In the worst case scenario, 🇪🇺 would be producing on average 30% less 🍎🍏 and olives, 23% less 🥔 and 15% less wheat, which would have to be substituted by imports from third countries with much lower production standards compared to the EU. @Euroactive
RT @Demokracija1: EP @Franc_Bogovic: Pravila ob uporabi #pesticidi je treba spoštovati, ideje o ukinitvi uporabe vseh pesticidov pa so tendenciozne in nerealne ter lahko ogrozijo #prehransvarnost
Slovenija je zgled odličnega sodelovanja med čebelarji & kmeti. Od l. 2011 nismo imeli pomora 🐝🐝.Treba pa je spoštovati pravila ob uporabi pesticidov, ideje o ukinitvi uporabe vseh pesticidov so tendenciozne, nerealne & lahko ogrozijo prehransko varnost.
@energybants Britanci so že prišli k pameti in podprli jedrsko energijo. To so lažje sprejeli, ker niso več v EU. Upam, da nas, v EU, sreča pamet, da ne bomo ogrožali naše energetske varnosti, konkurenčnost gospodarstva in povzročali energetsko revščino pri ljudeh
@jedrskasi @DanijelLevicar
Nuclear is environmentally sustainable. For ideological reasons it was blocked from financial advantages reserved for renewables, although nuclear is at least as sustainable.
Expect others to follow.
RT @strankaSLS: O NAS | Razvoj
🙌Najšibkejši člani naše družbe morajo biti deležni naše solidarnosti, če se ne zmorejo preživeti sami. Seveda pa ta pravica ne sme biti v nasprotju s temeljnim načelom osebne odgovornosti.
@DrzavniSvet @strankaSLS Hvala za odlično sodelovanje pri organizaciji posveta o trajnostni rabi pesticidov.
RT @IDFEuropeBXL: On Feb 28-Mar 02, @IDFEuropeBXL, @EUDiabetesForum, @ehnheart & @EFPIA organised a joint #diabetes & #CVD #healthcheck event hosted by MEP @istvan_ujhelyi, to call for more policy action to improve #earlydiagnosis of diabetes & CVD.
➡️Read the report:
Zanimiv jutranji pogovor s predsednikom vlade Kosova @albinkurti o ekonomskem in političnem napredku Kosova ter o ureditvi odnosov s Srbijo - pogoj za napredek v približevanju EU. Vzpodbudni signali pred srečanjem @avucic in @albinkurti v Ohridu 18. marca.
Tokrat v svojem dnevniku za mladinski portal #ZavodPIP pišem o (ne)realnosti Evropskega zelenega dogovora.
Nagovor predsednika Litve @GitanasNauseda v @Europarl_SL
➡️Podpora #Ukraine v vojni
➡️Ustanovitev sodišča za obsodbo ruskih vojnih zločinov
➡️Podpora širitve EU na vzhod in na Balkan
➡️Hibridni napad Belorusije z nezakonitimi migranti
➡️Zeleni digitalni prehod, konkurenčnost EU
Is it possible to make agriculture, forestry and nature protection work hand in hand?
Yes! It is possible!
Hear more from MEP @Franc_Bogovic👇
It is time to re-evaluate many law projects designed before the war!
As long as Russia's war in Ukraine puts economic pressure on Europe, we must postpone any new laws that make normal food and housing more expensive for Europeans.
RT @EPIntergroup_SD: Sustainable nutrient and soil management are some of the EU’s top #EnvironmentalPriorities 🌱🏴
⬇️ the outcomes of the event hosted with MEP @Franc_Bogovic, in collaboration with @YaraEurope, on the importance of reducing nutrient losses.
Full report ➡️
RT @strankaSLS: Danes| Gregorjevo
Danes se po ljudskem izročilu ženijo ptički. Po starih običajih so se dekleta ozirala v nebo, saj je po ljudskem verovanju veljalo, da bo prva 🕊️, ki jo bo dekle videlo na ta dan, naznanila, kakšen bo njen mož.
Hkrati je tudi praznik, ko zadiši po pomladi.🌸
It is time to re-evaluate many law projects designed before the war!
The green transition will not work if it just leads to increasing prices, less food production in Europe, and businesses shutting down.
We want a regulatory slowdown!
Achieving a Europe that works for women is a commitment that we make every day.
Gender equality is at the very heart of our European values.
Together, we can build a Europe that truly empowers and celebrates women.
"We ask for a comprehensive impact assessment of all Farm to Fork Strategy elements. There is the question of the import of food from parts of the world, which have standards below the EU in food production,” says MEP @Franc_Bogovic.
Watch 👇
V tej luči pozivam @EU_Commission in @europarl_en k premisleku in razumu ter modrim odločitvam, ki bodo pretehtane na osnovi realnih študij, ob upoštevanju novih geostrateških in gospodarskih razmer ter izhodišč.
da za vso elektrificirano mobilnost niti ne bomo mogli zagotavljati dovolj nizkoogljično proizvedene elektrike na evropskih tleh; iii. z uredbo SUR pa bi ogrozili še EU 🇪🇺 prehransko varnost...).
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Evropski poslanec @strankaSLS / @EPP @EPPGroup / @IntergroupRUMRA / @ESVForum
Member of the European Parliament (SLS/EPP) / Tweets by me & my office