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Touchdown in Italy, for the
Speakers’ Summit in Verona on behalf of
I look forward to meet colleagues as we strengthen our partnership and deepen our ties.

[2024-09-05 14:52 UTC]

Dans tous les postes qu'il a occupés,
a fait preuve de leadership, de vision et de méthode.
Je suis convaincue qu'il fera le meilleur usage de son expérience et de ses compétences en tant que nouveau Premier ministre français.
Mes plus chaleureuses félicitations!

[2024-09-05 13:48 UTC]

Thank you Mario Draghi for an important conversation on Europe’s competitiveness and the way ahead.
Our Union must be equipped to address current and future economic and geopolitical realities.
Together we are stronger.

[2024-09-04 15:38 UTC]

É com tristeza que tomo conhecimento do trágico acidente que ocorreu hoje no rio Douro, em Portugal.
Os meus pensamentos vão para as famílias e entes queridos dos corajosos militares que perderam a vida, enquanto tentavam proteger os outros.
A Europa ficará para sempre grata pelo seu altruísmo.

[2024-08-30 19:24 UTC]

Dziękuję Polsko! 🇪🇺🇵🇱
What an amazing atmosphere tonight at
Thank you
and the hundreds of young people for your questions, suggestions and enthusiasm.
The future of Europe is yours.

[2024-08-28 17:32 UTC]

Good to catch up with
President Wolfgang Sobotka during my visit here in Warsaw.
Always glad to discuss how we can continue to strengthen bridges between
and National Parliaments 🇪🇺🇦🇹

[2024-08-28 13:39 UTC]

Great to be back in beautiful Warsaw with Prime Minister
Thank you Prime Minister for an excellent discussion on our strengthened support to Ukraine and on the priorities of the new
as we continue to deliver for people 🇪🇺🇵🇱

[2024-08-28 11:58 UTC]

La mulți ani de Ziua Independenței, Moldova!
Happy Independence Day, Moldova!

[2024-08-27 06:41 UTC]

RT by @EP_President: I’m deeply grateful, dear @EP_President, for your strong words, bold steps, and the European Parliament’s firm leadership. Ukraine stands resilient in defending all of our Europe, bolstered by the solidarity of our European allies. 🇺🇦🇪🇺

[2024-08-24 10:09 UTC]

Ich bin zutiefst schockiert über diesen furchtbaren Angriff auf unschuldige Bürgerinnen und Bürger beim Statdfest in Solingen.
Hass und Gewalt dürfen keinen Platz in unserer Gesellschaft haben.
Meine Gedanken sind bei den Opfern und ihren Familien. Ich wünsche den Verletzten baldige Genesung.

[2024-08-24 07:42 UTC]

R to @EP_President: В основі незалежності лежить свобода.

Цінності, за які відважні українці борються щодня.

Свобода жити в мирі і демократії.

Сьогодні, коли ми зміцнюємо наш шлях до спільного європейського майбутнього, я бажаю народу України всього найкращого у День Незалежності.

[2024-08-24 06:41 UTC]

At the heart of independence lies freedom.
Values that brave Ukrainians are fighting for, every day.
The liberty to live in peace, in democracy.
As we strengthen our path to a common European future, today I wish all the very best to the people of Ukraine on Independence Day.

[2024-08-24 06:40 UTC]

R to @EP_President: S velikom tugom primila sam vijest o smrti Predraga Freda Matića - hrvatskog zastupnika @Europarl_HR prijatelja i kolege.

Svi koji su radili s njim znali su koliko se strastveno borio za Europu koja čini razliku i koliko je duboko vjerovao u politiku kao snagu za pozitivne promjene i koliko je njegov entuzijazam bio zarazan.

Dio ovog Parlamenta zauvijek će biti njegov. Počivao u miru.

[2024-08-23 16:29 UTC]

So saddened to learn of the death of Predrag Fred Matić - a Croatian Member of
, a friend and a colleague.
Anyone who worked with him knew how passionate he was about the power of Europe to make a difference, how deeply he believed in politics as a force for positive change, and how contagious his enthusiasm was.
There is a part of this House that will be forever his. May he rest in peace.

[2024-08-23 16:07 UTC]

The Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia 56 years ago, crushed hopes for reforms, shattered dreams of freedom, and rolled back on political liberalisation.
Our generation’s responsibility is not only to mark such events, but to learn from them.
Never give in to autocracy.

[2024-08-21 09:54 UTC]

RT by @EP_President: Lorenzo was a good man, who distinguished himself as a leader, a diplomat & as a committed public servant.

He fought hard & bravely - always.

I will miss him. Malta will miss him. Europe will miss him.

All my thoughts are with his wife, his wonderful children & his loved ones

[2024-08-18 12:14 UTC]

16 years after Russia's aggression against Georgia, the
has not wavered in its support for Georgia's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and the European aspirations of its people.

[2024-08-07 07:49 UTC]

Her dream was to become an author.
When Anne Frank was arrested with her family 80 years ago today, she knew that the Nazis would kill her and her dreams.
But her stories live on. Her writings continue to inspire.
Today, we remember Anne, her family and all victims of the Holocaust.

[2024-08-04 07:55 UTC]

I welcome the long overdue release of
, Alsu Kurmasheva & other dissidents & journalists, unlawfully held by Russia.
Their freedom should have never been in jeopardy.
I wish Evan, Alsu & all those freed, my very best as they rejoin their families and loved ones.

[2024-08-01 16:37 UTC]

Their determination signified resistance.
Their bravery symbolised resilience.
Their struggle for freedom is testament of Europe's enduring spirit.
80 years from the Warsaw Uprising, we pay tribute to the defeated, yet unbeaten.
We honour them. They are an inspiration.

[2024-08-01 07:34 UTC]

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