RT @JosepBorrellF: Ukraine will prevail. Europe will prevail.
Today marks the beginning of a long journey that we will walk together.
The Ukrainian people belong to the European family. Ukraine’s future is with the EU.
We stand together for peace.
My message with @DmytroKuleba.
RT @VSinkevicius: #Ukraine’s first day as an EU candidate state!
Ukraine officially joins our @LIFEprogramme and I am delighted to be in #Kyiv to sign our joint agreement with Minister Strilets!
United we will heal Ukraine’s forests, soils, and seas!
RT @JosepBorrellF: During our last Foreign Affairs Council, we agreed on main EU work strands to engage with our partners and defend the rules-based international order threatened by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Read my new blog post:
RT @JosepBorrellF: I am travelling to Tehran, as coordinator of the #JCPOA, to meet my counterpart @Amirabdolahian and other relevant Iranian authorities.
Diplomacy is the only way to go back to full implementation of the deal and to reverse current tensions. https://www.eeas.europa.eu/eeas/iran-high-representativevice-president-josep-borrell-travel-tehran_en
RT @DTzantchev: The 🇪🇺 recognizes the important role local authorities play in sustainable environmental policies. Ramat Gan Mayor @CarmelShama and I launched the @EUinIsrael-funded Water Sensitive City project, which promotes @ramatgan’s transition toward becoming a more climate-resilient city.
🇪🇺Ambassador Dimiter Tzantchev says EU looking for alternative sources of energy and cooperation with Israel could be long-term and beneficial to all; says EU and Israel in agreement in need to prevent a nuclear Iran https://www.ynetnews.com/article/bj0qqpwcc?utm_source=ynetnews.com&utm_medium=Share&utm_campaign=Twitter&utm_term=bj0qqpwcc&utm_content=Article%20Top
RT @EUDelegationUA: 🇪🇺.@EUCouncil granted the EU candidate status to Ukraine. @EUDelegationUA congratulates the people of Ukraine on this historic decision. Deeply respecting Ukrainians' sacrifices, we work together towards a bright common future. Ukraine is Europe & belongs to the European family.
RT @EUCouncil: Today is a historic day for Europe.
🇺🇦 Ukraine and 🇲🇩 Moldova have just become candidates to join the 🇪🇺 EU.
EU leaders are also ready to grant Georgia candidate status once specific priorities are addressed.
The three countries' future lies in the EU.
RT @EU_Commission: Today is a good day for Europe!
Ukraine 🇺🇦 and Moldova 🇲🇩 are granted the candidate status to become part of the European family.
Georgia 🇬🇪 is given the perspective to become a member of the EU.
RT @JosepBorrellF: History has been made. With European Council #EUCO decision to grant EU candidate status, #Moldova embarks on the path towards its future in the EU.
Moldova belongs to the EU family and we will support our partner on every step of our common path.
RT @DeputySecState: Spoke with @SanninoEU today to continue our close coordination on global challenges, including the food security crisis resulting from Putin’s war against Ukraine. We remain thankful for the strength of the vital U.S.-EU partnership. https://www.state.gov/deputy-secretary-shermans-call-with-european-external-action-service-secretary-general-sannino-3/
RT @vonderleyen: Today is a good day for Europe.
Congratulations to President @ZelenskyyUA President @Sandumaiamd and Prime Minister @GharibashviliGe
Your countries are part of our European family.
And today’s historic decision by Leaders confirms that.
RT @JosepBorrellF: Ukraine will prevail. Europe will prevail.
Today marks the beginning of a long journey that we will walk together.
The Ukrainian people belong to the European family. Ukraine’s future is with the EU.
We stand together for peace.
My message with @DmytroKuleba.
RT @CharlesMichel: Погоджено! #EUCO щойно ухвалила рішення про надання статусу кандидата до ЄС Україні та Молдові.
Історичний момент!
Сьогодні – віховий крок на вашому шляху до ЄС.
Вітаю @ZelenskyyUa і @sandumaiamd, а також народи України🇺🇦 і Молдови🇲🇩
Наше майбутнє – разом!
RT @JosepBorrellF: Україна переможе. Європа переможе.
Сьогодні розпочинається довгий шлях, який ми долатимемо разом.
Народ України належить до європейської родини. А майбутнє України – у ЄС.
Ми разом стоїмо на захисті миру.
Моє звернення спільно з @DmytroKuleba.
RT @ZelenskyyUa: Sincerely commend EU leaders’ decision at #EUCO to grant 🇺🇦 a candidate status. It’s a unique and historical moment in 🇺🇦-🇪🇺 relations. Grateful to @CharlesMichel, @vonderleyen and EU leaders for support. Ukraine’s future is within the EU. #EmbraceUkraine
RT @CharlesMichel: Agreement. #EUCO has just decided EU candidate status to Ukraine and Moldova.
A historic moment.
Today marks a crucial step on your path towards the EU.
Congratulations @ZelenskyyUa and @sandumaiamd and the people of Ukraine 🇺🇦 and 🇲🇩
Our future is together.
RT @kschnurbein: Discussing actions by @TheIHRA in the wake of the war on Ukrainian, Holocaust distortion & trivialisation and progress made on #Malmö pledges and national #No2Antisemitism strategies. VERY encouraging to see action on all levels, now the big challenge is to make them effective.💪
RT @CzechEmbassyIL: 🎉 Come and celebrate with us the beginning of the 🇨🇿 presidency of the 🇪🇺! Join the Czech party and play 🏐 against the Ambassador and his team, listen to the sounds of🥁 by 🇨🇿 and 🇮🇱 performers, watch the show by the Czech 🫧 show master, and taste some traditional Czech🍻!
RT @VSinkevicius: While EU leaders decide on #Ukraine’s EU candidacy at #EUCO, I am in #Kyiv with Minister Ruslan Strilets to talk about our 🇪🇺🇺🇦 environment programs in place & boost our partnership to restore its natural environment destroyed by Russia.
Europe is here and Ukraine is in Europe!
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