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RT @vonderleyen: The EU agreement on an oil price cap, coordinated with G7 and others, will reduce Russia’s revenues significantly.

It will help us stabilise global energy prices, benefitting emerging economies around the world.


RT @EU_Commission: The violation of EU sanctions against Russia won't pay off.

Today, we put forward a proposal to criminalise the evasion of EU restrictive measures.

It will make easier to investigate, prosecute and punish violations of sanctions in all EU countries.


RT @EU_Commission: Europeans have given us rich and wide-ranging ideas to improve our Union — 49 detailed proposals and more than 300 measures to improve everyday life.

Learn more about how we are following up on their proposals ↓


Gemeinsam gegen Desinformation: Die Austria Presse Agentur & das Austrian Institute of Technology @AITtomorrow2day machen beim German-Austrian Digital Media Observatory mit 🇦🇹🇩🇪.

Die @EU_Commission fördert das Projekt.

Infos 👉


RT @vonderleyen: Japan is an energy partner we can count on.

Following agreements with 🇪🇬🇰🇿🇳🇦, I welcome the start of a 🇪🇺🇯🇵 partnership on hydrogen, to boost innovation and create a global hydrogen market ↓


RT @EU_Commission: The rule of law is the foundation of our Union. Today, we are taking important decisions on EU funds for Hungary.

Press conference by Executive Vice President @VDombrovskis and Commissioners @JHahnEU @dreynders.


RT @vonderleyen: Russia must pay for its horrific crimes.

We will work with the ICC and help set up a specialised court to try Russia’s crimes.

With our partners, we will make sure that Russia pays for the devastation it caused, with the frozen funds of oligarchs and assets of its central bank


RT @MamerEric: Tomorrow’s College @EU_Commission will discuss at its weekly meeting the following:
➡️ Hungary: RRF Plan and Conditionality
➡️ Health: EU Global Health Strategy & State of Preparedness Report
➡️ Circular economy package II


RT @vonderleyen: Today’s meeting confirmed that we all remain strongly committed to our partnership.

We will keep on working together to address the impacts of Russia’s war and deliver on our joint priorities with


A huge thanks to you, Energy Commissioner @KadriSimson 🇪🇺 for making time for us in your busy schedule & for the first-hand insights.

We hope to welcome you again in Vienna soon 🇦🇹!
RT @KadriSimson: I welcomed a group of Austrian 🇦🇹 journalists today at the @EU_Commission.

A good opportunity to discuss the hottest topics & our plans on securing safe, sustainable & affordable energy for Europe 🇪🇺

Thank you @EUKommWien for the meeting!


RT @vonderleyen: Glad to welcome @AUC_MoussaFaki and the @_AfricanUnion at the @EU_Commission today.

We live through bitter times. So Africa and Europe need to work even closer together.

We are partners in times of crisis and partners for the future.


RT @vonderleyen: The EU is mobilising over €4.5 billion for food security and stronger food systems in Africa until 2024.

We also work together on making fertilisers accessible and affordable.

So today we agreed to launch a joint task-force on fertilisers.


RT @vonderleyen: Our €150 billion Plan for Africa is delivering.

Solar and hydro power projects.


Submarine cables to digitally connect our continents.

Key transport corridors.

And of course, our vaccine initiative.

There is much more to come.


Dank der EU-Solidaritätskorridore und der Schwarzmeer-Getreide-Initiative konnten insgesamt mehr als 28 Mio. Tonnen landwirtschaftlicher Erzeugnisse auf den Weltmarkt gebracht & insbesondere in die bedürftigsten Länder geliefert werden.


RT @EU_Commission: "Women, men and children are freezing in the dark because of Putin's deliberate and barbaric targeting of Ukraine's civilian infrastructure.

The sole purpose is to terrorise Ukrainians.

These acts are war crimes."

— President @vonderleyen, 24 November 2022


RT @PeterKaiserSP: 𝑴𝒊𝒌𝒓𝒐𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒑-𝑯𝒐𝒕𝒔𝒑𝒐𝒕 𝑲ä𝒓𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏 𝒘𝒆𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒕ä𝒓𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝒖𝒏𝒅 𝒂𝒖𝒔𝒃𝒂𝒖𝒆𝒏!
Im Beisein von EU-Kommissar @JHahnEU beschloss die Kärntner Landesregierung eine Resolution zum European Chips Act an die österreichische Bundesregierung.


RT @vonderleyen: 90 years after the Holodomor, our thoughts are with Ukraine as it mourns and remembers, on this day when we came together to fight hunger around the world with President @ZelenskyyUa’s initiative.


RT @vonderleyen: 90 years after the Holodomor, the Kremlin is again using food as a weapon.

We stand with Ukraine to guarantee global food security.

Under President @ZelenskyyUa's Grain from Ukraine initiative, the @EU_Commission will pay to ship 40,000 tons of Ukrainian grain via two boats.


RT @PeterKaiserSP: @JHahnEU @DMEU1978 @EUKommWien @BarbaraHe6 Sehr geehrter Herr Kommissar, lieber Gio. Vielen Dank für deinen Besuch, deine motivierenden & ermutigenden Worte. Kärnten lebt das Motto der „In Vielfalt geeint“ und stellt mit seinen Euregio-Partnern die Weichen für eine erfolgreiche gemeinsame, europäische Zukunft.


RT @JHahnEU: Die Kooperation zw. Regionen macht aus, stärkt uns - und lässt Grenzen in den Köpfen verschwinden.

Herzliche Gratulation zu 10 erfolgreichen Jahren mit bereits zahlreichen realisierten Projekten m. Mehrwert f. die Regionen und darüber hinaus - und auf viele Weitere! 2/2


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