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Later today, we had an interesting short debate on Religious Education. My question was - who would be an RE teacher in a period of identity politics and Cancel Culture?
The terrible treatment of the Batley Grammar School teacher is a case in point, let alone the row over Muslim prayer at Michaela School. Or indeed (and sadly ran out of time to make this point) when the various iterations of Conversion Therapy legislation threaten to criminalise RE teachers for any guidance given to pupils about clashes between traditional faith and sexuality or trans issues - to name a few.


[2024-01-18 17:06 UTC]

Cancel culture should always be deplored. This attack on a famous Palestinian artist apes the worst aspects of BDS censorship in solidarity with Israel. Not good.


[2024-01-18 18:29 UTC]

Some saying this professor shouldn't be platformed. Disagree. We should all listen, even though stomach wrenching, to hear exactly how 7th Oct is simultaneously justified &amp; denied. NB Palestinian cause is hijacked by apologists as a moral cloak to explain away most heinous acts.


[2024-01-15 10:05 UTC]

Excellent take from
"For me, the appointment of Bergdorf doesn’t show that the UN is at odds with women, or ‘misogynist’ as some have claimed, but rather that such international organisations, NGOs and corporate groups have long been irrelevant to the cause of women’s freedom.
Far from being an important influence on the everyday lives of women, the UN has become nothing more than a platform for celebrities and influencers. The superficiality - and even bias - of UN Women was proven late last year, when it took over two months to respond to the massacre and brutalisation of Israeli women by Hamas." HEAR HEAR (worth reading whole
article below):


[2024-01-13 15:42 UTC]

Some signs say so much. If anything discredits honourable cause of Palestinian self-determination, it's such crass anti-capitalism used to celebrate blackmailing violence by Houthi pirates, while relativising &amp; weaponising deliberate genocide of Jewish people in history, and today in aspiration by Hamas et al. Reminds me of that slogan on pro Gaza demo in New York before Xmas "Yemen, Yemen, make us proud. Turn another ship around". Yuk.


[2024-01-13 16:01 UTC]

Ofcom is poaching Big Tech staff from Meta, Microsoft, Google. These execs will be expert enforcers of enormous new powers given to quango by Government via Online Safety Act. Unelected regulators now empowered to police our free speech online. Terrifying.


[2024-01-12 23:38 UTC]

Tonight at 8pm, I am on Any Questions panel on
. At start of week, it looked like the only story in town was
. But suddenly, there's war in Red Sea, Israel accused of genocide in Hague, Rwanda Bill back in news and ever more shocking revelations about treatment of sub-postmasters. Yikes.


[2024-01-12 15:13 UTC]

Insightful from
- links decline of pub, post office and local parish in wake of managerial systems thinking.


[2024-01-12 12:14 UTC]

I only had three minutes to respond to a debate on parliamentary democracy and standards of public life. I focused on the neglected 'demos' part of the word democracy, and official hostility to people power.
The last thing we need are more codes of conduct - 'diversity', 'inclusion' and other branded ethical values that we supposedly all need to be officially trained in to improve standards. Yuk. Let what happened to Rachel Meade at the hands of her own professional standards body be a warning...


[2024-01-11 13:30 UTC]

My question on the
- a rant about why so often ordinary, 'little' people are not believed by those in power.


[2024-01-10 20:30 UTC]

German farmers' protest is an impressive 'people power' response to their government's Net Zero taxes on agriculture. Gov has backed down on many proposals. Not good enough, so more protests planned for Jan 8th. One to watch.


[2024-01-06 12:39 UTC]

Whenever I met Derek Draper in post-political advisor years (and God knows we'd clashed in terms of his New Labour position), I was struck by just how happy he was in his role as counsellor and in his new life with Kate and the family. I always liked his spirit and he was a real life-force. What a tragedy. RIP.


[2024-01-05 12:05 UTC]

Never keen on celebrating scalps or sackings. However, could this egregious case of Harvard's
at least give institutions pause for thought in terms of EDI/DEI hirings? Much harder to defend such appointments in terms of academic merit when controversies arise. And as so many share same political outlook, hardly exemplars of diversity.


[2024-01-02 19:47 UTC]

Just belatedly seen news about your OBE
- so glad to see your work recognised, and especially as you dare to ask awkward questions in an era of conformity


[2024-01-01 13:06 UTC]

Had a lovely Christmas BUT my phone died. Have new phone but EVERYTHING lost on old phone: photos, contacts, whatsapp messages. If you contact me, say who you are. If I was in a whatsapp group w you, add me again. And yes NOW know to save to cloud not device. Bereft but learning!


[2023-12-26 16:32 UTC]

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