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🇪🇺 Cities and Regions🙌

We invite you to join the initiative
'Summer camps for Ukrainian children'
and host Ukrainian children
in your local communities!


Visit our Infopoint at today at the CoR or click below⤵


Talking about during the @EU_CoR meeting 🇲🇪🇪🇺 Veneto Regional Minister @DonazzanElena underlines the need to:

📌 invest in human capital

📌 promote public-private partnerships

📌 have education & training supported by economic policies


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"Granting candidate status to Bosnia and Herzegovina is one of the reasons we talk about a new momentum of the EU process.

It is a chance for 🇧🇦 authorities to advance on some key reforms and enjoy a stable future. These days we cannot take security for granted"


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Our VP Anna Magyar, @EU_CoR spokesperson for takes part in the Working Group

In the panel on implications of 🇪🇺 candidate status for Bosnia and Herzegovina 🇧🇦 she called for maintaining strong partnership with BiH's elected leaders


RT @Kozlowski_W: 🚒 4 maja - wspomnienie św. Floriana - Międzynarodowy Dzień Strażaka. Wszystkim Strażakom Ochotniczej i Państwowej Straży Pożarnej życzę przede wszystkim zdrowia. Dziękuję za Waszą ciężką pracę i poświęcenie!

🚨 Bogu na chwałę, ludziom na pożytek!


RT @Delegazione_IT:
Il presidente del @Consigli_Reg Veneto @venetociambetti presiede la riunione del Comitato consultivo @ECR_CoR con il . Al centro della discussione il legame tra i Comuni del Montenegro e il processo il processo di adesione all'UE.


“We need to invest in skills that will contribute to the development of local communities in Montenegro, whilst ensuring that young people do not have to migrate to other countries. This will help combat the phenomenon of brain drain and negative demographic trends in the region”


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Our @venetociambetti is co-chairing the @EU_CoR meeting 🇲🇪🇪🇺 in Brussles. On the agenda:

🔹 Montenegro’s municipalities and the country’s EU accession process

🔹 Capacity lab: Skills most needed in Montenegro


Big day today at @EU_CoR as we welcome our partners from 🇦🇱🇧🇦🇬🇪🇽🇰🇲🇩🇲🇪🇲🇰🇷🇸🇹🇷🇺🇦 for the - EU accession forum for Local & Regional Authorities

The thematic discussions will focus primarily on and capacity building at the local level in our partner countries


RT @Donatella_Tesei: Alle popolazioni colpite dalla forte ondata di maltempo, che ha riguardato la Regione questa notte, va tutta la nostra solidarietà.

A loro, alle famiglie delle vittime e al collega @sbonaccini va la nostra vicinanza e disponibilità di aiuto.


📌ECR Localism Summit 2023 coming soon!

🗓️ 12 May, Lappeenranta 🇫🇮

Hosted by our Treasurer @ILPOHeltimoine1 it will gather conservative regions & cities and focus on sustainable growth through a just energy transition🌳🚉🔋


RT @marcomarsilio: Produzione e lavoro, aziende e dipendenti sono la base della ricchezza di un territorio.
È nostro dovere favorire migliori condizioni per rendere attrattivo e competitivo il sistema produttivo, creare nuova occupazione e aiutare la crescita.


📌 Save the Date: Follow the 2023!

🇪🇺 In the event of EU membership, local and regional authorities will have a key role in implementing EU legislation. The provides a forum to prepare them for EU accession.

🔴 Tune in live on 4-5 May! 👇


RT @juan_ggallardo: Esta tarde he compartido mi experiencia en el @EU_CoR en el Congreso sobre Derecho de la Unión Europea que organiza la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.

Gracias a mi amigo @JulioGuinea por la invitación.


RT @marcomarsilio: 🇵🇱 Sono stato onorato di aver incontrato oggi il segretario di Stato @ma_golinska Małgorzata Golińska.
Un piacevole e cordiale incontro per confermare i rapporti di grande stima e amicizia tra l’Abruzzo e la Polonia.


The @EU_CoR Bureau adopted the Kiruna Declaration calling for a green, just and fair transition in all European regions.

It underlines the issues faced in remote and sparsely populated areas and stresses the key role of EU funds in unlocking the potential of each territory.


"Securing the extraction & supply of rare-earth minerals will contribute to EU’s autonomy without increasing our dependence on China"

🗣️ @venetociambetti on sustainable development for the Arctic region without compromising its economic potential

@EU_CoR Bureau 🇸🇪🇪🇺


Meeting local representatives, Sami & Tornedalians minorities in 🇸🇪 our 1st VP W. Ortyl underlined strategic role played by region in:

🔹 promoting EU raw materials strategy

🔹protecting its biodiversity

🔹preserving cultural heritage of indigenous people


As part of the external @EU_CoR Bureau meeting in 🇸🇪 ECR Members are visiting @LKABgroup the largest underground iron ore mine in Europe. Iron industry plays a crucial role in northern Sweden's economy & is working to make fossil-free iron a reality for sustainable future


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