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RT by @EUtoAU: Pleasure interacting with Oumar Doumbouya, Director @europarl_en external liaison offices, facilitated by @EUtoAU.

Interactions on enhancing partnerships & collaboration between Africa & Europe particularly thro the EU Visitors Programme that targets current & emerging leaders.


[2023-10-21 11:01 UTC]

RT by @EUtoAU: Meeting African Union Commissioner Amb. @AmbSamate in a format with colleagues, the Belgian & Swedish ambassadors.

Humanitarian aid, health and migration are issues of strong mutual Africa/Europe interest.

@_AfricanUnion @EUtoAU @BelgiumAddis >@SweinEthiopia


[2023-10-21 12:42 UTC]

RT by @EUtoAU: I received the Director for European parliament, Mr. Oumar Doumbouya & his delegation. We discussed key priorities for partnership to advance mutual Dev't goals on the two continents including the establishment of @EU_Commission parliamentary Antenna office in Addisababa


[2023-10-20 18:41 UTC]

RT by @EUtoAU: Meeting AU Commissioner @HEDrAbouZeid in a format with Finland, Germany, Luxembourg colleagues.

Much concrete work to do together to sustain Africa’s infrastructures, energy and digital transitions.

@_AfricanUnion @EUtoAU


[2023-10-21 05:06 UTC]

R to @EUtoAU: Parliamentary diplomacy is full part of . Parliaments-to-Parliament contacts,
between and discussed in light of recent visits by @europarl_en in @AfrikParliament


[2023-10-19 12:52 UTC]

RT by @EUtoAU: is delivering sustainable & high-quality projects, for people & the planet.

In 2023, almost 90 projects in partner countries are promoting:
🚈 Sustainable mobility
♻️ Clean energy
💻 Digital connectivity
⚕️ Strong health systems
📚 Education & research



[2023-10-19 07:00 UTC]

RT by @EUtoAU: With we transform economies and connect communities.

With 5G, we foster trade, expand infrastructure and create jobs, building a people-centric digital future.

It's time to innovate and be ! 🤝


[2023-10-18 07:30 UTC]

RT by @EUtoAU: The terrible and tragic terrorist attack in is a cowardly act aimed to threaten our free societies and way of life.

Our unity in fighting all forms of terrorism is unshakeable.

Solidarity with the Swedish victims of this attack.



[2023-10-17 12:16 UTC]

RT by @EUtoAU: 🔦 In South Africa, one of the EU-Africa Flagship Projects focuses on the production of biogas from animal waste and other sources

This project contributes to sustainable energy production and environmental preservation. 🌍⚡️
Learn more: 👉


[2023-10-17 09:49 UTC]

RT by @EUtoAU: 14th Hi-Level Retreat of Envoys for Peace, Security, Stability in Africa starts in Cairo.

Highly relevant topics for Africa & beyond.

Powerful speech of @_AfricanUnion President @AUC_MoussaFaki stressing democracy, human rights as peace vectors & African solutions.



[2023-10-17 07:09 UTC]

on high level policy roundtable on regional integration and human mobility in east and horn of Africa; 'The
is engaging with the
and RECs on developing a comprehensive approach to migration and mobility'


[2023-10-11 06:23 UTC]

R to @EUtoAU: The roundtable location was symbolic as it seats the @_AfricanUnion, the largest continental union that envisions an integrated, prosperous & peaceful Africa. is a longstanding partner of the AU & @IOMatAU in the fields of regional integration & human mobility


[2023-10-11 06:23 UTC]

RT by @EUtoAU: DG Pope welcomed participants to the High-level Policy Roundtable on Regional Integration and Human Mobility in the East and Horn of Africa, praising IOM, EAC, & IGAD partnership as an example of collaboration to advance knowledge of how migration is touching millions of lives.


[2023-10-11 08:02 UTC]

RT by @EUtoAU: The Roundtable was organised by @IOMRONairobi @africa_amani and @IOMatAU, with the generous support of the European Union.


[2023-10-11 08:13 UTC]

RT by @EUtoAU: Meeting today UN Special Representative for the African Union, HE Amb. @parfait_onanga.

Discussed EU/UN views on mutual AU affairs, regional & continental African dynamics + importance of multilateralism in highly conflict-prone world.

@_AfricanUnion @UN @UNEthiopia @EUtoAU


[2023-10-11 09:43 UTC]

RT by @EUtoAU: Another Peace call from the incoming generation, which is both the present and the future of the country: the Ethiopian Youth. 🇪🇹

@ysbethiopia @EUinEthiopia @EUtoAU


[2023-10-11 13:02 UTC]

RT by @EUtoAU: African Peace Security Architecture parties and EU reviewing EUAPSA action, to deliver better peace and security capacities for African citizens. Frank discussions & further building connections along key stakeholders. and RECs joining forces! @AUC_PAPS @AU_ECOSOCC @EUtoAU


[2023-10-11 14:48 UTC]

RT by @EUtoAU: Meeting Ambassador of Burundi, HE @willynyamitwe.

Discussed bilateral BUR-EU relations, and joint AU work up to Ministerial meeting.

End of meeting was dynamically gestual.

@EUtoAU @BurundinAddis @_AfricanUnion @PatrickDupontEU


[2023-10-12 09:37 UTC]

RT by @EUtoAU: had the pleasure to participate in Round Table discussion on the role of lV in promoting & in , & moderate panel on strategies & capacities. remains committed to scale up work towards building capacities w .


[2023-10-12 10:25 UTC]

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