My question on the Counter-Disinformation Unit (and thanks to
for exposing it) that too often labelled political differences with the 'disinformation' label. Who fact-checks the fact-checkers? Who calls out - for example - BBC Verify when it refuses to correct the BBC's own factual errors?


[2024-02-14 15:48 UTC]

In a brief discussion on new police powers for demonstrations and protests, I asked whether the problem is actually police reluctance at enforcing powers they already have (perhaps this is why some are so frustrated at the Gaza protests). Bans on face coverings and the like seems a distraction - AND a political underestimation of the deep culture of anti-Semitism, which has often gone unchallenged.
Perhaps we don't need more laws, but rather, we do need more courage in tackling open hatred of Jews in UK.


[2024-02-14 15:53 UTC]

Goodness me, Robin White has just popped up on
to ask Sunak an LGBT question.


[2024-02-12 20:32 UTC]

Oh c'mon.
Yes true, mainly Lab Lords blocked getting rid of nutrient neutrality rules that's blocked 100,000 new homes. But it was Villiers' Nimby-Tories in Commons enough for Gov to drop house-building targets. BOTH parties have been useless on commitment to building more homes


[2024-02-12 20:59 UTC]

This is fabulous news: best of news for students, lecturers &amp; of course, crucially, academic freedom. Congrats


[2024-02-12 14:45 UTC]

This is excellent, brave and a relief: that increasingly people from ALL parties, from left to right, are taking on the divisive ideology of gender identity.


[2024-02-11 20:39 UTC]

Public service broadcasting? C'mon.
will make all sorts of educational claims. Surely no-one will fall for them? The degradation of intimacy in name of PSB is dispiriting. Indeed it also degrades public service TV &amp; insinuates a degraded view of the public as audience.


[2024-02-11 17:58 UTC]

Have to say, in just seconds, this explanation from
absolutely nails key difference between campaigns for LGB equality vs today's trans mvt.


[2024-02-11 14:31 UTC]

An excellent debunking of Western apologism for the Islamic Republic &amp; its proxies such as the Houthis: a leftist version of new-Colonialism is on the rise. Listen to the end. This is not about YOU (us).


[2024-02-11 14:54 UTC]

More on the Victims and Prisoners Bill - ensuring victims' rights are taken seriously should not mean anything goes. With some trepidation, I raised a few sceptical questions to those pouring scorn on the concept of Parental Alienation.
Parental Alienation might be a pseudo- medicalised term, but it does describe something real. I'm also not keen on putting into law the idea that victims can never themselves be guilty of (for example) alienating children from one parent using false narratives. To be fair, my points led to a constructive exchange with Baroness Chakrabarti.


[2024-02-07 18:51 UTC]

Well explained, exasperated fury by a good faith Muslim at bad faith gobbledygook BS apologism from authorities, for Islamist Jihadi flag-waving, that hides behind religion.


[2024-02-07 12:53 UTC]

Pretty sure this will come up in House of Lords on Friday, when from 10am, we will be debating a proposed Conversion Therapy Bill. Likely to be fiesta and frank.


[2024-02-06 23:12 UTC]

Here is my amendment on women-only service provision. Speakers from all sides were keen to say that they were championing ALL victims, with lots of rhetoric about supporting policies on Violence Against Women and Girls.
BUT - guess what - there was silence or opposition as soon as they were faced with arguments for women-specific support. (1/4)


[2024-02-06 16:34 UTC]

My two probing amendments to Victims &amp; Prisoners Bill will be debated in Lords on Mon pm. 1st to make case for women-only service provision as choice. 2nd that we won't even know who victims/perpetrators are, unless data collected consistently on basis of sex registered at birth.


[2024-02-03 11:25 UTC]

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