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– це європейський безкоштовний онлайн-інструмент, спрямований на те, щоб допомогти людям інтегруватися на ринку праці:

🤝Простіше окреслити свої навички та знайти роботу й інші можливості
📜 Поради щодо визнання іноземних дипломів або мовних курсів


The EU is a free online tool to help people integrate into the labour market:

🤝Easier to map your skills and find jobs and other opportunities
📜 Advice to get recognised foreign diplomas or language courses



@ChichaOrisa Привіт! Насправді кожний наш пост дублюється українською та англійською мовами! Іноді, коли мова йде про санкції, ми пишемо російською, але наш контент все ж таки переважно україномовний (його можна знайти за хештегом ).


RT @vonderleyen: On Europe stands by those who speak truth to power.

No journalist shall be silenced or intimidated.

Protecting media freedom and pluralism is protecting democracy.

This is why we are fighting against abusive lawsuits and preparing a Media Freedom Act


RT @eu_eeas: 🔴 LIVE: Join our @TwitterSpaces with Ukrainian journalists and media experts @Sanatja @lisovskalana @IAPonomarenko, in a session moderated by @MBildziukiewicz on "Independent media in the line of fire" w/ @EUvsDisinfo ⤵


Twitter Spaces with Ukrainian journalists and media experts @Sanatja, @lisovskalana, @IAPonomarenko is about to start.

On they share insights into covering Russia's invasion from the front line.

Tune in today at 12 PM:


Far too often, journalists are threatened with violence just for doing their job.

On we stand by all those who speak truth to power.

Our upcoming Media Freedom Act will protect media professionals and uphold press freedom and pluralism.


This week, the meets to discuss:

🔹 Renewed strategic partnership with the EU's outermost regions
🔹 European health data space


One year ago, citizens were asked about the kind of Europe they would like to live in.

On 29 and 30 April, after an exceptional journey of discussions, deliberations and collaboration by citizens from across the 🇪🇺 EU, 49 detailed proposals were agreed upon.


For people seeking refuge from war, having full access to the healthcare system is vital.

We have just launched a new webpage explaining the rights that Ukrainians in the EU are entitled to under the temporary protection mechanism.

More details ➡️!7pHHRG


We have informed Apple of our preliminary view that it abused its dominant position in markets for mobile wallets on iOS devices.

Our preliminarily findings show that Apple may have restricted competition, to the benefit of its solution Apple Pay.



Today we have adopted the Partnership Agreement for 2021-2027 with 🇦🇹 Austria.

It means the deployment of €1.3 billion in Austria for:

🌳 greener and digital economy
🤝 more inclusion
🏙️engaging local actors for the development of urban and rural areas


Slovakia has sent its first request for a €398.7 million payment under the Recovery and Resilience Facility.

We now have two months to assess the request and check the 14 milestones outlined in its recovery and resilience plan.


España ha enviado su segunda petición para el desembolso de 12.000 millones de euros del Mecanismo de Recuperación y Resiliencia.

Durante los dos próximos meses evaluaremos el cumplimiento por parte de 🇪🇸 de los objetivos requeridos para este nuevo desembolso.


Spain has sent its second payment request of €12 billion under the Recovery and Resilience Facility.

Next step ➡️ We will assess Spain's compliance with the milestones and targets required for this payment within two months.


The war in Ukraine continues to cause deaths and injuries among the civilian population.

EU humanitarian experts on the ground are making sure aid gets through and meeting some of the displaced people to see the difficulties they face.



The Slovo building in Kharkiv is a landmark of Ukrainian history - an inspiring literary residence for writers from around the world.

Its façade has been damaged by Russian shelling, but word is adamant.

Learn more about the Slovo building!Qrhwbw


«Слово» у Харкові – знакова для української історії будівля, літературна резиденція, що надихала письменників з усього світу.

Його фасад пошкодили обстрілами російські війська, але «Слово» — незламне!

Дізнайтеся більше про «Слово» за посиланням!Qrhwbw


Russia's invasion of Ukraine continues to cause civilian suffering and widespread destruction.

Yorgos, our expert for humanitarian aid, told us about the situation on the ground.

EU humanitarian aid in Ukraine →!wG64VJ



The EU stands in solidarity with EU countries welcoming people fleeing the war.

We have paid €3.5 billion to support EU countries in offering food, accommodation, healthcare, education, jobs and more to people fleeing the war.



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