The #COP27 on climate, the G20 Leaders Summit in November and the Biodiversity COP 15 in December need to move forward on #OceanAction! We are calling the global community to continue this years blue thread of important decisions! > Friends of Ocean Action
RT @FriendsofOcean: Entry-into-force of the @WTO deal to end #HarmfulFisheriesSubsidies requires 2/3 of Members to deposit instruments of acceptance with the WTO. We strongly urge Members to move ahead ASAP: for the sake of the #ocean, fish, fishers & sustainable fisheries. 🐟🌊 #OceanAction #SDG14+
RT @WWF_Arctic: 🧊 Every September, the #Arctic sea ice minimum is reached.
Satellites capture when the most sea ice melt has occurred, and before the colder weather returns to freeze ice again.
⚠️ Arctic #SeaIce is now shrinking at a rate of 13% per decade.
Sommaren går mot sitt slut, dags att krypa upp i läsfåtöljen med en ny berättelse! Jag berättar om Oceankänslan på Musikens Hus i Katrineholm kl 18.00 på måndag den 5 september. Välkomna!
RT @our_fish: By @IsabellaLovin: EU needs to act on the science to preserve oceans @VSinkevicius @TimmermansEU @EU_MARE @EU_ENV @EUClimateAction @vonderleyen #ClimateAction @EU_ENV
Alltså, IDAG inbjöd en politiskt sakkunnig på Riksdagen sina kolleger till FIRANDE av Nazitysklands anfall på Polen och starten på 2:a världskriget. SD behöver ingen vitbok om sina bruna rötter. Det räcker att läsa dagens tidning. #svpol
RT @simonstiell: Excited to take up my new role as @unfccc Executive Secretary in Bonn, Germany.
With a fully operational #ParisAgreement, this is the decisive decade to avoid the worst climate impacts.
The task ahead is clear: We need to turn promises into actions & keep the 1.5C goal alive.
Ett av landets största partier driver en trollfabrik i syfte att sprida desinformation och piska upp hat. Det är häpnadsväckande. Hur är det möjligt att valrörelsen inte vänds uppochned när sådant avslöjas? Läs! 👇🏻 #svpol
RT @euobs: [Opinion] If the ocean is to continue to sustain life on earth and mitigate the effects of #climatechange then we must start to treat it not as a resource for overexploitation but as a climate-action solution.
RT @siwi_water: Moving on with our high-level panel on "Harnessing Global Development Agendas on the Road to 2023" at #WWWeek, we welcome a rich panel of experts.
Hani Sweilem, Shérif Eissa, @IsabellaLovin, @florikafink, Ricardo Mena
RT @siwi_water: "We can’t achieve any of the #SDGs, if we do not address all of them together."
says @IsabellaLovin, @FriendsofOcean, stressing the interlinkage of the goals.
RT @siwi_water: "We have had climate conferences for years and we’re still not making enough progress! But I hope that this coming #UN2030Conference is the opportunity to touch people in a new way." expresses @IsabellaLovin
RT @newscientist: “Today, it’s Pakistan. Tomorrow, it could be your country.” UN chief @antonioguterres says floods in Pakistan are a “climate catastrophe” requiring a strong international response
Bra och initierade råd. #Klimatkrisen kräver systemförändrande politiskt hantverk. Global utmaning kräver klimatsamtal och krisplan för klimatet - Aktuell Hållbarhet #svpol
Underbart att se: MP:s vallöfte från 2018 levererat - efter mycket trix och fix och tekniska utmaningar! ”Enklare ta sig ut i Europa tack vare nytt svenskt nattåg” - http://DN.SE
This is truly horrifying and heartbreaking. My thoughts are with all the victims. #PakistanFloods #ClimateCrisis
RT @SouthAsiaIndex: Just IN:— Floods wreaking havoc in Pakistan; 40+ small dams breached. 210+ bridges collapsed; 1,115 people dead. 10M people displaced.
RT @WWF_DG: Countries fail to agree to a High Seas treaty 🥲
Draft text has many good elements but no consensus yet
Countries are acting as if we have time. We don’t!
We urgently need a final round of negotiations
The finish line is close!
#GC5 #HighSeasTreaty #BBNJ
The ocean needs a break from human activities and it needs it now. High time for high ambition in the #HighSeasTreaty #BBNJ My opinion piece in @EFEverde
RT @EFEverde: Unfortunately, the EU is falling behind on its stated ambition for the Treaty that would help meet the target of protecting at least 30% of the oceans by 2030. @IsabellaLovin en @cdoverde de @efeverde…
Det upprepas ofta, som i @ExpressenTV pl-debatt att Sverige har Europas högsta drivmedelspriser. Det stämmer inte. Schweiz, UK, Finland, Österrike, Belgien, Danmark, Estland, Grekland, Italien, Nederländerna, Norge och 6 länder till har högre. #svpol
No more time to waste! The UN High Seas Treaty has been through 10 years of negotiations but has yet to be signed.
If agreed, it would put 30% of the world's oceans into conservation areas by 2030. Necessary to #SaveOurOcean #BBNJ
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Author, speaker. Oceankänslan (N&K). Friends of Ocean Action. Former Deputy Prime Minister/Minister for Climate&Environment