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Addressing the European Investment Forum in Montevideo

Our companies choose to invest in Uruguay, as beacon of stability with high production & environmental standards. EU investments account for 40% of total FDI in Uruguay.

With , we seek to further step this up.


Arriving in Uruguay, I held a call with @DmytroKuleba on Russia’s latest false allegations.

Welcome Ukraine’s decision to request an @iaeaorg expert mission to be dispatched.

EU support to Ukraine continues unabated, including in countering disinformation.


Uruguay es socio clave de la UE, ejemplo de estabilidad democrática.

Hemos hablado sobre agresión de Rusia en Ucrania y he transmitido al Presidente @LuisLacallePou nuestro compromiso para progresar hacia firma de tratado con y fortalecer relaciones con Uruguay.


Iniciando mi primera visita oficial como alto representante UE a Uruguay.

Uruguay es uno de nuestros socios más cercanos, con fuertes lazos históricos, culturales y económicos. Y queremos cooperar más.

Mi visita es una oportunidad para reforzar nuestra relación.
RT @eu_eeas: 💡 Did you know that the EU is the 1⃣st investor in Uruguay❓ that Uruguay is a global leader in renewable energy❓ Up to 97% of its electricity supply …


Esta semana visito América Latina para relanzar nuestra asociación con los objetivos de aprovechar mejor las oportunidades que compartimos y afrontar las amenazas comunes.

Lo explico en mi artículo en @infobae:


.@_AfricanUnion peace talks start today in South Africa.

We count on all parties' political leadership and sense of responsibility to work together to transform commitments into action - to end human suffering and put on path of reconciliation & reconstruction.


Auguri a @GuidoCrosetto per la sua nomina come ministro della difesa.

Looking forward to welcoming you to your first council of EU defence ministers in November.


Auguri a @Antonio_Tajani per la sua nomina come vicepremier e ministro degli Esteri.

Looking forward to continue working together, now in the EU Foreign Affairs Council.


Spoke to President Vucic @predsednikrs on the way forward in the EU-facilitated Dialogue. In the current geopolitical setting it is more crucial than ever to find a sustainable and comprehensive solution to normalisation of relations. We remain in close touch.


Good discussion with PM @albinkurti on the next steps in the EU-facilitated Dialogue. Ensuring stability and security in the Western Balkans is even more important in the current geopolitical context. We will continue working towards a comprehensive normalisation of relations.


The EU stands by the statement of UNSG @antonioguterres in this moment of dramatic escalation of violence in Ethiopia.

The number of casualties and the level of human suffering is staggering.

Time for all to rally around peace.


Les violences perpétrées aujourd’hui dans plusieurs villes au , la répression des manifestations et l’usage excessif de la force constituent de graves atteintes aux libertés d’expression et de manifestation et fragilisent la transition en cours.!GJwNkG


today addresses sky-rocketing energy prices, caused by Putin’s aggression against Ukraine

Russia is vandalising civilian infrastructure and terrorising Ukrainian people

We take action against everyone involved in supporting the Russian invasion!44fr9X


The EU adopts today restrictive measures in response to the shipment and use of Iranian drones by Russia.

The EU condemns the delivery of Iranian drones to Russia and their deadly deployment in the war of aggression against .
RT @EUCouncilPress: : EU sanctions three individuals and one entity in relation to the use of Iranian drones in Russian aggression.

Read more👇


The brave people of Ukraine are making sacrifices every day to defend their freedom - and ours. We must continue to stand with them until Ukraine prevails.

This year’s awarded by the @europarl_en is a tribute to their determination, courage and resilience.


Trustful exchange with FM Sheikh @ABZayed on bilateral cooperation, common challenges and efforts to defend rules-based global order, regional stability and security, and UAE‘s important role as UNSC/HRC-member.

Look forward to continuing discussion at Sir Bani Yas Forum.


Congratulations @TobiasBillstrom on your appointment as Foreign Minister of Sweden.

Looking forward to working together in the EU Foreign Affairs Council and bilaterally, to tackle global challenges.



Last week I gave a speech at the College of Europe. The metaphor I used has caused offense because it was misunderstood. I would like to put the record straight in my new blog post!684PR9


The EU deplores the escalation of violence & irreparable cost to human life

Only peace talks can yield a sustainable resolution of the conflict. We expect the parties to honour their commitment to the talks which must begin without delay.


We are stepping up our support to to defend itself from Russia’s illegal aggression, launching an EU Military Assistance Mission.

will train the Ukrainian Armed Forces to continue their courageous fight against the Russian aggression.!6PRqtF


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