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I don't like the opposition constantly quoting international human rights, BUT eventually I had to speak against the ridiculous ... (1/2)


In a question on theatre tax breaks this afternoon, I sneaked in a condemnation of the BBC for cutting @BBCSingers (an act of cultural vandalism).


Yesterday's statement on immigration led to so many outraged platitudes about international law and party political mud-slinging, I had to jump up and make a point... (1/2)


During a discussion last night, I made a defence of cash, face-to-face banking and some of the political (rather than technical, luddite) reasons to be wary of wholly digitised financial services. What of privacy and freedom of choice?...


I'd had enough in the discussion of the EU Retained Law Bill, so I jumped up to speak and it was a bit argy bargy... (1/2)


I asked about the failure to target testing for care homes, while dragooning least at risk into testing to meet arbitrary targets. Depriving those in care homes of visits by loved ones was inhumane, so will these rights be enshrined in law as recommended by @rightsforresid2?


Rail fares go up, skyrocket in fact. Meanwhile, rail services go down, plummet in fact. Not just unaffordable for many, but it feels like a slap across the face to pay so much more for so many cancelled, late, delayed trains. Infuriating.
RT @GBNEWS: ‘Train fares, are heading in one direction - up. At a time when purses are being squeezed, it’s a hard reality to swallow.’

Train fares in England & Wales have risen by 5.9%, the biggest increase in a decade.

GB New…


When they argue that aviation industry "must shrink; fast", what that means for millions of us is our world must shrink. No more flying, no more exploring the world, no more foreign holidays. But will they exempt international eco-summits planning how to restrict our travel?
RT @fossilfreeLDN: BREAKING: 4 of us just disrupted an annual aviation industry conference sponsored by Shell & air BP

Aviation is totally unsustainable. No technology currently exists to tu…


Tried to push the minister on when LEGAL text will emerge on the . A framework is too vague. And why say 1700 PAGES of EU laws/regs are removed? How many regs is that? After all, many laws contain tomes of pages, so it could be less impressive than it sounds...


Well, well...
RT @PippaCrerar: 👀 Jean-Claude Juncker, former president of European Commission, tells @AndrewMarr9 that Rishi Sunak’s Northern Ireland protocol deal gives Brussels “more authority than it seems” which “some in Britain are trying to hide”…


Important gp of amendments protecting press freedom from ill-advised, illiberal, chilling clauses in National Security Bill. I'm not allowed to speak but NB media already risk-averse/walks on eggshells re reporting dissent or challenging state. Security can't be excuse to silence
RT @UKHouseofLords: Live now: .

🔴 Watch live


Really quite extraordinary, even if not surprising for some of us. To see it ii in black and white still shocks at just how brazen media manipulation can be.
RT @danbloom1: Some texts between George Osborne and Matt Hancock, as published by the Telegraph


Really learnt a lot from this insightful podcast with @Future_Cities @briangr0254 @Colin_Brown_MAG & @JohnJohnStewart. Not more of same but lots of nuanced argument & new insights on seeming assaults on freedoms of drivers. Do listen to add more layers in discussing
RT @Future_Cities: A fascinating discussion with @briangr0254 @Colin_Brown_MAG & @JohnJohnStewart on "Mobility in an Age of Restraint."
On & why people who oppose re…


No doubt far better than now, in terms of practical arrangements for trade & people in NI. Rishi v chipper. Fact hardly blinked by confirming ECJ will have final say: imp sticking point. Whether it offers enough, we can only assess THAT when legal text scrutinised
RT @WilliamClouston: I offer cautious support for the Windsor Framework. It reduces intolerable trade friction within the UK, retains NI access to the SM and should pave the way to end har…


None of us know what's in Rishi's Deal. Indeed, secrecy a problem that fuels suspicion. Don't know if DUP/ERG will accept it. What I do know: this whole episode, incl paying court to , crowing by likes of Guy below, induces familiar, gut-wrenching feelings of sell-out
RT @GuyVerhofstadt: PM Sunak says "There’s unfinished business on Brexit".

Yes..reversing it!

This deal might be welcome, but it addresses the symptoms, not the Brexit malaise.


Lib Dems will back a Rishi NI deal in the name of pragmatism. Hmm. What does that tell us?
RT @KayBurley: The DUP and Conservative backbenchers aren’t being pragmatic over the Northern Ireland protocol, says @EdwardJDavey.

The Liberal Democrat leader says his party will back Rishi Sunak if the PM puts a “reasonable deal” forward.



This is a Labour Councillor. He is: a) urging criminalisation of pupils for allegedly scuffing a book; b) by word 'desecration', implies this is a special,untouchable book & damaging it is an act of blasphemy. Consequences - stirring up community tensions. So much for tolerance
RT @UsmanAli4Ward5: My statement in regards today’s events at Kettlethorpe High School, Wakefield.


Very good from @Robspiked with @TVKev on cultural vandalism of sensitivity readers, which not only makes a mockery of artistic expression, but also suggests they haven't got a clue about children
RT @TalkTV: "The whole concept of sensitivity readers is a really bad one as far as I'm concerned!"

Rob Lyons from the Academy of Ideas says he is "pleased" with the push back from people after it was revealed Roald Dahl's books were being rewritten to remove 'offensive …


Ooh - glad to make it into @GuidoFawkes for positive reasons. Genuinely bit shocked that Starmer didn't make housing one of his key missions. Sadly, means neither party picking up 'Build more houses' mission, let alone more niche but hugely important issue of abolishing Leasehold
RT @GuidoFawkes: Starmer Forgets About the Housing Crisis, as Brandon Lewis and Claire Fox Call for Planning Overhaul


Last night I explained why the continued existence of 'Leasehold', ever spiralling service-charge costs for private leaseholders and eye-watering bills for maintenance work for council leaseholders is a barrier to the government's levelling up policy.


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