#CohesionPolicy must remain the main 🇪🇺 instrument to reduce territorial, economic & social disparities, promote sustainable development, support job creation & improve quality of life for citizens. @Emil_Boc at the stakeholders meeting on: The future of cohesion policy post-2027 https://t.co/fQegoEOqHg
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EPP_CoR/status/1679476786701168640
Re We talk about #CohesionPolicy because we care about the future of the #EU. The best instrument to keep Europe together is Cohesion which serves as a glue to keep Europe together. @Emil_Boc at the stakeholders meeting on: The future of cohesion policy post-2027. https://t.co/UnpvHpHbm4
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EPP_CoR/status/1679494615806664704
RT European Committee of the Regions
What are the local and regional challenges in addressing global trends? 🌐✔🏡
Our reflection on the #StrategicForesight prepared by the European Commission will be presented by rapporteur @Magliocca_G at the October #CoRplenary.
Stay tuned👇
https://europa.eu/!8y7Jr6 https://n.respublicae.eu/MarosSefcovic/status/1676927658527948803
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Maroš Šefčovič🇪🇺: In times of rising insecurity, #StrategicForesight enables us to better prepare for an uncertain future.
Our report this year focuses on how to put sustainability & wellbeing at the heart of Europe's Open Strategic Autonomy, with 10 areas for actions.
https://europa.eu/!QDdWjw https://t.co/gV555ViQhZ
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_CoR/status/1679039804950953985
RT Apostolos Tzitzikostas
Μια εξαιρετικά ουσιαστική συνάντηση με την Πρόεδρο της Κομισιόν @vonderleyen στις Βρυξέλλες.
🤝🇪🇺Με μια ισχυρή σύμμαχο των Περιφερειών και των Δήμων της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, που ενίσχυσε τους αγώνες μας να σταθούμε όρθιοι στις διαδοχικές κρίσεις που κληθήκαμε να αντιμετωπίσουμε… https://n.respublicae.eu/i/web/status/1677338473177530371 https://t.co/HrIiYlIuRG
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/tzitzikostas/status/1677338473177530371
Re @JanGrolich @JIC_Brno 👏👏💪💪
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EPP_CoR/status/1677014400136273943
👏 Congrats to 🇨🇿 Governor @JanGrolich on winning the @EU_CoR #EERaward.
“Together with the city of #Brno and its 3 universities, we supported innovative companies. The Brno innovation centre gained respect with all big businesses & see this as an important entity in the region. https://t.co/KYBPRcwy1R
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EPP_CoR/status/1676911418770087936
RT Aleksandra Dulkiewicz
Nagroda im. Prezydenta Pawła Adamowicza jest hołdem i wyrazem uznania dla wszystkich, którzy w odważny i prawy sposób przeciwdziałają nietolerancji, radykalizacji postaw, mowie nienawiści, uciskowi i ksenofobii. Właśnie rusza 3. edycja nagrody.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Dulkiewicz_A/status/1676969264337567744
We have been facing the impacts of air pollution due to the lack of implementation of corrective measures in treatment of urban waste in Paradela. Quality of life has been impacted by this site. Great to see @EU_CoR working to revise and strengthen 🇪🇺 legislation on this matter. https://t.co/l8zJkObKDs
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EPP_CoR/status/1676982239031185410
Happening now: Debate on #US and #EU subnational entities: strengthening democracy, fostering growth and development, with Speaker Robin Vos, President of the National Conference of State Legislatures @NCSLorg.
@Emil_Boc @DrenjaninJelena @TrnkaRastislav @EU_CoR #CoRplenary
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European Committee of the Regions: ❓ Are you ready for the second and final day of the 156th #CoRplenary?
The main highlights are, ⤵️
🔹 EU Enlargement process,
🔹US🇺🇸 & EU🇪🇺 Subnational entities,
🔹 European Entrepreneurial Region @EER_Award ceremony. 🏆
Check the full agenda: http://cor.europa.eu/corplenary.go
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EPP_CoR/status/1676858399064031242
Re Trust for democratic institutions and politics are decreasing in 🇪🇺 and 🇺🇸.
We have seen riots in the #US and #EU in situations when there is a lack of trust in society’s ability to solve problems and protect citizens.
We need to reboost our friendship. #CoRplenary @EU_CoR https://t.co/n510ApstNQ
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EPP_CoR/status/1676862832657281025
💦 “Urban waste water treatment can play an important role in making Europe a frontrunner towards #ZeroPollution. - @EU_CoR Rapporteur @agrenwikstrom whose opinion has been adopted at the #CoRplenary.
