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RT @marcomarsilio: Al Seafood Expo Global 2023 (Barcelona/Spain) per la presentazione del @giroditalia dalla Costa dei Trabocchi, con il Ministro dello Sport @andreaabodi, il Ministro dell’Agricoltura @FrancescoLollo1 l’AD RCS Paolo Bellino, e il vincitore del Giro d’Italia 2004 Damiano Cunego


During today’s meeting in Rabat 🇲🇦 @MichelePais1 invites all Members to 🇮🇹 where he will host the upcoming plenary of the Euro-Mediterranean Regional & Local Assembly

🗣️ “Sardinia will play a crucial role in strenghtening partnership across the Mediterranean Sea”


🚆 "Promoting the sustainability benefits of rail travel & the opportunities to discover the EU by train is something @UMWL_Lublin is active in. It's high time we see the revival of rail across the EU"

🗣️ Marshal @JarekStawiarski, @EU_CoR spokesperson on European Year of


Rapporteur Władysław Ortyl holds preliminary discussions on drones strategy 2.0

🗣️ "With such a dynamic dual-use industry, we need to ensure there are tailored answers for local & regional authorities that can be applied here and now"


Our First VP Marshal Ortyl spoke in favour of the "Do no harm to " principle:

🗣️ "Cohesion funds cannot be used to deal with unforeseen crises given that regions need these funds to be able to plan and execute their strategic investments"

RT @EU_CoR: The COTER Commission meets today to discuss & debate:
🔸 Cohesion | @rijsberman
🔸 MFF | Thomas Habermann
🔸 Drone Strategy | Władysław Ortyl
🔸 Automotive Regions | @schulzeeuropa


RT @lodzkiePL: Marszałek @gz_schreiber i Iwona Koperska, przewodnicząca sejmiku WŁ, jako przedstawiciele regionów najbardziej zaangażowanych w pomoc dla Ukrainy, wzięli udział w Międzynarodowym Szczycie Miast i Regionów w Kijowie.


RT @Kozlowski_W: 🔥 Ogień Pokoju dotarł do Urzędu Marszałkowskiego Województwa Małopolskiego! Już jest w @malopolskaPL gdzie za równo dwa miesiące rozpoczną się @eg2023pl‼️


RT @marcomarsilio: ⚕️Dompè: settore un asset strategico per l’Abruzzo.
Il farmaceutico è uno dei settori in costante crescita, e rappresenta un asset strategico per l’Abruzzo per innovazione, competitività e ricerca, con al centro i temi sanitari e il benessere dell’intera comunità.


A CoR delegation was in Kyiv at the Intl. Summit of Mayors. They talked with 🇺🇦 authorities about how to build the future of Ukraine, on its path to EU membership.
Local democracy & good governance needs to be at the foundation of Ukraine's reconstruction.


🗣️ "Our task in the current geopolitical situation is to contribute to a common reflection on how the enlargement process can be put at the service of the EU's strategic objectives"

Anna Magyar, @EU_CoR meeting


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Congratulations to our VP Anna Magyar whose opinion on the Package 2022 was adopted by unanimity during today's @EU_CoR meeting

🗣️ "Enlargement is a strategic instrument that contributes to peace & stability in Europe. I am glad such a consensus now prevails"


@EU_CoR @SocialnetAEBR @RegioInterreg @CZECHIAinEU “The added value of the European Cross-Border Mechanism 2.0 is the reporting system, which could be transformed into a permanent solution system for the obstacles faced by the border regions engaged in cross-border cooperation projects”

🗣️ Pavel Branda


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Pavel Branda, chair of @EU_CoR's Group on Cross-Border Cooperation is delivering closing remarks at the conference "Life in border regions - tackling the challenges"

Topics discussed:
🔹 renewable energy exchanges
🔹mobility of jobseekers
🔹European Cross-Border Mechanism 2.0


Our First VP & @EU_CoR rapporteur Marshal Władysław Ortyl kicks off his consultation process on Drone Strategy 2.0 holding a bilateral meeting with @Transport_EU represented by Dr Joachim Lücking, Head of Aviation Safety Unit

🗣️ "LRAs will be key in roll out of the strategy"


RT @marcomarsilio: Questa mattina ho sottoscritto con il Ministro degli Interni Matteo Piantedosi, un protocollo per la gestione del nuovo servizio di emergenza 1-1-2 che sarà operativo a partire dal 2024, 24 ore su 24 e avrà sede all'Aquila negli uffici della Protezione Civile regionale


RT @marcomarsilio: 🔵 Giornata di lavoro presso il MIT, dove si sono susseguiti gli incontri con il Ministro @matteosalvinimi e i tecnici di ANAS e FS Italiane per fare il punto sul piano infrastrutturale della @Regione_Abruzzo


RT @EU_CoR: 🇮🇹 Quali sono le prospettive di crescita per la Macroregione Adriatico-Ionica?

📈Oggi a Porto Sant’Elpidio si discute del caso della @RegioneMarcheIT e delle opportunità di sviluppo locali.

⏲ 18:00 - 20:00 (CET)
🔴 Segui il live streaming:



Domani a Porto Sant’Elpidio 🇮🇹 il nostro con la partecipazione del Presidente della Regione Marche @AcquaroliF e @NProcaccini MEP

@EU_CoR 👇


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