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I heard Ashley's testimony at a mtg in Lords today. All I can say is I won't ever, ever, ever forget it. The barbarity & sexual violence associated with Oct 7th, that shamefully too many have denied/ignored, should spur us all on to demand URGENTLY & LOUDLY


[2024-01-31 23:42 UTC]

I ran out of time as usual, but tried to explain why I have problems with the
- but have even more problems with its anti-democratic opponents. M'luds as always are far keener on citing international treaties and human-rights law than acknowledging why the public is tearing its hair out in frustration at parliamentary inaction. The unelected, of course, always (think they) know better.


[2024-01-29 21:45 UTC]

So not only illiberal but so incompetent that Rishi et al didn't even get the facts right about their own mad policy, in their own press release. Dare anyone in Gov preach about fake news again. Meanwhile,
deserves to be one of the final nails...


[2024-01-29 12:59 UTC]

The most stupid, counterproductive public health measure ever. Indispensable aid to those choosing to give up cigarettes, now targeted as the problem by a ridiculous, clueless government. Grrr.


[2024-01-28 23:33 UTC]

Good. It was shocking. Comparing the war on Hamas to the Holocaust is now casually part of activists' playbook. Pretty grim in that context but from a broadcaster, levelled as an accusation against a Jewish academic interviewee. Blimey. And glad
acknowledge that.


[2024-01-26 16:30 UTC]

And an invaluable 30 minutes. Well worth a listen.
explains the real events and dilemmas her school has faced with real clarity.


[2024-01-25 20:15 UTC]

Yesterday I gave my first tentative speech on the Victims and Prisoners Bill - in response to amendments proposing an ever-expanding definition of who would be considered 'victims' of crime to include third parties. I asked, is there a danger we might water down resources and support, while relativising specific suffering for *real* direct victims of crime?


[2024-01-25 10:56 UTC]

Later on in discussion of the Victims and Prisoners Bill, I pointed out that not all child victims of sexual exploitation get official sympathy - as we know from the grooming-gang scandal. Conversely, suggesting under-18s committing offences (like knife crime) are likely to be victims themselves, seems a recipe for avoiding responsibility.
Oh, and please do not tell children that verbal harm is a crime - we don't want even more young people justifying censorship.


[2024-01-25 10:58 UTC]

I am looking forward to this Bookshop Barnie TONIGHT.
in conversation with
on Israelophobia with lots of time for audience discussion/challenges/ questions. All welcome. Via zoom. Important


[2024-01-25 11:43 UTC]

Thing which brought a tear to my eye re
win? Just how brave you need to be to fight back. Whole process harrowing: vicious smears; reputation pulled to shreds, all that sneering &amp; gaslighting; fears yr research for nowt and/or career trashed. It makes victory sweeter


[2024-01-22 21:17 UTC]

One problem with this car-crash interview by Culture Secretary, is that it discredits (as more Culture Wars game-playing), the perfectly proper concerns about whether BBC impartiality is beoming compromised. Burley is right to query the conflation of perception as evidence.


[2024-01-22 13:30 UTC]

Not true. More Conservative peers than any other party. What tends to happen: Labour, cross-bench, Lib Dems form majority bloc, as is likely on Rwanda Bill. No excuse for unelected Lords to attempt to block bills (undemocratic), but Cabinet's blame-game needs to get facts right


[2024-01-21 12:18 UTC]

Spot on
. Rwanda Bill is not key point. Who runs this country is. Terrible for democracy if public keep being told: nothing can be done about small boats. Her positive call for UK to give a lead on amending/reshaping out-of-date international refugee &amp; human rights treaties, is also right.


[2024-01-21 13:33 UTC]

I shouldn't be shocked. But I am STILL shocked. The relativisation of The Holocaust is especially egregious. To those good faith people who are concerned about the death-toll in Gaza, worth noting just how popular 'Zionists rule the world' conspiracy-mongering REALLY IS antisemitic


[2024-01-19 14:32 UTC]

Today, in a debate in the Lords committee room, I raised some questions about the process of integrating those given refugee status. It's made harder when there are questions over the legitimacy of the refugee system itself. Plus, warm welcomes can feel like an ask for some when we are in such a dire economic mess, and questions or debate about resources are often silenced.
I ran out of time to develop my points on the key barriers to integration - identity politics and state multiculturalism. Look out for this week's
for more on those...


[2024-01-18 17:00 UTC]

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