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RT by @EvaJoly: Tomorrow, @UN will vote on whether or not to begin negotiating a UN .
Eurodad urges the EU to support this historic moment in int'l tax cooperation.
After the vote, join @GA4TJ for a press conference:


[2023-11-21 17:05 UTC]

RT by @EvaJoly: Bloomberg: African Nations Call on Rich Countries to Back UN Tax Reform

"The African Group of UN member states said they are confident a resolution putting the UN on a path to creating a framework convention on international tax cooperation will pass."


[2023-11-17 11:35 UTC]

RT by @EvaJoly: Pleasure to host the 2023 Commission Meeting of @icrict at FESNY. The Commission, chaired by @JosephEStiglitz & @Jayati1609, works to promote the reform of international corporate toward a system in which loopholes are closed & everyone pays their fair share.


[2023-11-17 16:03 UTC]

RT by @EvaJoly: « Nous venons d'assister ces dernières semaines au plus grand déplacement de Palestiniens depuis 1948. C'est un exode sous nos yeux, un flot de personnes obligées de fuir leur foyer. » @UNLazzarini chef de @UNRWA


[2023-11-18 09:33 UTC]

RT by @EvaJoly: “The Trump tax reform was supposed to stimulate investment. What it did stimulate was a transfer to the rich” @JosephEStiglitz
@fesnewyork @taxobservatory @UNDP


[2023-11-16 21:37 UTC]

RT by @EvaJoly: “When you are very rich, you can structure your income so you don’t pay tax, zero. These are not isolated cases, this is a regressive phenomenon, where those who should pay the most are paying the least” @gabriel_zucman @taxobservatory @fesnewyork @UNDP


[2023-11-16 22:02 UTC]

RT by @EvaJoly: “The international tax architecture reflects power dynamics.
The richer countries of the world are not all of sudden becoming good, giving us a voice just because we ask. It happens if we become systemic important, if we can talk with one voice” @Jayati1609
@UNDP @fesnewyork


[2023-11-16 22:33 UTC]

RT by @EvaJoly: O Brasil, como líder regional e do Sul Global, está bem-posicionado para liderar a discussão vital sobre a tributação da riqueza global agora, eu xpliquei isso em meu artigo no @Power360. Aqui:


[2023-11-14 17:33 UTC]

Uanmeldte tilsyn skaper uro - ny oppdrettsgigant vil varsles i forkant
Det er selvfølgelig riktig og viktig med uanmeldte tilsyn. Egenkontroll har aldri fungert noe sted!


[2023-10-26 17:44 UTC]

RT by @EvaJoly: Taxing billionaires is hard because their wealth is organized in a way that generates little taxable income. That’s why the income tax is not enough, because the notion of income is not well defined. Wealth is well-defined. @gabriel_zucman at the EU Tax Symposium @EU_Commission


[2023-10-24 15:27 UTC]

RT by @EvaJoly: We need an IPCC on taxation

An organization taking a truly global perspective on tax systems and their sustainability


[2023-10-26 07:13 UTC]

RT by @EvaJoly: Er dette forenlig med stillingen som ekspedisjonssjef på SMK (eller før det i andre roller bl a som avdelingsdirektør samme sted, som lagdommer eller ansatt hos RA). Hvilke regler og praksis har RA? Er dette bare ukulturen på SMK eller noe mer utbredt?


[2023-10-20 09:05 UTC]

RT by @EvaJoly: —Er det noen voksne hjemme på SMK?

I siste instans statsministerens politiske ansvar. SMK skal jo bistå statsministeren og ikke ved slik og lignende adferd utsette ham for risiko og ansvar.


[2023-10-20 14:53 UTC]

RT by @EvaJoly: "If Australia implements full public country-by-country reporting, as proposed, it will set a new global standard and be a huge benefit to stakeholders worldwide, including investors and tax authorities in the global south" @JasonWardCICTAR @CICTAR_Tax


[2023-08-24 14:09 UTC]

RT James Cleverly🇬🇧
Alexei @Navalny has been sentenced to an additional 19 years in a Russian prison.
His abuse shows Russia’s complete disregard for even the most basic of human rights.
Dissent cannot be silenced. The UK calls for his immediate release.


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