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Making food systems sustainable is crucial to counter global trends on climate, biodiversity loss & unhealthy diets.

The Sustainable Food System Framework (SFSF) initiative aims to drive that transformation.


RT @EFSA_EU: Our awareness campaign has been extended for the third consecutive year.
It is run in partnership with local authorities in eighteen countries: 🇦🇱 🇧🇦 🇧🇬 🇭🇷 🇨🇿 🇪🇪 🇬🇷 🇭🇺 🇽🇰 🇱🇻 🇱🇹 🇲🇪 North🇲🇰 🇵🇱 🇷🇴 🇷🇸🇸🇰🇸🇮


What is ?🐷

ASF is a devastating infectious disease of pigs, usually deadly. No vaccine exists to combat this virus. It does not affect humans nor other animal species other than pigs and wild boars.

Find out more in our factsheet⬇


Plants are our main source of food & nutrition.

That's why plant health is a key element of our strategy.

So what are we doing to protect them?


In the EU 20% of the total food produced is lost or wasted.

We need & your support to halve our food waste by 2030!

Therefore we are giving out grants to help avoid food waste in hospitals, restaurants, canteens etc.

Apply by 20 September! ⬇


Do you think New Genomic Techniques () help to make our food systems more sustainable?🌱

Safety of consumers is paramount & we call for an open dialogue on the possible future use of biotechnologies.

by 22 July⬇️


Do you care how your food is produced?

Making food systems sustainable is crucial to counter global trends on climate, biodiversity loss & unhealthy diets

on the Sustainable Food System Framework (SFSF) initiative by 21 July ⬇


We need to:

🌱Reduce use

For a food system that is sustainable & fit for the future.

Find out more:!3D4qwB &⬇️


🌱 Plants are the basis of our food chain

rules aim to protect crops, fruits, vegetables, flowers, ornamentals & forests from harmful pests & diseases

Learn more on the EU plant health legislation:!BWMRNq


RT @EU_HaDEA: Do you work in the hospitality & food services’ sector? Do you have innovative ideas to help prevent ?

Apply for this call for proposals to help prevent food waste in restaurants, canteens, hotels, hospitals
📌20/09 | 17:00 CEST


Ideas on but no budget?

We are giving out grants to help avoid food waste in hospitals, restaurants, canteens etc.

Apply now until 20 September! ⬇


Food Safety, it's everyone's business.

With as part of we will:

🍏 Keep food safe
👪Keep people safe
🌍Keep the planet safe

Find out how we ensure ⬇️


Sharing of information between Member States and the Commission is crucial to ensure

We recently published the 2021 report of the Alert and Cooperation Network, showing the highest number of exchanges ever recorded!

Read the full report below⬇️


We need your views on !

Making food systems sustainable is crucial to counter global trends on climate, biodiversity loss & unhealthy diets.

The Sustainable Food System Framework (SFSF) initiative aims to drive that transformation.

by 21 July ⬇


Animal health is your health🐶🔁🧑

Following the approach, we aim for a better early detection & control of animal diseases.

Find out below how the will benefit the health of livestock & pets, as well as the environment🌳


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