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🚖 The Committee on Employment and Social Affairs holds a hearing with whistleblower Mark MacGann, 's former Head of Public Policy, on the extent to which Uber's lobbying has affected workers' rights in light of the company's leaked files.

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🇺🇦 Fuq l-Ukrajna:

“Il-mewġa ta’ strajks indiskriminati mmirati lejn bliet u infrastruttura ċivili madwar l-Ukrajna hija xokkanti. Għandha tintlaħaq b'azzjoni deċiżiva inklużi sanzjonijiet miżjuda, aktar appoġġ militari speċjalment sistemi ta' difiża tal-ajru, tankijiet..."


💶 Dwar ir-reviżjoni tal-baġit/MFF tal-UE:

“Jeħtieġ li jittaffa l-impatt soċjali u ekonomiku tal-kriżijiet li qed niffaċċjaw u niffukaw fuq dawk l-aktar vulnerabbli. L-ekonomija tagħna teħtieġ spinta, u mhix biss kwistjoni ta’ prosperità, iżda kwistjoni ta’ sigurtà."


📊 Dwar l-inflazzjoni u l-investiment:

“Issa, jeħtieġ li nistabbilixxu kundizzjonijiet tajba biex nistimulaw l-investiment privat, biex l-ekonomija tal-UE terġa’ titqiegħed fuq triq stabbli ta’ tkabbir.”


"... jew ir-rispons għall-invażjoni illegali u brutali Russa tal-Ukrajna sovrana.”

⚡ Dwar l-enerġija:

“Għandna bżonn viżjoni kredibbli għas-suq tal-enerġija tagħna tal-futur. Mekkaniżmu ta' akkwist konġunt għall-gass huwa meħtieġ..."


Il-@EP_President Metsola f', dwar l-urġenza li naġixxu: 🚨

"Wasal iż-żmien li qabżiet ta’ ġgant jieħdu post passi żgħar, kemm jekk humiex dwar l-indirizzar tal-prezzijiet tal-elettriku li qed jiżdiedu, it-tnaqqis tal-provvisti tal-gass, iż-żieda fl-inflazzjoni..."


RT @EP_President: This is not the time to wait.
This is the time for action.

We can get our bills under control.
We can cushion the social and economic impact of the crisis.
We can bring down sky-high energy prices.

But only if we are determined, united, together.


RT @EP_President: Journalists have a crucial role in our societies.

Without free press, democracy does not exist.

Our role is to protect them, ensuring their freedom to investigate, without threats.

With @ECPMF, we will continue fighting disinformation and defending media freedom.


🏆 @clementdiroma and @CarolValade won the second edition of the 🖋️ Prize for Journalism for documenting Russian influence in the Central African Republic.

The prize is awarded yearly, around the anniversary of her assassination ↪️


RT @EP_President: Congratulations @clementdiroma & @CarolValade on winning this year's Prize for Journalism.

Your documentary 'The Central African Republic under Russian influence' shows how important it is to defend free media & fight disinformation. In Europe & everywhere.


RT @EP_President: They are standing up for what they believe in.

Fighting for our values.

Protecting democracy, freedom & rule of law.

Risking their lives for us.

And today proud winners of @europarl_en .

No one is more deserving.

Congratulations to the brave people of Ukraine!


The finalists of the 🇪🇺 Parliament's 2⃣0⃣2⃣2⃣ for Freedom of Thought are:

🛑 Julian Assange, the imprisoned Wikileaks publisher 📜
🛑 the brave people of Ukraine and their representatives 🇺🇦
🛑 the Truth Commission in Colombia 🇨🇴

The laureate will be announced 🔜


💻 Given the tense geopolitical situation, Parliament asks Commission Vice-President Schinas to specify its plans to protect EU infrastructure more robustly against attacks.

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🧠 MEPs quiz the @EU_Commission on what specific actions and proposals it's planning in order to complement and co-ordinate member state policy activities.

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