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RT @DanielssonEU: Välkommen till EU-dagarna i Lund! Bland annat medverkar @YlvaJohansson @alexstubb @MalmstromEU . Jag kommer att moderera ett samtal om säkerhetsläget i Europa, med flera kunniga deltagare.


RT @Kadee_Russ: @aaronsojourner @YanzhongHuang I found this discussion by @MalmstromEU, Nicholas Lardy, and Joerg Wuttke illuminating (and astonishing) on this topic. Implication: without a significant turnaround in approach China’s predicament may last 3-5 years, but needn’t be devastating for growth.


Jobbigt! 😉
RT @hpp4559: Städar lite i kyl och frys, får bli en älgbiff Rydberg igen! Suck!


RT @MartinKragh1: Väldigt hedrande. Nu kan man lyssna på historien om Ryssland som det fallna imperiet i denna välproducerade ljuddokumentär. Tack @naudio_app för detta!


RT @mvanhulten: One day the Single Seat campaign - and common sense - will prevail. The European Parliament should only meet in Brussels, in line with the democratic choice of MEPs. @MalmstromEU @EdMcMillanScott


RT @SverigeiEU: Under det svenska ordförandeskapet i EU kommer cirka 150 möten att hållas i Sverige. 35 av dem äger rum runt om i landet, från Kiruna i norr till Malmö i söder. Mer information finns här: Möten i Sverige under EU-ordförandeskapet 2023 -


was really one of those individuals who can claim to have changed the course of history.


RT @rupertschlegelm: It was never easier to join the discussion on -US digital and trade matters () 👇👇👇@Trade_EU


RT @VDombrovskis: is an important, mutually beneficial deal between trusted, like-minded partners 🇪🇺🇨🇦

@EU_Commission & 🇩🇪 have agreed additional clarifications on a number of CETA provisions, providing welcome reassurances & legal certainty.



RT @TradeExperettes: The @WTO Public Forum 2022 is coming up in September with the theme ‘Towards a sustainable and inclusive recovery: ambition to action’.

Stay tuned to find out more about the sessions with the at the !

Register here 👇


Det är en vacker plats värdig Marit. Tack för en fin om än sorglig begravning.
RT @hpp4559: Mamma fick en fin plats på kyrkogården! Lite kossor i hagen bortom och utsikt över Västerdalälven!


RT @rupertschlegelm: Good to recall as Brussels comes out of the summer break: the EU-US Trade and Technology Council () is based on stakeholder dialogue and input. More stakeholder meetings to come. Have your say! @Trade_EU @EUintheUS


RT @iythinktank: Youth Fellow Wilma Johansson will be hosting a workshop on Saturday 14.00-14.45 at @Frihamnsdagarna, presenting results from hundreds of Open Chair Democracy Talks carried out by high school students this summer.


Today six month ago Russia brutally invaded Ukraine. Today it is also Ukraine’s Independence Day. Cruel irony . More important than ever that Europe stands United with 🇺🇦.


RT @PIIE: Cobalt, copper, lithium, nickel, & rare earth elements are essential for producing electric vehicles & batteries, harnessing solar & wind energy, & other activities reducing global reliance on fossil fuels.
Learn who actually controls these supply chains:


Very sad news. I had the privilege to work with Mauro for many years. He was a devoted European and a wise, kind person. Thoughts go to his family. RIP Mauro.
RT @vonderleyen: It is with deep sorrow that I learnt of the passing of Mauro Petriccione, our Director General for Climate Action.
Mauro was a dear, respected colleague. His work earned him respect and friendships in Europe & beyond

My thoughts are with his family & frie…


RT @PIIE: ICYMI: @Birmo of @LiberalAus & S Iswaran of @govsingapore joined @MalmstromEU on to discuss , the , trade & globalization in the Asia Pacific, & more.

Watch it here:


Dear Madame ambassador @almolokomme .I have sent you an email inviting you to participate at a seminar. Please see email or follow me back and I will tell you more.


Har precis läst boken. Oerhört välskriven och intressant. Rekommenderas varmt!
RT @MartinKragh1: Nu finns min nya bok i handeln.


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