Sel nädalal toimub töö komisjonides ja fraktsioonides.
Päevakorras on tolmeldajad, julgeolek ja kaitse/ kiirreageerimisvõimekus, olukord energiaturgudel, õigusriigi olukord Kreekas ja naiste õigused. Algavad ettevalmistused täiskogu istungiks.
Lähemalt ➡️
Kallis sõber, @kajakallas palju õnne tänase valimisvõidu puhul!
Oled olnud tugev Ukraina toetaja ning häälekas ebaseadusliku ja jõhkra sõja vastane.
Mul on hea meel, et jätkame koos tööd rahu ja õigluse ning turvalisuse taastamiseks.
Delighted for my friend @kajakallas after today’s victory in the Estonian elections.
Since the beginning of the war, Kaja Kallas has been a strong voice for our support to Ukraine.
We will keep on working together: for peace with justice, for security.
Palju õnne, Kaja 🇪🇺🇪🇪
RT @EP_President: It was important to participate in the #United4Justice Conference in Lviv.
Those responsible for atrocities against Ukrainians will be held accountable.
Wartime sexual violence must be investigated.
Aggressors must be brought to justice.
Victims must be protected.
Peace requires accountability and freedom.
I reiterated the EU's pledge to ensure perpetrators of Russian war crimes face justice, to Ukraine’s Prosecutor General @AndriyKostinUa.
Setting up the International Centre for Prosecution of Crimes of Aggression is an important step.
The future of Ukraine & of Europe rests on the shoulders of the young.
With @ZelenskyyUa, I met students at the Ivan Franko National University in Lviv.
Young women & men hopeful for a brighter future.
Eager to play an important part in rebuilding Ukraine.
Hope. Believe. Lead.
RT @EP_President: Together in Ukraine again.
For Ukraine. For Europe.
For peace. For freedom. For justice.
For all our people.
Знову разом в Україні.
Для України. Для Європи.
За мир. За свободу. За справедливість.
Для наших народів.
With President @ZelenskyyUa in Lviv.
I have learnt many things from Ukraine the past year. But perhaps the most important lesson is one articulated by Taras Shevchenko: "Keep fighting, you are sure to win".
True in the quest for peace & freedom as it is in life.
Never give up.
Emotional moment today as I laid flowers on behalf of the people of Europe to remember all those killed - including Yuriy Ruf, who was killed by Russian mortars on 1 April. It was especially poignant for me as that was the day I first visited Ukraine.
We will remember them.
Ukraine's future is as a member of the European Union.
We will walk all the way with you.
Great seeing my friend @r_stefanchuk again.
Cooperation between @europarl_en & @ua_parliament will only grow stronger.
RT @EP_President: Good to be back in Ukraine.
With those brave people who inspired the world.
With those heroes who refuse to give in.
With those who sacrificed everything for our values.
With Europeans whose home is in our European Union.
RT @EP_President: Appalled by the sentencing of Nobel Peace Prize and Sakharov Prize laureate Ales Bialiatski to 10 years in prison.
Politically motivated rulings against Bialiatski and @viasna96 activists are an insult to justice.
I call for their release. @europarl_en supports a free Belarus.
Poole tunni pärast algaval arutelul on teemaks Hiina ja Venemaa vahelise sõjalise koostöö geopoliitilised tagajärjed.
ℹ️ Rohkem infot:
Türgi ja Süüria maavärinad on viimaste aastate üks ohvriterohkeim looduskatastroof. Poole tunni pärast algaval arengukomisjoni arutelul osaleb ka Euroopa Komisjoni kriisiohjamise volinik Janez Lenarčič.
ℹ️ Lisainfo:
Kell 16.00 algab rahvusvahelise kaubanduse komisjoni arutelu, kus on teemaks Venemaale kehtestatud sanktsioonide mõju kaubandusele.
🔴 Otseülekanne:
Kell 11.00 algaval arutelul on teemaks humanitaarolukord Ukrainas aasta peale Venemaa sõjalist sissetungi.
ℹ️ Lisainformatsioon (inglise keeles):
Kell 10.00 kohtub naiste õiguste ja soolise võrdõiguslikkuse komisjon 🇪🇺 liikmesriikide parlamentide esindajatega, et arutada energiavaesuse soolisi külgi.
Päevakord ja otseülekanne ⬇️
RT @EP_President: Deeply saddened by the terrible train crash near Larissa in Greece.
My sincere condolences to all victims, their families and friends.
Grateful to all rescuers and medical staff on site.
Our thoughts are with the people of Greece after this tragic event.
Poole tunni pärast algab arutelu sellest, kuidas kliimamuutust puudutava väärinfo levik mõjutab 🇪🇺ELi kliimaeesmärke.
ℹ️ Rohkem infot:
Hinnanguliselt kell 16.00 on algamas põllumajanduse ja maaelu arengu komisjoni arutelu Pierre Vauthieriga, kes on ÜRO Toidu- ja Põllumajandusorganisatsiooni Ukraina kontori juht.
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Toome teieni värsked uudised Euroopa Parlamendist.
RT ≠ alati EP seisukohaga, kellaajad Eesti aja järgi.