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Small things can drive big changes in our world.

Today, we present a New Deal for our small & invaluable 🐝🦋 to tackle their alarming decline.

Making some buzz 🟢 LIVE at 14:00


nädala teemad on:
🔹välisministrid arutavad Ukraina abistamist, ELi sõjalise abi suurendamist ning Venemaa-vastaseid sanktsioone
🔹Eestisse tuleb visiidile komisjoni väärtuste ja läbipaistvuse valdkonna asepresident @VeraJourova

Loe siit 👇


RT @defis_eu:

The concept of "sustainable urban living" 🚴🚋🌱 is exemplified by the

⬇️ 🇪🇺🛰️view of 🇪🇪that has just kicked off its mandate as the 2023 🇪🇺 Green Capital💚!

🛰️ 🇪🇺 🟢


It’s not where you start from but where you’re headed to that counts! 🌱

𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗺𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗴𝗿𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝘁𝗼

Tallinn 🇪🇪🇪🇺🏆💫

Tonight you start your journey!

Please make it the greenest & thank you again for all you do for !


Estonia is supporting boldly thanks to its PM’s @kajakallas strong stance.

Today, we discussed our way forward for the implementation of the in Estonia and our overall cooperation in times when our unity means the most for our European future.


Forests, urban wastewater and our 🇪🇺 Nature Restoration Law are all high in the agenda of our joint work Mr Kallas, Minister of @MOEestonia.

Good to see the environment becoming more prominent in Estonia’s 🇪🇪 political priorities.


Discussed with @VSinkevicius collaboration in the to lead the way towards clean environment and fast deployment of renewables.

We also need to work closely on societal changes regarding the green transition and leaving no one behind.


RT @GreenTallinn23: Thank you commissioner @VSinkevicius for giving the opening remarks of the opening conference. European cities need to take leadership in creating sustainable, resilient and inclusive cities


RT @VSinkevicius: 🏆 Tallinn 🇪🇪 is our !

Here to launch a year full of green initiatives such as the Pollinator 🐝 Highway project that will create space in the city.

Great to join Mayor Kõlvart & ready to pass on the baton from @VilledeGrenoble to @tallinnofficial!


.@GreenTallinn23 Euroopa rohelise pealinna aasta jätkusuutlike linnade konverentsi @VSinkevicius ja Mihhail Kõlvarti avasõnu saab järelvaadata siit:
RT @EuroopaKomisjon: Täna kell 9:00 alustab @GreenTallinn23 Euroopa rohelise pealinna konverentsiga, kus astub avasõnadega üles volinik @VSinkevicius. Pärast avasõnasid toimub volinik Sinkevičiuse ja Tallinna linnapea Mihhail Kõlvarti pressikonverents.
Vaata ülekanne…


Täna kell 9:00 alustab @GreenTallinn23 Euroopa rohelise pealinna konverentsiga, kus astub avasõnadega üles volinik @VSinkevicius. Pärast avasõnasid toimub volinik Sinkevičiuse ja Tallinna linnapea Mihhail Kõlvarti pressikonverents.
Vaata ülekannet siit:


Juba hetke pärast kell 14:05 arutavad Vikerraadio Reporteritunnis @vivloonela, @ArtoAas ja Piret Väinsalu uue kliimaseaduse vajalikkuse üle.
Kuula otse:


Tragedy strikes at the heart of war-torn Ukraine.

I express my heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims, @ZelenskyyUa and the entire country following the helicopter crash at .

We are mourning with you.


Euroopa komisjoni president @vonderleyen Davoses @wef:
- Euroopa toetus Ukrainale on vankumatu ja kestab kuni Ukraina võidu ja ülesehitamiseni
- Venemaa peab saama karistuse oma kuritegude eest
- aastaga on EL lõpetanud oma sõltuvuse Vene gaasist&naftast


RT @ZelenskyyUa: Ukraine received the 1st €3 billion from the new €18 billion macro-financial program. I’m grateful to the EU & President @vonderleyen for the strong support. Preserving 🇺🇦’s financial stability is vital for our joint victory over the aggressor


🌿Teekond kliimaneutraalsuseni on meie aja suurim muutus.
Euroopal on olemas see, mida vaja – talendid, teadlased, tööstuslik suutlikkus.
Ja meil on plaan tulevikuks!
@vonderleyen kõne Davosi majandusfoorumil:
RT @vonderleyen: The road to net-zero will be the greatest transformation of our times.

Europe has what it takes – talent, researchers, industrial capacity.

And it has a plan for the future ↓


Selle nädala põhiteemad on:
🌿 @GreenTallinn23 rohepealinna avaüritused
🔹keskkonna, ookeanide ja kalanduse volinik @VSinkevicius Eesti visiit
💶@vonderleyen peab kõne maailma majandusfoorumil Davosis

Loe nädala tegemistest siit:!8C4b64


A warm welcome in wintery Sweden 🇸🇪

The @sweden2023eu presidency comes at a crucial time.

Time to bolster our unity to keep supporting Ukraine in its fight for freedom.

Make our economy always more competitive.

And make the green transition happen - faster.


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