RT by @EvaJoly: A ce soir 19h, 41 boulevard du Temple au Théatre Déjazet !
Meeting pour la 6e République.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/julienbayou/status/1

[2024-02-05 11:46 UTC]

RT by @EvaJoly: Slik opptrer staten i dag på stadig flere områder: Den leter etter hull i reglene for å kunne sno seg best mulig. Da utfordrer den grenser og trer av og til over dem. Dette fører til en regelarroganse vi ikke har sett før. Det betyr at rettsstaten svekkes aftenposten.no/meninger/kronik

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/MadsAndenas/status/1

[2024-01-30 08:48 UTC]

Venez soutenir le combat pour libérer Julian Assange demain à Paris, l’Espace Saint-Michel à 20 h!

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/EvaJoly/status/17519

[2024-01-29 13:28 UTC]

RT by @EvaJoly: Le 17 janvier, la coalition conservatrice, libérale et socialiste a adopté à Strasbourg le retour de l’austérité. À l’heure décisive du triple défit écologique, social et géopolitique pour l’Union, ce choix est une trahison européenne.✍️ dans ⁦@libe⁩ liberation.fr/idees-et-debats/

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/DavidCormand/status/

[2024-01-22 08:27 UTC]

RT by @EvaJoly: “A UN convention opens the door to more transparency in tax. According to the economists @JosephEStiglitz and @Jayati1609, the @OECD has long tilted reforms in favour of its members – advanced countries – and the corporations in them” @guardian

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/icrict/status/173776

[2023-12-21 09:09 UTC]

RT by @EvaJoly: Taking the series as published (no attempt at harmonizing, etc.) – just the official headline series

Start with CBO

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/gabriel_zucman/statu

[2023-12-17 15:07 UTC]

RT by @EvaJoly: Continue with CBO, now adding Social Security benefits and Medicare (but not other transfers)

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/gabriel_zucman/statu

[2023-12-17 15:09 UTC]

RT by @EvaJoly: Now let's turn to Social Security data (which only cover earnings, not capital income)

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/gabriel_zucman/statu

[2023-12-17 15:13 UTC]

RT by @EvaJoly: But perhaps wealth inequality has declined? Let's take a look at the official Federal Reserve series

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/gabriel_zucman/statu

[2023-12-17 15:15 UTC]

Il est temps de mettre un terme aux abus fiscaux des multinationales & super riches. Lors du vote de demain aux Nations-Unies nous exhortons les gouvernements de l'UE & des USA à dire oui à une convention fiscale de l'ONU. Notre lettre

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/EvaJoly/status/17272

[2023-11-22 08:01 UTC]

RT by @EvaJoly: Tomorrow, @UN will vote on whether or not to begin negotiating a UN .
Eurodad urges the EU to support this historic moment in int'l tax cooperation.
After the vote, join @GA4TJ for a press conference: ow.ly/3Qvp50Q9YcQ
Read more ➡️ow.ly/BlrS50Q9Ygn

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/eurodad/status/17270

[2023-11-21 17:05 UTC]

RT by @EvaJoly: Bloomberg: African Nations Call on Rich Countries to Back UN Tax Reform

"The African Group of UN member states said they are confident a resolution putting the UN on a path to creating a framework convention on international tax cooperation will pass." news.bloomberglaw.com/daily-ta

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/TaxJusticeNet/status

[2023-11-17 11:35 UTC]

RT by @EvaJoly: Pleasure to host the 2023 Commission Meeting of @icrict at FESNY. The Commission, chaired by @JosephEStiglitz & @Jayati1609, works to promote the reform of international corporate toward a system in which loopholes are closed & everyone pays their fair share.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/fesnewyork/status/17

[2023-11-17 16:03 UTC]

RT by @EvaJoly: “The Trump tax reform was supposed to stimulate investment. What it did stimulate was a transfer to the rich” @JosephEStiglitz
@fesnewyork @taxobservatory @UNDP

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/icrict/status/172526

[2023-11-16 21:37 UTC]

RT by @EvaJoly: “When you are very rich, you can structure your income so you don’t pay tax, zero. These are not isolated cases, this is a regressive phenomenon, where those who should pay the most are paying the least” @gabriel_zucman @taxobservatory @fesnewyork @UNDP

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/icrict/status/172527

[2023-11-16 22:02 UTC]

RT by @EvaJoly: “The international tax architecture reflects power dynamics.
The richer countries of the world are not all of sudden becoming good, giving us a voice just because we ask. It happens if we become systemic important, if we can talk with one voice” @Jayati1609
@UNDP @fesnewyork

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/icrict/status/172528

[2023-11-16 22:33 UTC]

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