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Peagi möödub aasta ajast, mil Venemaa kuulutas sõja Ukrainale, demokraatiale ja õigusriigile! Täna Münchenis algaval välis- ja julgeolekukonverentsil @MunSecConf kohtuvad maailma riikide juhid, et panna paika suund järgnevaks aastaks.
RT @vonderleyen: It has now been almost one year since Russia brought an imperialistic war to our continent.

At the @MunSecConf, let us renew our commitment to a global order governed by …


Komisjon otsustas täna anda Eesti, Tšehhi, Saksamaa, Hispaania, Itaalia, Luksemburgi, Ungari ja Poola Euroopa Liidu Kohtusse, kuna need riigid ei ole täielikult üle võtnud direktiivi liidu õiguse rikkumistest teavitavate isikute kaitse kohta.


For almost a year, Russia’s war of aggression has been sowing death and destruction.

We are making Russia pay.

Today, we are turning up the pressure with a 10th package of sanctions.


Uued sanktsioonid Vene sõjamasina peatamiseks, mis lepitakse kokku 24. veebruariks.

Nüüd sanktsioneeritakse lisaks Vene ettevõtetele ka Iraani droonide tootjaid
RT @vonderleyen: We are weakening Russia’s ability to maintain its war machine.

Our 10th sanction package contains trade bans and controls on technology exports worth €11 billion.

Russia is using hundreds of Iranian-built drones.

We propose to extend our export controls to Iranian entities.


Komisjon tegi ettepaneku karmistada heitenorme, millega plaanitakse vähendada veoautode, linnabusside ja pikamaabusside CO2 heidet:
• alates 2030. aastast 45%;
• alates 2035. aastast 65%;
• alates 2040. aastast 90%.!GBJ7y8


🇪🇺❤️🇺🇦 Täna jagame armastust!
Peagi saavad ka ukrainlased ELis rändlustasuta oma lähedastele ja sõpradele sõnumeid saata ja helistada.!qHT43x


In we celebrate Friends’ Day instead of today. Thank you to our European and international friends and allies for being there for us. And we are there for you.


Komisjon tegi ettepaneku õigusnormide kohta, millega määratletakse taastuvallikatest toodetud vesiniku mõiste ELis.
Taastuvallikatest toodetud vesinikul on oluline roll CO2-heite vähendamisel.

RT @EU_Commission: Hydrogen is expected to play a key role in the decarbonisation of industry and transport.

We've proposed cl…


Türkiye :

This search and rescue team deployed by @paasteamet 🇪🇪 via the Mechanism has been working in shifts to support the rescue operations on the ground.

Suur aitäh, Eesti 🙏🇪🇺 does not not rest.


.@vivloonela käis Postimehes uue ELi eelarveperioodi toetustest rääkimas: „Kui eelnevatel ELi eelarveperioodidel oli toetuste kese infrastruktuuril, siis nüüd on fookuses investeeringud nutikusse ja inimestesse.“


"Let's turn Ukrainian dreams into reality,
into the European way of life.

Your fight is a fight for independence, for democracy, for a free Europe.

Thank you @ZelenskyyUa for the strong message."

— President @vonderleyen, 9 february 2023.


"We have the political will
to hold the perpetrator accountable
for the crime of aggression.

Russia must pay for the destruction caused and for the blood spilt."

— President @vonderleyen at the Special press conference.


Your fight is a fight for independence, for democracy, and for a free Europe.

We can never match your sacrifices.

But we can stand up for you, and we have.

With €67 billion of support mobilised for Ukraine and Ukrainians over the past year.


RT @vonderleyen: With your voice, President @ZelenskyyUa, the voices of millions of Ukrainians echo through the halls of this assembly.

Millions of Ukrainians who are aspiring to a European future.

Let’s turn their dreams into reality.


RT @EU_Commission: Today, courage has a name, and that name is Ukraine.

Courage has a face, the face of Ukrainian men and women who are standing up to Russian aggression.

🔴 LIVE: President @ZelenskyyUa addresses the European Parliament


🇪🇺🇺🇦 Welcome to Brussels, dear @ZelenskyyUa

The heart of the European family, in which Ukraine belongs.

We will support Ukraine every step of the way towards our Union.


Seoses maavärinatega Türgis ja Süürias selle nädala alguses annab EL mõlemale riigile täiendavat hädaabi ELi elanikkonnakaitsemehhanismi kaudu ja humanitaarabi väärtuses 6,5 miljonit eurot.
RT @EU_Commission: More and more European teams are joining rescue efforts in Türkiye via Mechanism.

20 EU countries 🇦🇹🇧🇪🇧🇬🇭🇷🇨🇿🇨🇾🇪🇪🇫🇷🇬🇷🇩🇪🇭🇺🇮🇹🇲🇹🇳🇱🇵🇱🇵🇹🇷🇴🇸🇰🇸🇮🇪🇸 and 🇦🇱🇲🇪🇷🇸 have offered 31 search …


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