadership and European commitment. Italy is a founding member of the EU and will always play a key role to shape the future of Europe. Italian concerns are European concerns.


A good result after years of efforts of the @EPP family. Our message is clear: stop illegal migration, increase returns for those who cannot stay & protect people at risk of persecution. Well done and our work continues! 💪🏻 @tomastobe @LenaDuepontMdEP @jeroen_lenaers @MargSchinas
RT @MargSchinas: A historic day ! Home affairs Ministers came together today and adopted a solid basis for negotiation with @europarl_en on two of our key Migration Pact proposals.



Es braucht rechtssichere und standardisierte Verfahren an den EU-Außengrenzen. Sonst drohen Grenzkontrollen im Inneren der EU. Das kann niemand wollen. Die hohen europäischen Asylstandards müssen auch mit den neuen Verfahren gewährleistet werden. 3/3


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Durch die wichtigen gestrigen Beschlüsse sind noch nicht alle Probleme gelöst. Es braucht akut Vereinbarungen mit der EU-Nachbarländern, wie etwa Tunesien, um die Migrationszahlen in den Griff zu bekommen. Ich habe die Erwartungshaltung, dass auch die Grünen jetzt zustimmen. 2/3


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Mit einer europäischen Rechtslage, die wirklich funktioniert, würden die Zahlen deutlich zurückgehen. Für jeden, der illegal versucht nach Europa zu kommen, ist an der Außengrenze dann Schluss. Wir müssen das Schlepperbanden-System beenden. 1/3
RT @BR24: Weber zu Asylkompromiss: "Zahlen werden deutlich zurückgehen"


A key goal to regain control of our external borders must be to break the business model of the smugglers. The state should decide who comes into the EU. That is why we have called repeatedly to work with countries like Tunisia to avoid people crossing the Mediterranean.


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We welcome the agreement reached on migration. After almost 10 years we have the opportunity to better deal with this crisis.

The compromise allows us to move forward, to regain control of our external borders, to practice European solidarity & to uphold our values.


Profondément choqué par l’horreur et la lâcheté de cet acte. Toutes mes pensées vont aux victimes, à leurs familles, à leurs proches. Nous sommes aux côtés de la France🇪🇺 🇫🇷


RT @Antonio_Tajani: A con @ManfredWeber per rinsaldare la nostra alleanza. @forza_italia rimane centrale all'interno della famiglia del @EPP. Lavoriamo per costruire un'Europa incentrata sui valori comuni che legano i popoli europei. Grazie al @circoloesperia per l'incontro di stamattina.


We need to get control of our external borders, that is our message with @Antonio_Tajani. Together we have to break the business model of the smugglers. This includes offering support to countries like Tunisia to tackle this challenge. We expect concrete results.


What a great welcome in Rome, dear @Antonio_Tajani, seeing so many young faces. When we talk about the future of Italy, of Europe, our main concern should be the young generation. A better future for the youth means a better future for Europe.


El Presidente del @EPP, el alemán @ManfredWeber, también apoya las fresas de Huelva.

Frente a los ataques de Sánchez, en el @ppopular siempre estamos del lado de los agricultores.


Great news from Bulgaria. After months of political uncertainty, Bulgaria has a coalition government. Congratulations @GabrielMariya for taking responsibility of bringing stability to the country, for a stronger, pro-European future. Good luck to all members of the coalition.


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