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The on climate, the G20 Leaders Summit in November and the Biodiversity COP 15 in December need to move forward on ! We are calling the global community to continue this years blue thread of important decisions! > Friends of Ocean Action


RT @FriendsofOcean: Entry-into-force of the @WTO deal to end requires 2/3 of Members to deposit instruments of acceptance with the WTO. We strongly urge Members to move ahead ASAP: for the sake of the , fish, fishers & sustainable fisheries. 🐟🌊 +


RT @WWF_Arctic: 🧊 Every September, the sea ice minimum is reached.

Satellites capture when the most sea ice melt has occurred, and before the colder weather returns to freeze ice again.

⚠️ Arctic is now shrinking at a rate of 13% per decade.


Sommaren går mot sitt slut, dags att krypa upp i läsfåtöljen med en ny berättelse! Jag berättar om Oceankänslan på Musikens Hus i Katrineholm kl 18.00 på måndag den 5 september. Välkomna!


Alltså, IDAG inbjöd en politiskt sakkunnig på Riksdagen sina kolleger till FIRANDE av Nazitysklands anfall på Polen och starten på 2:a världskriget. SD behöver ingen vitbok om sina bruna rötter. Det räcker att läsa dagens tidning.


RT @simonstiell: Excited to take up my new role as @unfccc Executive Secretary in Bonn, Germany.

With a fully operational , this is the decisive decade to avoid the worst climate impacts.

The task ahead is clear: We need to turn promises into actions & keep the 1.5C goal alive.


Ett av landets största partier driver en trollfabrik i syfte att sprida desinformation och piska upp hat. Det är häpnadsväckande. Hur är det möjligt att valrörelsen inte vänds uppochned när sådant avslöjas? Läs! 👇🏻


RT @euobs: [Opinion] If the ocean is to continue to sustain life on earth and mitigate the effects of then we must start to treat it not as a resource for overexploitation but as a climate-action solution.


RT @siwi_water: Moving on with our high-level panel on "Harnessing Global Development Agendas on the Road to 2023" at , we welcome a rich panel of experts.
Hani Sweilem, Shérif Eissa, @IsabellaLovin, @florikafink, Ricardo Mena


RT @siwi_water: "We can’t achieve any of the , if we do not address all of them together."
says @IsabellaLovin, @FriendsofOcean, stressing the interlinkage of the goals.


RT @siwi_water: "We have had climate conferences for years and we’re still not making enough progress! But I hope that this coming is the opportunity to touch people in a new way." expresses @IsabellaLovin


RT @newscientist: “Today, it’s Pakistan. Tomorrow, it could be your country.” UN chief @antonioguterres says floods in Pakistan are a “climate catastrophe” requiring a strong international response


Underbart att se: MP:s vallöfte från 2018 levererat - efter mycket trix och fix och tekniska utmaningar! ”Enklare ta sig ut i Europa tack vare nytt svenskt nattåg” - DN.SE


This is truly horrifying and heartbreaking. My thoughts are with all the victims.
RT @SouthAsiaIndex: Just IN:— Floods wreaking havoc in Pakistan; 40+ small dams breached. 210+ bridges collapsed; 1,115 people dead. 10M people displaced.


RT @WWF_DG: Countries fail to agree to a High Seas treaty 🥲
Draft text has many good elements but no consensus yet
Countries are acting as if we have time. We don’t!

We urgently need a final round of negotiations
The finish line is close!


The ocean needs a break from human activities and it needs it now. High time for high ambition in the My opinion piece in @EFEverde
RT @EFEverde: Unfortunately, the EU is falling behind on its stated ambition for the Treaty that would help meet the target of protecting at least 30% of the oceans by 2030. @IsabellaLovin en @cdoverde de @efeverde


Det upprepas ofta, som i @ExpressenTV pl-debatt att Sverige har Europas högsta drivmedelspriser. Det stämmer inte. Schweiz, UK, Finland, Österrike, Belgien, Danmark, Estland, Grekland, Italien, Nederländerna, Norge och 6 länder till har högre.


No more time to waste! The UN High Seas Treaty has been through 10 years of negotiations but has yet to be signed.
If agreed, it would put 30% of the world's oceans into conservation areas by 2030. Necessary to


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