RT by @EvaJoly: A ce soir 19h, 41 boulevard du Temple au Théatre Déjazet !
Meeting pour la 6e République.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/julienbayou/status/1

[2024-02-05 11:46 UTC]

RT by @EvaJoly: Slik opptrer staten i dag på stadig flere områder: Den leter etter hull i reglene for å kunne sno seg best mulig. Da utfordrer den grenser og trer av og til over dem. Dette fører til en regelarroganse vi ikke har sett før. Det betyr at rettsstaten svekkes aftenposten.no/meninger/kronik

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/MadsAndenas/status/1

[2024-01-30 08:48 UTC]

Venez soutenir le combat pour libérer Julian Assange demain à Paris, l’Espace Saint-Michel à 20 h!

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/EvaJoly/status/17519

[2024-01-29 13:28 UTC]

RT by @EvaJoly: Le 17 janvier, la coalition conservatrice, libérale et socialiste a adopté à Strasbourg le retour de l’austérité. À l’heure décisive du triple défit écologique, social et géopolitique pour l’Union, ce choix est une trahison européenne.✍️ dans ⁦@libe⁩ liberation.fr/idees-et-debats/

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/DavidCormand/status/

[2024-01-22 08:27 UTC]

RT by @EvaJoly: “A UN convention opens the door to more transparency in tax. According to the economists @JosephEStiglitz and @Jayati1609, the @OECD has long tilted reforms in favour of its members – advanced countries – and the corporations in them” @guardian

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/icrict/status/173776

[2023-12-21 09:09 UTC]

RT by @EvaJoly: Is rising US inequality an illusion? For people who want to make an informed opinion, I suggest starting with the official US government series 🧵

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/gabriel_zucman/statu

[2023-12-17 15:06 UTC]

RT by @EvaJoly: Taking the series as published (no attempt at harmonizing, etc.) – just the official headline series

Start with CBO

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/gabriel_zucman/statu

[2023-12-17 15:07 UTC]

RT by @EvaJoly: Continue with CBO, now adding Social Security benefits and Medicare (but not other transfers)

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/gabriel_zucman/statu

[2023-12-17 15:09 UTC]

RT by @EvaJoly: Now let's turn to Social Security data (which only cover earnings, not capital income)

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/gabriel_zucman/statu

[2023-12-17 15:13 UTC]

RT by @EvaJoly: But perhaps wealth inequality has declined? Let's take a look at the official Federal Reserve series

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/gabriel_zucman/statu

[2023-12-17 15:15 UTC]

RT by @EvaJoly: All of this is fully consistent with our estimates of income, earnings, and wealth inequality – see realtimeinequality.org

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/gabriel_zucman/statu

[2023-12-17 15:17 UTC]

RT by @EvaJoly: It's also fully inconsistent with Auten & Splinter's work, according to whom the top 1% income share has barely increased

Of course it's possible that CBO, Social Security, the Fed, and us get this badly wrong – that all of this misses a boom in unobserved income at the bottom

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/gabriel_zucman/statu

[2023-12-17 15:19 UTC]

RT by @EvaJoly: But it's also possible that Auten-Splinter get this badly wrong, for the reasons outlined here: gabriel-zucman.eu/files/as-res

In the end everybody will have to make up their own mind, no one has a monopoly on truth

This is just the state of the debate today


🐦🔗: nitter.cz/gabriel_zucman/statu

[2023-12-17 15:24 UTC]

RT by @EvaJoly: Jerry Auten is an honest guy so if erred its methodological mistakes.
That said, I doubt his work partly cuz so many wealthy people have told me so many stories of their unreported income in the last 28 yrs.
No his & hers jumbo jets in 1979, but audit rates MUCH higher then.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/DavidCayJ/status/173

[2023-12-17 15:53 UTC]

Mon amie
, combattante infatigable contre les dommages du nucléaire & le poids exorbitant des multinationales, est décédée. Nous avions la même exigence de justice et de transparence, pour une vie publique au service des gens. Elle nous manquera.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/EvaJoly/status/17298

[2023-11-29 14:25 UTC]

Il est temps de mettre un terme aux abus fiscaux des multinationales & super riches. Lors du vote de demain aux Nations-Unies nous exhortons les gouvernements de l'UE & des USA à dire oui à une convention fiscale de l'ONU. Notre lettre

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/EvaJoly/status/17272

[2023-11-22 08:01 UTC]

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