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esitas komisjonile oma taastekava muudatusettepaneku, kus muuhulgas on uute meetmetena:
✅ investeeringud, mis kiirendavad taastuvenergia ja biometaani kasutuselevõttu
✅ Viljandi haigla
Komisjonil on nüüd 2 kuud, et anda muudatustele oma hinnang.
RT @EU_Commission: Estonia has submitted a request to amend its recovery plan and become the first country to include a dedicated chapter in it.

We now have two months to assess…


RT @vonderleyen: Estonia declared its sovereignty in 1918 - but your determination to remain free was put to the test time and again after that.
Just as Estonia stands proudly today as a free and independent state, Ukraine will prevail.


RT @vonderleyen: Ukrainians are fighting for their right to choose their future.

And they have already chosen.
They have chosen the European Union.
In these dark times, their hearts are warmed by the confidence that Ukraine will join the EU one day.


RT @kajakallas: Thank you @jensstoltenberg and @vonderleyen for joining our independence day celebrations. Glad to be with friends today.

Your presence embodies our motto: will never be alone again.

We’re team , we’re team – together we secure freedom and security in Europe.


RT @kajakallas: Today we also pay tribute to Ukrainians fighting for their freedom at this very moment.

We remember and mourn all the victims of Russia’s crime of aggression against Ukraine.

Russia must return to its borders – we are committed to helping win this war.


RT @vonderleyen: We are increasing our military support.
We will turn to joint procurement to deliver urgent military supplies for Ukraine, such as 155mm ammunition.
We are also working with our defence industry to ramp up the production of equipment and ammunition.


Sel nädalal toimus uue ELi tehnilise toe instrumendi programmi raames kahe pilootprojekti avamine Raplas ja Tartus. Programmi eesmärgiks on tõsta piirkondliku tasandi konkurentsivõimet ja et investeeringud jõuaksid õigesse kohta. @EU_reforms
RT @EU_reforms: 🗓️Today, we launch project to help 🇪🇪 strengthen the specialisation and of its .
🔎Kick-off is part of the launch of 🇪🇪 pilot regional councils designed to advance development in t…


Peagi möödub aasta ajast, mil Venemaa kuulutas sõja Ukrainale, demokraatiale ja õigusriigile! Täna Münchenis algaval välis- ja julgeolekukonverentsil @MunSecConf kohtuvad maailma riikide juhid, et panna paika suund järgnevaks aastaks.
RT @vonderleyen: It has now been almost one year since Russia brought an imperialistic war to our continent.

At the @MunSecConf, let us renew our commitment to a global order governed by …


🇪🇺❤️🇺🇦 Täna jagame armastust!
Peagi saavad ka ukrainlased ELis rändlustasuta oma lähedastele ja sõpradele sõnumeid saata ja helistada.!qHT43x


RT @vonderleyen: With your voice, President @ZelenskyyUa, the voices of millions of Ukrainians echo through the halls of this assembly.

Millions of Ukrainians who are aspiring to a European future.

Let’s turn their dreams into reality.


Eesti 🇪🇪 saadab Euroopa Liidu 🇪🇺 elanikkonnakaitsemehhanismi (@EU_ECHO) raames oma varingupäästjatest ja meedikutest koosneva meeskonna abistama Türgit 🇹🇷 tabanud maavärinas kannatanuid.
@MFAestonia pressiteade:
RT @MFAestonia: Estonian 🇪🇪 rescue & medical team is ready to go to 🇹🇷 to help the victims of this devastating earthquake.


Täna kell 15:30 räägime volinik @VeraJourova ja 17 noore ajakirjaniku, üliõpilase ja spetsialistiga meediavabadusest. Arutelul osaleb Eestist Karolina Kadak, kes toimetab peamiselt turundus- ja meedia valdkonnas.
Vaata otse:
RT @VeraJourova: 📢Coming soon!

I will be discussing media freedom and pluralism with 17 young journalists, students and professionals from all over Europ…


Eestis on visiidil komisjoni regionaalarengu volinik @ElisaFerreiraEC, kes annab tänasel pressikonverentsil koos rahandusminister Annely Akkermanni ja riigihalduse minister @RiinaSolman ülevaate ELi struktuuritoetuste kasutamisest.
Vaata otse kell 15:30!


Täna kuni kella 20:00 saab veel kandideerida uue Euroopa Bauhausi auhinnale. 15 parimat ideed saavad auhinnaks 30 000 eur. Esita oma avaldus siin:

RT @EUinmyRegion: 🔴Deadline extended!

You have time until 3 February to submit your application for the Prizes.

Become part of the movement that inspires and shapes the 🇪🇺 of tomorrow!



RT @ZelenskyyUa: The future of the EU is being written, right now, in Ukraine.
This is a fight for freedom, sovereignty and democracy. 🇪🇺 🇺🇦



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