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RT @Socialistas_PE: 🌿El plan industrial del Pacto Verde no puede ser una oportunidad perdida.

Hay que aprovechar el momento decisivo de la revolución verde y digital para modernizar nuestra economía.

Este plan solo será una realidad si se protege su corazón: la clase trabajadora.



The Green Deal industrial plan tabled by the Commission can’t be a missed opportunity.

We want a competitive, sustainable, digital European industry that respects the dignity of workers.

Watch President @IratxeGarper's full speech in


Congratulations @Christodulides on your election as President of the Republic of Cyprus.

Looking forward to working with you for a more united, stronger and inclusive EU, paving the way towards the reunification of Cyprus.


Time is running out and missed the opportunity to review the EU economic governance.

We will not accept the return of austerity! We need to extend the general escape clause and have a serious discussion on a proper reform, including on a permanent fiscal capacity.


I thank Commissioners @VeraJourova and @dreynders for their inter-institutional collaboration.

We welcome the creation of an ethical body defining the standards of incompatibilities of our members. This also strengthens the rule of law for all European citizens. 🇪🇺


RT @Socialistas_PE: Es preocupante que el PPE se mimetice con la extrema derecha en cuestiones migratorias.

Europa no puede convertirse en una fortaleza. No llegaremos a acuerdos con quienes quieren levantar muros.

La política migratoria debe abordarse desde la responsabilidad.



RT @TheProgressives: The people of Europe stepped up and responded in a humane way to the people hit by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria, says @IratxeGarper.

At this time, I find it unacceptable that some political forces push for a Europe surrounded by walls.


Con el fallecimiento de José María Gil-Robles, ex presidente del @europarl_es, se va un gran europeísta y un hombre de diálogo.

Mi reconocimiento a su trayectoria y condolencias a sus allegados. D.E.P.


Appalled by new shocking declarations on Ukraine by Silvio Berlusconi. Is this the position of Meloni's government & Forza Italia's Foreign Minister Tajani? Anything to say Manfred Weber?

One year into a brutal war by Putin, it's time to acknowledge the facts and choose sides.


RT @PSOE: En el reconocemos su papel en el logro de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. 👩‍🔬

🔬 Sus I.D.E.A.S. (Innovar. Demostrar. Elevar. Avanzar. Sostener) son necesarias para romper con la brecha de género.


Gran orgullo del trabajo de @UMEgob
RT @Defensagob:
¡¡Militares de @UMEgob han rescatado con vida a un niño y a una niña!! y siguen trabajando para rescatar a la madre de los pequeños.💪💪👏👏
¡¡No nos rendimos!! 🇪🇸


It’s time to talk about immigration as a solution. We cannot accept this sharp turn to the right and the use of 🇪🇺 funds to build a Fortress Europe.
Every euro in a fence is a euro not used to save and help the people.


Grateful to President Zelensky for his historic visit to the European Parliament and his inspiring words.

Resolute as ever in our solidarity and support to the people of Ukraine and their European ambitions. 🇺🇦🇪🇺



RT @TheProgressives: "Europe’s unity is our biggest strength against Russia‘s agression" - @IratxeGarper

European Parliament statement on the EU's support for Ukraine ⬇️


RT @Socialistas_PE: 🌹El presidente del Gobierno @sanchezcastejon y la presidenta de Grupo Socialdemócrata @IratxeGarper se reúnen con los demás líderes socialdemócratas europeos antes del .

Este Consejo Europeo contará con la intervención del presidente ucraniano @ZelenskyyUa.


In the midst of a war, the 🇪🇺Parliament welcomes president @ZelenskyyUa.

We are here to extend a helping hand to a brave country, and listen to its leader. We will help rebuild your country after the war.
And Ukraine will join the European family!


Great afternoon of fruitful with in-depth debates for @TheProgressives Bureau and Head of Delegations, together with PES President Stefan Löfven.

Getting ready for 2024! 🌹
On the road!!


At this time we have to believe in ourselves, in democracy & in 🇪🇺. We’re facing the corruption with transparency and trust. With Stefan Löfven at @PES_PSE we’ll work to avoid decline of societies in these turbulent times.

Social democracy means working for all people.


RT @TheProgressives: Very happy to have @PES_PSE President Stefan Löfven in our Group meeting this morning to discuss how to make Europe fairer for all, leaving no one behind 🇪🇺


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