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Important to be in Switzerland for
Proud that
is playing its part in efforts to find a real, just, sustainable way forward.
The international community is here to send a strong signal of our unwavering support to Ukraine’s peace plan.

[2024-06-15 17:24 UTC]

Best news of the day.
Thank you
Ulf Kristersson and all those who have worked to see Johan Floderus back with his family.

[2024-06-15 11:54 UTC]

I welcome this important step.
Ukraine’s and Moldova’s future is in the EU.
will keep working closely with both countries towards accession.
🇪🇺 🇺🇦 🇲🇩

[2024-06-14 19:40 UTC]

Back in Valletta 🇪🇺🇲🇹
Thanking the
Liaison Office in Malta for all their work getting out the vote across the country.
Especially pleased to see that the message reached so many young people 💪

[2024-06-14 08:16 UTC]

Democracy is alive.
Thank you to all those Europeans who voted and who have put their trust in
to continue leading the agenda.
We are ready to start our work, and to increase our efforts to reach people.

[2024-06-09 23:09 UTC]

on your re-election as President of Lithuania.
I look forward to continue working together and to see Lithuanians vote in
next week 🇪🇺🇱🇹

[2024-05-27 05:56 UTC]

Impactada por el trágico accidente en Mallorca.
Mis más sinceras condolencias a las familias y amigos de los que perdieron la vida y mi deseo de una rápida recuperación a todos los heridos.
Mi agradecimxiento a todos los que están sobre el terreno asistiendo a las víctimas 🇪🇺🇪🇸

[2024-05-24 06:06 UTC]

32 anni dalla Strage di Capaci, ricordiamo un eroe italiano ed europeo, il Magistrato Giovanni Falcone.
Il mio pensiero va oggi anche a tutte le persone uccise dalla mafia.
Il loro coraggio è fonte d'ispirazione per tutti noi. Continuiamo a lottare per la verità e la giustizia.

[2024-05-23 10:34 UTC]

Palina Sharenda-Panasiuk's place is not in a Belarusian prison.
But free &amp; reunited with her family.
Today, on the International Day of Solidarity with Political Prisoners in Belarus, I appeal for her &amp; all political prisoners' immediate release.

[2024-05-21 13:36 UTC]

As we move to implement the new Migration &amp; Asylum Pact, I visited the
in Malta.
This agency plays a key role in executing our policy of solidarity, responsibility &amp; respect for fundamental rights.
Thank you
and the team for your important work.

[2024-05-21 11:23 UTC]

on your re-election as Croatia’s Prime Minister.
I look forward to working closer together towards a stronger and safer Europe.
I encourage the people of Croatia to use their vote in
in 3 weeks time 🇪🇺🇭🇷

[2024-05-17 22:14 UTC]

Europe stands for freedom 🇪🇺🏳️‍🌈
Freedom to live as you wish to live.
Freedom to be who you wish to be.
Freedom to love who you wish to love.
No more discrimination. No more hate. No more prejudice.

[2024-05-17 07:42 UTC]

R to @EP_President: Som hlboko šokovaná hrozným útokom na slovenského premiéra Róberta Fica v Handlovej.

V mene @Europarl_SK dôrazne odsudzujem tento násilný čin.

V tejto ťažkej chvíli som v mysli s ním a jeho rodinou.

[2024-05-15 13:53 UTC]

R to @EP_President: თბილისო, ჩვენ გვესმის შენი! ჩვენ გხედავთ!

ქუჩაში მყოფი ქართველები ოცნებობენ ევროპაზე.

ისინი ამაყად აფრიალებენ ევროპის დროშას.

მათ სურთ ევროპული მომავალი. ისინი ელიან ევროპულ ღირებულებებს და სტანდარტებს.

ჩვენ ვდგავართ ქართველ ხალხთან ერთად.

[2024-05-14 12:51 UTC]

Tbilisi, we hear you! We see you!
Georgians on the streets are dreaming of Europe.
Proudly waving the European flag.
They want a European future. They expect European values and standards.
stands with the people of Georgia.

[2024-05-14 12:51 UTC]

Ending the day in the Netherlands! 🇪🇺🇳🇱
With more students, more young people, more enthusiasm for Europe.
Really enjoyed participating during one of the Model European Parliament sessions in Limburg.
This is Europe’s next generation.

[2024-05-13 18:46 UTC]

Study. Ask. Vote.
That was my message to 16 &amp; 17 year olds who are able to vote for the very first time in
next month.
Thank you for a very interesting discussion at the Go! Kompaz school in Zaventem 🇪🇺🇧🇪
Europe is you!
Shape it. Vote for it. Be proud of it.

[2024-05-13 13:59 UTC]

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