Eesti 🇪🇪 saadab Euroopa Liidu 🇪🇺 elanikkonnakaitsemehhanismi (@EU_ECHO) raames oma varingupäästjatest ja meedikutest koosneva meeskonna abistama Türgit 🇹🇷 tabanud maavärinas kannatanuid.
@MFAestonia pressiteade:
RT @MFAestonia: Estonian 🇪🇪 rescue & medical team is ready to go to #Türkiye 🇹🇷 to help the victims of this devastating earthquake.
Kui ma oleksin koolilaps, tahaksin küll sellises koolis käia!
Täna avasime Rakvere riigigümnaasiumi, mis valmis Euroopa Liidu fondide toel. Sama käib ka meie muude uute riigigümnaasiumite kohta - 85% kõigi rahastusest tuleb ELi ühtekuuluvusfondidest
Täna kell 15:30 räägime volinik @VeraJourova ja 17 noore ajakirjaniku, üliõpilase ja spetsialistiga meediavabadusest. Arutelul osaleb Eestist Karolina Kadak, kes toimetab peamiselt turundus- ja meedia valdkonnas.
Vaata otse:
RT @VeraJourova: 📢Coming soon!
I will be discussing media freedom and pluralism with 17 young journalists, students and professionals from all over Europ…
#MinuEuroopa nädala keskmes on seekord erakorraline Euroopa Ülemkogu #EUCO , kus arutatakse Ukraina toetamist, migratsioonipoliitikat ning konkurentsi- ja tööstuspoliitikat.
Komisjon tutvustab oma ettepanekut ELi paremaks valmisolekuks katastroofide puhul.
We stand in full solidarity with the people of Türkiye and Syria after the deadly earthquake that hit this morning.
We mourn with the families of the victims.
Europe’s support is already on the way and we stand ready to continue helping in any way we can.
RT @JanezLenarcic: In the wake of the earthquake in #Turkey this morning, we have activated the #EUCivilProtectionMechanism.
The EU's Emergency Response Coordination Centre is coordinating the deployment of r…
RT @MattiMaasikas: Eile Ukraina stuudios nii:
Maasikas: Ukraina rahuplaan ei koosne sammudest, mida saaks kohe ellu viia #ERR
Very inspiring visit & discussion on how Tartu 🇪🇪 became a dynamic, vibrant city, w/visionary renovation, energy efficiency & sustainable mobility strategies providing high quality of life for businesses, workers & families.
With Mayor Urmas Klaas & City Archtect Tõnis Arjus.
Met @ElisaFerreiraEC to discuss and review our progress with Regional and #CohesionPolicy, and #JustTransition.
We discussed how strategic investments could be more flexible. We need to be able to adapt, react, reprogramme and deliver more promptly.
Estonia has made great progress in prosperity & quality of life since accession to EU, also thanks to #CohesionPolicy.
🇪🇺 is again providing €3.4 bn funding for 🇪🇪 to invest in a balanced territorial development across all regions and bring concrete benefits to all people.
We must continue to deprive Russia of the means to wage war against Ukraine. EU’s import ban on Russian petroleum products comes into force on Sunday.
With the G7 we are putting price caps on these products, cutting Russia’s revenue while ensuring stable global energy markets.
RT @vonderleyen: Ukraine is a true inspiration for Europe.
We will support your fast recovery and your reconstruction.
And we will make Russia pay for the brutal destruction it is causing ↓
Very pleased to meet PM @kajakallas on the occasion of the launch of #CohesionPolicy’s new programming period for 2021-2027 in Estonia.
We fully agree on the need to invest in reducing regional assymetries to ensure a territorially balanced growth and development of the whole 🇪🇪
Big thank you to rectors Dr. Toomas Assen and Prof. Ülle Jaakma of @unitartu & Estonia University of Life Sciences, for the time spent explaining their great work developping research, business incubators, startups that greatly benefit economy & quality of life of city of Tartu
Eestis on visiidil komisjoni regionaalarengu volinik @ElisaFerreiraEC, kes annab tänasel pressikonverentsil koos rahandusminister Annely Akkermanni ja riigihalduse minister @RiinaSolman ülevaate ELi struktuuritoetuste kasutamisest.
Vaata otse kell 15:30!
Täna kuni kella 20:00 saab veel kandideerida uue Euroopa Bauhausi auhinnale. 15 parimat ideed saavad auhinnaks 30 000 eur. Esita oma avaldus siin:
RT @EUinmyRegion: 🔴Deadline extended! #NewEuropeanBauhaus
You have time until 3 February to submit your application for the Prizes.
Become part of the movement that inspires and shapes the 🇪🇺 of tomorrow!
RT @ZelenskyyUa: The future of the EU is being written, right now, in Ukraine.
This is a fight for freedom, sovereignty and democracy. 🇪🇺 🇺🇦
Important meeting with @ZelenskaUA’s on Ukraine’s orphans.
Ukraine and EU want to make sure that loving families can care for them.
As a start, we will provide up to €10 million for the design of a modern childcare strategy, with a twinning project, so we can share expertise.
Päeval, mil 🇪🇪 tähistab Tartu rahulepingu aastapäeva, külastab @vonderleyen koos volinikega Ukrainat, kes võitleb täna oma vabaduse eest. Me oleme seisnud 🇺🇦kõrval esimesest päevast alates sõja algusest ja me aitame neil oma riigi uuesti üles ehitada.
RT @vonderleyen: Dear @ZelenskyyUa, while Ukrainians are fighting to defend our common values, we support your economic security.
To date, our EU support amounts to €50 billion.
We are with you on this for the long haul.
RT @MattiMaasikas: Solidarity.
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