#EUGreenDeal #CleanWater
Read more 👉 https://www.eppcor.eu/press-releases/ambitious-and-realistic-targets-reduce-pollution-will-save-lives-and-environment
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Åsa Ågren Wikström: 🇸🇪🇪🇺 YTTRANDET ANTAGET!
Yes! Igår antogs mitt yttrande om lagstiftningsförslaget gällande avloppsrening efter förhandling, debatt och votering i Regionkommitténs plenarsession! @EPP_CoR
Äntligen i mål! https://www.agrenwikstrom.com/2023/07/06/antligen-i-mal/ https://t.co/Z31ePNTWTB
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EPP_CoR/status/1676864368871370752
Re @EU_CoR @DrenjaninJelena I welcome the extension of cooperation with the @NCSLorg, a body that monitors compliance with subsidiarity. The @EU_CoR strongly supports the principle of subsidiarity, as it fundamentally improves local self-determination and citizen participation in democracy. #CoRplenary https://t.co/mtX7ihOJHp
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EPP_CoR/status/1676864753249968128
Re @EU_CoR @DrenjaninJelena @NCSLorg @TrnkaRastislav The 🇺🇸 and 🇪🇺 share democratic values, commitment to human rights and the goal of achieving prosperity. The #US and #EU must stand together to protect democracy. Our unity is power. @Emil_Boc @EU_CoR #CoRplenary @NCSLorg https://t.co/gX9jLrvKmU
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EPP_CoR/status/1676865966200815617
🔵@OGeblewicz, @Dulkiewicz_A, @PiotrCalbecki, @AlinNica & @Emil_Boc are meeting with members of the Local/Self Government Committee of the Verkhovna Rada to discuss work of the @EU_CoR WG on 🇺🇦, organisation of summer camps, future 🇪🇺🇺🇦 relationships & how to address brain drain. https://t.co/xc8KBeBi0x
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EPP_CoR/status/1676881656475516928
I call on the Members of the @EU_CoR to condemn the unacceptable and illegal detention of the democratically elected Mayor of Heimarra #FreddyBelleris, and ask the Albanian authorities, for his immediate release in order to assume his duties.@DIMITRISKARNAVO https://t.co/GTdZlfHEq0
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EPP_CoR/status/1676883770853535744
Re Local self-governments in the #WesternBalkans are predominantly weak, dependent on central agencies and insufficiently involved in the accession process. In the future, the #EU must focus more on better preparing cities & municipalities in the accession countries. @Institut_IRE https://t.co/IyMXErE9i5
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EPP_CoR/status/1676883999635931138
Re @Institut_IRE @EU_CoR 🇪🇺All candidate and potential candidate countries should become members of the #EU, but they must meet all the criteria for accession. #NikolaDobroslavic @EU_CoR #CoRplenary https://t.co/AQesTNRiOu
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EPP_CoR/status/1676884243492814850
Since #NZIA law intervenes in areas subject to regional competences, sub-national level must be involved.
🔗Entire value chain & suppliers must be included
🧪Net-zero will not be available without the steel/chemical industry – just to mention a few
🇪🇺legislation must be coherent https://t.co/dEZkVa19xI
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EPP_CoR/status/1676889329505804289
Re @BrzezinMarek @EU_CoR @Dulkiewicz_A @VeraJourova @Adamowicz_Magda @EU_Commission @OGeblewicz @sarirautio #Brexit has shown that it is in our common interest to firmly oppose disinformation. The reliability of information about the role of the #EU, as well as transparency and respect for democracy, are key issues for ensuring security and resilience for the future. @M_Frankowski https://t.co/iEorucfiU8
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EPP_CoR/status/1676611356068311042
Re @BrzezinMarek @EU_CoR @Dulkiewicz_A @VeraJourova @Adamowicz_Magda @EU_Commission @OGeblewicz @sarirautio @M_Frankowski Involving youth in the electoral process not only ensures their voices are heard but also cultivates a sense of ownership and engagement in the democratic process, leading to a more inclusive and representative European Union. @borbolycsaba @EU_CoR #CoRplenary https://t.co/I2Z1ePVRev
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EPP_CoR/status/1676611530970759170
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ .@EPP Group in the @EU_CoR: led by @OGeblewicz ✍🏼thinking globally, acting locally 🇪🇺
Watch out for an #EPPLocalDialogue near you!