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Very happy to attend the joint meeting today between the @EPP_CoR & @EPPGroup .

Its important to ensure cooperation between European and local levels of governance so that the policies we create are actually effective on the ground.

Great to see Michael & Emma representing 🇮🇪


RT @cllrmmurphytipp: Great to have had a joint @EPP_CoR Group and @EPPGroup meeting this morning.
Glad the Irish Head of Delegation in the EPP-EP Group @SeanKellyMEP could attend. Many tangible cooperation projects planned!
Crucial that the EPP joins up at the local/regional,national and EU levels.


The benefits of the were confirmed by the citizens of County, where I implemented the digital medical portal. Now, citizens have easier access to their medical data which is just a 'click' away. @EU_CoR


Great exchange on many topical areas between @SiegfriedMuresan and @robjonkman including the RRF, European Semester and .

Rob Jonkman's opinion on the RRF will be discussed during the .

@EPPGroup @EU_CoR @europarl_en


Through digitalisation, existing disadvantages in rural regions can be reduced and existing strengths expanded creating equivalent living conditions. Everyone must work on closing the 'digital divide' across Europe. @Institut_IRE @EU_CoR


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Strong investment and sufficient technical, highly trained staff are necessary to manage the new technologies that increasingly impact the services that administrations provide to citizens. @AaZFerrari @PPRMurcia


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RT @TjisseStelpstra: Vanmorgen gestart met @EPP_CoR en nu in een gezamenlijke vergadering met @EPPGroup (Europees Parlement) met Nederlandse delegatie @robjonkman en . Mooi om ook @petervdalen hier te ontmoeten


RT @AaZFerrari: Asistimos a la reunión conjunta del @EPP entre los miembros @EPP_CoR del Comité Europeo de las Regiones y los Eurodiputados del @EPP_CoR en el Parlamento Europeo 💙🇪🇺


RT @SuncanaGlavak: Na sastanku @EPPGroup u Bruxellesu razmjena mišljenja s članovima Odbora regija i prilika za susret sa županima @zupanmarusic i @IAndrovic, gradonačelnikom Željkom Turkom i načelnikom Brunom Hranićem, ujedno predstavnicima krovnih udruženja 🇭🇷 županija, gradova i općina.


Łączy nas wspólny cel - zbliżać Europę do obywateli za pośrednictwem miast i regionów. Wspólne posiedzenie @EPP_CoR i @EPPGroup w ramach przygotowań do nadchodzących wyborów w różnych państwach UE - samorządowych, parlamentarnych, europejskich.


In order to digitalise the services provided by cities and regions, it will be necessary for the European institutions to provide specific guidance and technical or financial assistance to facilitate the digital transition at regional level. @TrnkaRastislav


Coming up at : The Pawel for courage & excellence in the promotion of freedom, solidarity & equality will be presented to the Mayor of , for providing assistance to refugees. @EU_CoR @EPPGroup @Adamowicz_Magda @AdamowiczPawel @Dulkiewicz_A


Watch how Self-governing region is protecting . @TrnkaRastislav @EU_CoR
RT @EU_CoR: 🌿💧With wetlands disappearing at 3 times the rate of forests, regions and cities need to step up .

A new approach to rainwater retention in the Košice Self-governing region 🇸🇰 shows how local communities can protect these valuable ecosystems. ⤵


@EU_CoR @markspeich @NRWinEU @NRW_in_Berlin @sabineverheyen @EPCulture The common goal of the European Act must be consistently anchored in the internal market, while the need to ensure diversity at the regional and local level has to be taken into account.@markspeich @NRWinEU @EU_CoR


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Democratic societies are built on and pluralism. The @EU_CoR is united to protect these principles and to bring together diverging perspectives on how to secure them in an appropriate way. @markspeich @NRWinEU


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It would be a mistake to dissolve the . Furthermore, it would not be beneficial for the . Regarding the procedures we must have a tailor-made approach for each candidate country. Local and regional authorities must be heavily involved. @ire


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We need to support initiatives and have tangible results on the ground. For this to happen we must support local and regional authorities as well as NGO's in the accession process. @Dulkiewicz_A @EU_CoR


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The needs to change and respond proactively to the new realities by supporting all partner countries in their aspirations. We want to promote stronger involvement of regional and local authorities when designing cooperation priorities with territorial impact.


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The most powerful European response to the Russian aggression in will be offering support for democratic states in Eastern Europe & the South Caucasus, with strong regional/local authorities, economically & culturally vibrant cities and societies committed to EU values.


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