Some 1.5million Palestinians are sheltering in Rafah. They were displaced by Israeli operations in Gaza. There is no other safe refuge for civilians to escape to. A military offensive in Rafah would be a carnage of the innocent. The Netanyahu government has a choice. It must stop


[2024-02-13 15:18 UTC]

RT by @IratxeGarper: 🔴Es necesario abordar las reivindicaciones del sector agrícola y ganadero. Sus movilizaciones son legitimas, siempre que se hagan con respeto.

Pero ni la Agenda 2030 ni el Pacto Verde Europeo son los causantes de esta crisis.



[2024-02-11 10:37 UTC]

RT by @IratxeGarper: The EU needs farmers as much as farmers need the EU. Indiscriminate attacks on the CAP won't lead to anything. We need more dialogue and less polarization, says @IratxeGarper. Only with profitable farms will there be sustainable agriculture.


[2024-02-07 08:28 UTC]

RT by @IratxeGarper: 🇮🇹🇪🇺 Recibimos en nuestro grupo ⁦@TheProgressives⁩ a ⁦@ellyesse⁩ líder del ⁦@PDemocraticoSPE⁩

Sois la esperanza del cambio para recuperar el Gobierno de Italia y volver al espíritu europeísta.

Nos tenéis a vuestro lado 💪

🗣️@IratxeGarper⁩ ⁦


[2024-02-06 18:11 UTC]

RT by @IratxeGarper: Support for Ukraine is crucial, especially now that the war is going into the third year, says @IratxeGarper opening the press conference

The EU's decision on support for Ukraine is a clear demonstration that the EU is close to the Ukrainians, people who are suffering and hoping to be a part of the EU one day.


[2024-02-06 13:58 UTC]

RT by @IratxeGarper: Mrs Meloni seemed to have been able to convince Orbán not to block aid for Hungary at the Summit. How? With a promise to join ECR?
Looks like a strange friendship between them.

Meloni presents herself as a defender of Ukraine , while Orban is often seen blocking  help for Ukraine.


[2024-02-06 13:59 UTC]

RT by @IratxeGarper: We are seriously worried about by what is happening in Greece.
We have witnessed many attacks on the  rule of law in the country, which ranks lowest  in press freedom in Europe. But the EPP is turning a blind eye.

The EPP defends the rule of law only when it suits them. Not when it’s a government from their political family.


[2024-02-06 14:02 UTC]

RT by @IratxeGarper: La amistad entre Giorgia Meloni y Viktor Orbán es extraña, porque al contrario que Orbán, Meloni apoya el pacto migratorio o seguir ayudando a Ucrania.

El PP europeo tiene que aclarar si, después de echar de sus filas al partido de Orbán, ahora está dispuesto a pactar con su grupo político en la Eurocámara, la ultraderecha.



[2024-02-06 14:15 UTC]

The agricultural sector in Europe will have a future if we work together to secure this future. 🇪🇺
Let’s be more responsible!


[2024-02-06 11:24 UTC]

RT by @IratxeGarper: 🔴Estaremos al lado del pueblo ucraniano hasta que sea un país libre y soberano que decida su destino como miembro de la UE.

Si hemos respondido con firmeza y unidad frente a Putin, la misma firmeza y unidad debemos mostrar ante la violencia ciega de Netanyahu.



[2024-02-06 09:05 UTC]

RT by @IratxeGarper: ‼️@IratxeGarper al presidente del PP Europeo @ManfredWeber:

No es aceptable usar la crisis y el sufrimiento de los agricultores de forma partidista.

El sector agrícola tendrá un futuro si trabajamos juntos desde Europa. ¿O acaso el PP votó en contra de la PAC?


[2024-02-06 09:10 UTC]

Thank you
for the meeting. The people of Guinea-Bissau deserve an end to the political crisis in full respect of the national constitution.
must coordinate their efforts to support the country on its path towards democracy and progress. 🇪🇺🇬🇼


[2024-01-31 16:53 UTC]

ao Grupo S&D. É uma honra receber-te em Bruxelas na tua primeira visita oficial como líder do
A tua vitória é o caminho que serve os portugueses, que dá força à Europa! Tens o apoio da família socialista europeia 🇵🇹🇪🇺


[2024-01-31 10:58 UTC]

RT by @IratxeGarper: 🇵🇹 @PNSpedronuno is a new leader with a lot of experience and new ideas.

We will work together to win the next Portuguese and European elections and stop the far right’s attempt to make Europeans’ lives worse, says @IratxeGarper


[2024-01-31 11:07 UTC]

RT by @IratxeGarper: Proud that @psocialista’s @PNSpedronuno joins the S&D Group meeting today.

One of his first official visits as party leader is to his family in Brussels! 🌹✊

We look forward to working together for a fair, just, equal, social Europe, that leaves nobody behind.🇪🇺✊


[2024-01-31 09:47 UTC]

Continue our strong partnership to build a fairer and more equal Europe. 🇪🇺
Women at the helm.
, for this first meeting.


[2024-01-30 15:46 UTC]

RT by @IratxeGarper: En Castilla y León, Mañueco promueve curso de toreo para los niños y declarar bien de interés cultural monumentos franquistas. Eso sí, censuran obras de teatro y, ahora, prohiben un concierto por la paz en Gaza en Palencia. Insuperable. Insoportable.


[2024-01-30 17:57 UTC]

On the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, let’s remember all the victims of hatred and violence.
Each generation must remember so that hatred and violence will not prevail over basic human rights.


[2024-01-27 10:25 UTC]

The Warsaw ghetto survivor Irene Shashar reminds us how easily hate and discrimination can lead to violence and dehumanisaton of the other.
As we commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance Day, let’s uplift our common humanity


[2024-01-25 13:55 UTC]

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