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Strongly condemn the attack on @SalmanRushdie and wish him a speedy recovery.

International rejection of such criminal actions, which violate fundamental rights and freedoms, is the only path towards a better and more peaceful world.


My sincere condolences to the families of the victims and the people of Montenegro after the tragedy in today. Our thoughts are with you.

@predsjednik_cg @DritanAbazovic


facility must not be used as part of any military operation.

I support call for demilitarisation of area starting with full withdrawal of Russian forces, and urge @iaeaorg to visit.

Russia must immediately hand back full control to rightful sovereign owner Ukraine


Russia has been using food as a weapon and worsening hunger around the world

Thanks to the Istanbul agreement, Ukraine is again able to deliver grain to the @WFP

Russia must respect its commitments so that Ukraine's exports can continue to reach those in need, mostly in Africa
RT @OlKubrakov: Ukraine is ready for the 🚢 BRAVE COMMANDER arrival, which is expected tomorrow. Thanks to the Black Sea Initiative we are ready to load …


I have often stressed that the EU must engage more in and with the Asia-Pacific region.

My speech at the @ASEAN Regional Forum in Cambodia last week sets out the four key challenges threatening peace and stability for both regions:!ngHgKp


Young people are the world's main asset.

They need to have their say and take their share of responsibility.

We side with them, in solidarity among generations, and work together to make the world a better place.

RT @eu_eeas: Celebrating with launch of global campaign!

In the run-up to , youth from around 🌍 will take the floor & share their stories…


I talked to @DmytroKuleba. We discussed the military situation in and efforts to alleviate the global food crisis caused by Russia's invasion. I reaffirmed the EU’s determination to continue supporting Ukraine in every way we can.


: La multiplication des attaques terroristes prouve à quel point il est plus que jamais nécessaire de maintenir les meilleures conditions pour renforcer l’efficacité des missions internationales qui participent à la lutte contre le terrorisme au .


Agreeing peace requires courage - more courage than continuing the war.

For almost two years, the region in has suffered from an atrocious war.

In my new blog post, I appeal to all parties to finally engage in dialogue and compromise!3CNQCY


A través del Mecanismo de Protección Civil, la está facilitando ayuda a Cuba gracias a la contribución de España (medicamentos y material sanitario). Además ⁦@CopernicusEU⁩ ofrece imágenes satelitales para una mejor gestión del terrible incendio.


RT @eu_eeas: HR/VP @JosepBorrellF co-chaired and attended the EU-ASEAN Ministerial Meeting and the @ASEAN Regional Forum in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Meetings focused on multilateralism and on key challenges encountered in both regions, ahead of the EU-ASEAN Summit this December in Brussels.


Два года преследований со стороны режима, два года стойкости со стороны белорусов.

Наша решимость поддерживать народ Беларуси не пошатнется. Вы заслуживаете свободного, демократического, европейского будущего. 

Жыве Беларусь!
RT @eu_eeas: : Украденные выборы 9 августа 2020 года привели к мирным массовым протестам. Несмотря на непрекращающиеся злоупотребления и пренебрежение демократическими правами со стороны режима, …


Два гады пераследу з боку рэжыму, два гады стойкасці з боку беларусаў.

Наша рашучасць падтрымліваць народ Беларусі не пахіснецца. Вы заслугоўваеце вольнай, дэмакратычнай, еўрапейскай будучыні. 

Жыве Беларусь!
RT @eu_eeas: : Скрадзеныя выбары 9 жніўня 2020 года прывялі да мірных масавых пратэстаў. Нягледзячы на няспынныя злоўжыванні з боку рэжыму, на яго пагарду да дэмакратычнымі правоў, беларусы трываюць. ЕС ёсць і за…


Two years of regime persecution, two years of Belarusian resilience.

Our determination to support the people of Belarus will not falter. You deserve a free, democratic, European future.

Žyvie Bielaruś!
RT @eu_eeas: : The stolen election of 9 August 2020 led to peaceful mass protests. In spite of the regime’s continued abuse and contempt for their democratic rights, Belarusians persevere. The EU has stood and will alwa…


Two years after the rigged presidential elections in , I stress in my new blog post how much I admire the commitment of the Belarusian people to stand up for fundamental rights and a free, sovereign Belarus:


Last week, I attended the annual ASEAN Regional Forum in Cambodia and was reminded that in the current context of geopolitical tensions the Asia-Pacific region is becoming the world’s centre of gravity. My new blog post on the EU-ASEAN crucial partnership:!8mhwhr


Two years ago, Belarusians were once again denied chance to decide their future.

Lukashenko’s crackdown against his own population continues.

The EU stands with the people of Belarus who strive for a democratic and sovereign Belarus: an important European neighbour.
RT @EUCouncilPress: Statement by the High Representative @JosepBorrellF on behalf of the EU on the second anniversary of the 9 August 2020 fraudulent pres…


Last week, I attended the annual ASEAN Regional Forum in Cambodia and was reminded that in the current context of geopolitical tensions the Asia-Pacific region is becoming the world’s centre of gravity. My new blog post on the EU-ASEAN crucial partnership:!8mhwhr


I had the opportunity to meet with Kem Sokha in Cambodia.

To be able to participate in the elections in 2023, his long-lasting trial has to be resolved.

The restoration of his political rights would contribute to a democratic and inclusive electoral process.


Elections are taking place tomorrow in .

The EU wishes the best of luck to all candidates and urges for a peaceful and transparent process that would allow all Kenyans to make their voices heard.


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