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Trustworthy 🇪🇺🇺🇸 data flows, balancing security, privacy and data protection.

We welcome US Executive Order for a new EU-US Data Privacy Framework limiting access to EU data by US intelligence services and establishing a Data Protection Review Court.

More info ↓


RT @vonderleyen: At the Narva crossing-point bordering Russia.
I commend the work of the Estonian and European border guards.
We share Estonia’s concern about security at our borders.
The EU took measures to ensure strong checks and controls and end visa facilitation with Russia.


The 20th edition of starts today!

Have the opportunity to discuss the challenges of 🇪🇺 Cohesion covering key challenges such as health, rural areas or the .

Follow the opening session with Commissioner @ElisaFerreiraEC today at 14.30 CEST ↓


RT @vonderleyen: With the Just Transition Plan, the EU is investing in an energy and industrial transition that leaves no one behind.

The plan will equip the workers of the Ida-Viru region with skills they need to succeed in the economy of tomorrow.


"The Kremlin has again escalated its aggression to a new level.

We need to protect our critical infrastructure, keep replacing unsustainable dependency with balanced cooperation and continue to build trust in global connectivity."

President @vonderleyen at the @TallinnSummit


RT @vonderleyen: Shocked and appalled by the vicious attacks on Ukrainian cities.

Putin’s Russia has again shown the world what it stands for: brutality and terror.

I know that Ukrainians will stay strong.

We will stand with Ukraine for as long as it takes, with all the means we have.


"The EU condemns in the strongest possible terms the recent heinous attacks by Russia on Ukrainians and civilian infrastructure.

These barbaric attacks only show that Russia is opting for a tactic of indiscriminately bombing civilians."

Spokesperson @ExtSpoxEU


RT @JosepBorrellF: Deeply shocked by Russia’s attacks on civilians in and other cities in Ukraine.

Such acts have no place in 21st century. I condemn them in the strongest possible terms.

We stand with Ukraine. Additional military support from the EU is on its way.


Tune in at 12:30pm CET to listen to John Ryan from @EU_Health discussing our funded project with @IFRC_Europe providing psychosocial support and training for staff and volunteers.

RT @EU_Health: challenges are compounding in Ukraine.

Listen to John Ryan from @EU_Health at 12:30pm CET discussing our funded project w/@IFRC_Europe providing psychosocial support & t…


Taking care of each other is crucial, just as having appropriate and accessible support. On and everyday.

This is why we have allocated €27 million to mental health actions and launched a new ‘Healthier Together' initiative.


Our budget is about more than numbers – it is a reflection of our policy priorities and of our common European values.

President @vonderleyen at the Annual Conference.

🔴 Follow it live here:!d8n6YH


Today we are launching the EU Talent Pool Pilot, a job-searching tool on the EURES portal, for people fleeing the war in Ukraine and looking for a job in the EU.

Find out more ⬇️


What is illegal offline is also illegal online.

This week, we welcomed the @EUCouncil’s adoption of our .

The new rules will:
⛔️ ensure online platforms are held responsible for tackling harmful content
🛡️ better protect internet users


The sabotage against Nord Stream has shown how vulnerable our energy infrastructures are.

Pipelines and undersea cables are the lifelines of data and energy.

President @vonderleyen shared at this week's five-point plan to better protect EU critical infrastructure ↓


Do you want to discuss the future of the EU Budget with President @vonderleyen and Commissioners @JHahnEU and @ThierryBreton?

✍️ Book your seat and tune in on Monday, 10 October.

🗣️ Full programme and all speakers are online ⬇️


Reinforcing 🇪🇺 leadership in developing the next generation of network technologies.

The Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking has selected its first portfolio of 35 research, innovation, and trial projects to:

🔸enable 5G evolution
🔸promote 6G research


Gas storage in the EU is now at more than 90%.

It was 30% in February, and since then we have been working with EU countries to increase Europe’s energy reserves.

Good news: we have already reduced our gas consumption by about 10% but more can still be done.


Russian gas supplies to the EU have decreased from 40% to 7.5% of pipeline gas.

We have compensated for this reduction by increasing imports of LNG and pipeline gas, mainly from our reliable suppliers like the US and Norway.

President @vonderleyen at


At this week's informal , EU leaders discussed how to limit gas prices, guarantee the good functioning of the Single Market and boost investments via .

They also discussed the EU's response to Russia's war in Ukraine and the Kremlin's continuous escalation.


European research is at the forefront of groundbreaking discoveries.

This week three scientists have been awarded the 2022 .

🏅Alain Aspect and Anton Zeilinger received the Nobel Prize in Physics and Svante Pääbo in Physiology or Medicine.


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