RT @EUClimateAction: 🥕 Eat seasonally 🥕
Powering greenhouses and flying food around the world consumes a lot of energy.
Eating food grown during its natural season can reduce your carbon footprint and result in cheaper meals.
Pledge to eat more seasonal vegetables 👉 https://europa.eu/climate-pact/pledges_en
RT @EUClimateAction: ✈ Fly less ✈
Taking fewer flights is one of the best ways to reduce your carbon👣
Try travelling by train, bike or boat – or opt for a #staycation!
Take a pledge to use green transport 👉 https://europa.eu/climate-pact/pledges_en
RT @EUClimateAction: Whatever steps you decide to take, it makes a difference.
Add your pledge to the 1,5 million pledges already made through the #EUClimatePact 📢
We can fight #climatechange together, one pledge at a time.
Spread the word 👉 https://europa.eu/climate-pact/pledges_en
Το #DiscoverEU, η δράση μας που δίνει τη δυνατότητα σε 18χρονους να εξερευνήσουν την Ευρώπη κυρίως με το τρένο, εγκαινιάζει τον 1ο γύρο υποβολής αιτήσεων του 2022.
Νέοι θα μπορούν να υποβάλουν αίτηση για τις 35.000 ταξιδιωτικές κάρτες μέχρι 21 Απριλίου.
🔗 https://bit.ly/3vahUEW
RT @EU_Commission: Our thoughts are with all 🇺🇦Ukrainians, and those having to flee their homes to ensure their safety.
If you are fleeing the war in Ukraine and coming to the EU, you can find information about your rights on our webpage:
🔗EU Stands with Ukraine. ➞ https://ec.europa.eu/info/strategy/priorities-2019-2024/stronger-europe-world/eu-solidarity-ukraine/eu-assistance-ukraine/eu-stands-ukraine_en
RT @EU_Commission: Всім українцям, та тим, хто був змушений покинути свої домівки, заради безпеки себе та своїх сімей — ми з вами!
Якщо ви рятуєтесь від війни в Україні та прямуєте до ЄС — ось вся інформація про ваші права на нашій новій сторінці:
🔗ЄС підтримує Україну.➞ https://ec.europa.eu/info/strategy/priorities-2019-2024/stronger-europe-world/eu-solidarity-ukraine/eu-assistance-ukraine/eu-stands-ukraine_uk
RT @EU_Commission: Are you a researcher from Ukraine? 👩🔬️🇺🇦
We have launched ERA4Ukraine, a one-stop-shop portal for you with all relevant information on:
→ job opportunities in the EU
→ recognition of diploma
→ housing offers
→ web support and information
RT @EDIC_Thess: What is the European Parliament doing to support Ukraine?
And how can young people in Europe help?
Join this EYE Online on 20/4 at 12:30 to learn more about the situation of young people in Ukraine and what you can do to help! 🇪🇺🇺🇦
RT @EDIC_Thess: Η χρήση των κρυπτονομισμάτων έχει αποδειχθεί πολλά υποσχόμενη αλλά & προβληματική. Η 🇪🇺 θέλει να συμβάλλει στην ανάπτυξη αυτών των τεχνολογιών διασφαλίζοντας όμως παράλληλα την προστασία των χρηστών τους↩️
📸© Communautes Europeennes 1998 - Source : PE
RT @EDIC_Thess: Η 🇪🇺 στέκεται δίπλα στους ουκρανούς πρόσφυγες.
9️⃣ εκατ. ευρώ από το πρόγραμμα EU4Health για τα άτομα που εγκαταλείπουν την Ουκρανία και χρειάζονται επειγόντως υποστήριξη ψυχικής υγείας και μετατραυματική υποστήριξη.↩️
📸Copyright: European Union
RT @EDIC_Thess: Το Νέο Ευρωπαϊκό Μπάουχαους γίνεται πραγματικότητα σιγά σιγά.
2️⃣0️⃣ καινοτόμες νεοφυείς και αναπτυσσόμενες επιχειρήσεις θα λάβουν χρηματοδοτική στήριξη ύψους 50.000 ευρώ η καθεμία στο πλαίσιο της πρωτοβουλίας EIT Community Booster.↩️
RT @Europe2022FR: 27 European women, 27 unique backgrounds: discover the portraits of these inspiring women working to promote equality. Today, @LouiseOFresco, President of Wageningen University in the Netherlands, will talk to us about her background and her vision for Europe 🇪🇺 🇳🇱 @FranceinNL.
RT @EU_ECHO: How would your life look like without water?
Syria is experiencing a severe water crisis.
Together with @Oxfam, we improve access to safe 💧 for the most vulnerable Syrians.
RT @EU_MARE: The EU 🇪🇺 announces €1 billion worth of commitments to protect #OurOcean.
At #OurOceanPalau, the EU has renewed its pledges towards international ocean governance with a list of 44 commitments for the 2020-2022 period.
🔗 https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_22_2398
RT @EUinmyRegion: Young journalist? Journalism student? Seize your chance to take your career to the next level & join the #Youth4Regions programme!
Send a short article🖋, photo📸or video🎬 reportage on a project co-financed by 🇪🇺. Applications are open until 11 July!
RT @CopernicusECMWF: 🌡️ In 2020, Europe saw its warmest year, winter and autumn on record.
What do you think the situation looked like in 2021?
Stay tuned for the #ESOTC! 8 days left! 🌍
Watch the European State of the Climate page: https://climate.copernicus.eu/ESOTC
RT @EUvsDisinfo: From April 2014 to September 2021, OHCHR recorded a total of 3,393 conflict-related civilian deaths, including 298 people killed in the downing of flight #MH17, for which the Kremlin continues to deny responsibility.
RT @CopernicusECMWF: Coastal areas are very sensitive to #ClimateChange
Learn with @WEkEO_dias experts how to develop new applications with #Copernicus data!
Join the new dedicated WEkEO webinar!
📅 28 April
& Discover #C3S Coastal Areas efforts: https://climate.copernicus.eu/coastal-areas
RT @EUCouncil: 🚫🏦 The EU has banned seven Russian and three Belarusian banks from SWIFT, in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
What does this mean in practice?
Watch our video to find out ⬇️
More information: https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/policies/sanctions/restrictive-measures-against-russia-over-ukraine/sanctions-against-russia-explained/?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=20220414-swift-ban&utm_con…
RT @EUErasmusPlus: Saving water is a crucial contribution to reducing our carbon footprint.
How can we make it a lifelong habit?
Share concrete ideas and examples until 19/04, vote until 1/05 and come discuss at the #EducationForClimate Forum on May 5th! ⬇️
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