The 🇪🇺 and 🇸🇪 hosted the 5th humanitarian community meeting on #Yemen.
What we need is:
1️⃣ full access, everywhere, including for female aid workers!
2️⃣ more funding from more donors;
3️⃣ stronger synergies between humanitarian & development assistance.
🇪🇺 solidarnost v akciji!
Hvala ekipam iz 🇸🇮 civilne zaščite @URS_ZR za hiter odziv na pomoč 🇮🇹 kolegom pri odpravljanju posledic hudih poplav, ki so tekom zadnjih dni prizadele severno Italijo.
#EUCivilProtectionMechanism #EUsolidarity
RT @EU_ECHO: The high-capacity pumping teams from Slovenia deployed in northern Italy through the #EUCivilProtection Mechanism are already operating in the region, supporting the local authorities in their flood response.
A third ✈️ of the EU’s Humanitarian Air Bridge to #Sudan, organised with the support of @WFP–@UNHRD, has landed, with 30 tonnes of vital supplies.
For the aid to be delivered, the safety of humanitarian workers must be ensured. They are #NotATarget!
RT @PrimorskeNovice: INTERVJU
Janez Lenarčič, evropski komisar za krizno upravljanje o krizah v svetu, ki se poglabljajo.
Za @PrimorskeNovice pa tudi o togosti in višini proračuna EU, ki znaša okoli 1 % BNP EU. Pri tem sta okoli 2/3 namenjeni koheziji in skupni kmetijski politiki, za vse ostalo - šolstvo, zdravje, raziskave, znanost, civilno zaščito … ostane manj kot 1/3 od tega odstotka!
🗞V pogovoru za @PrimorskeNovice o tem, kako v @EU_Commission že četrto leto plujemo skozi geopolitično nevihto, kjer se krize vrstijo; o tem, da je resor v moji pristojnosti aktiven še dolgo po tem, ko krizne razmere izginejo iz medijskih naslovnic.👇
I welcome today’s @EUCouncil Conclusions adopted under the @sweden2023eu stressing the need to address the increasing humanitarian funding gap.
The 🇪🇺 remains a leading donor, with over €2.6b in 2022, but more funding needs to be mobilised globally.
The #EUCivilProtection Mechanism is coordinating emergency support for Italy 🇮🇹 affected by the devastating floods.
8 countries have offered to deploy high-capacity pumping teams - thank you 🇦🇹🇧🇬🇩🇪🇫🇷🇵🇱🇷🇴🇸🇮🇸🇰.
Siamo con voi, Italia. 🤝
RT @vigilidelfuoco: #Alluvione #EmiliaRomagna, droni dei #vigilidelfuoco in ricognizione aerea sulla zona di Conselice: operazione fondamentale per indirizzare le squadre sui punti di intervento [#21maggio 14:00] http…
Following a new request for assistance from Italy, we have mobilised offers of pumping equipment from 🇦🇹, 🇧🇬, 🇩🇪, 🇫🇷, 🇵🇱, 🇷🇴, 🇸🇮 and 🇸🇰 the EU Civil Protection Mechanism to help the Italian authorities deal with heavy floods.
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(Photo @DPCgov)
The EU stands in solidarity with #Italy after the heavy floods. I thank the first responders and to the 8 🇪🇺 MS offering assistance to the 🇮🇹 people.
This is another example of #EUCivilProtectionMechanism ensuring concrete assistance in times of need.👇
RT @europainitalia: .@JanezLenarcic Rattristato per le tragiche notizie dall'Italia. Il mio pensiero va alle vittime delle alluvioni.
Il servizio @CopernicusEMS UE ha sostenuto gli sforzi delle autorità italiane nella mappatura satellitare.
Pronti a fornire assistenza. #EmiliaRomagna #EUSolidarity
Saddened by the tragic news from #Italy. My thoughts are with the victims of the floods.
The EU's @CopernicusEMS service has supported the efforts of Italian authorities with satellite mapping.
We stand ready to assist. #EmiliaRomagna #EUSolidarity
RT @DPCgov: #Maltempo #EmiliaRomagna🔴Oltre 10mila evacuati, 23 corsi d'acqua esondati, 280 frane, oltre 200 strade chiuse. Questo il quadro nel quale sta operando il Servizio Nazionale di #protezionecivile con il coo…
With @bjerde_anna reconfirming strong commitment to work together to address situations of fragility and conflict around the 🌍.
We share the position about crucial importance of building resilience to climate change, everywhere around the world.
RT @bjerde_anna: Welcomed the discussion with European Commissioner for Crisis Management @JanezLenarcic on the worrying and increasing fragility in the world, impact of climate change on conflict-affected areas and oppo…
We must use this moment to renew our commitment to the #SendaiFramework objectives and spare no effort to accelerate its implementation. We’ll continue to work to make this happen, providing instruments to support disaster risk reduction and preparedness both in the EU & beyond.
More on the EU position regarding the midterm review about the implementation of the #SendaiFramework Agreement for Disaster Risk Reduction.👇
To reach the goals of the #SendaiFramework agreement by 2030, we must spare no effort in enhancing disaster risk reduction through coordinated action.
Together with @UN and our partners, the EU and its MS are committed to build a better, safer and more resilient future for all.
As we mark the #SendaiFramework Midterm Review, we must recommit our energies and spare no efforts to build a resilient future for all.
~🇪🇺Commissioner @JanezLenarcic on the EU's commitment to disaster risk reduction at a meeting with EU Heads of Mission in NYC
Great meeting of minds with the 🇺🇲 @UnderSecStateJ for civilian security, democracy and human rights Uzra Zeya on further strengthening the partnership between US and EU in addressing multiple crises around the world.
RT @UnderSecStateJ: Pleased to meet @JanezLenarcic and discuss our enduring 🇺🇸-🇪🇺 partnership. As two of the largest humanitarian donors worldwide, our strong commitment to addressing shared challenges at this time of peak displacement & standing #UnitedWithUkraine is more critical than ever.
The EU is stepping up its response to the immediate humanitarian needs in #Sudan.
I also reiterate my call to all parties to guarantee safe, unimpeded and uninterrupted humanitarian access for humanitarian actors to resume and ensure life-saving action.
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ European Commissioner for Crisis Management, in charge of European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid. European Emergency Response Coordinator. 🇪🇺