🔹️Enlargement policy is an investment in EU’s security & gained new momentum after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
🔹️We should facilitate connections among LRAs & help countries come closer to the EU
🗣️ ECR VP Anna Magyar @EU_CoR rapporteur on #Enlargement Package 2022
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ECR_CoR/status/1620807560797487106
Our Members are in Brussels today for the #CIVEX Commission meeting, which includes an exchange of views on the #Enlargement Package 2022 @eu_near
The @EU_CoR rapporteur is our VP Anna Magyar.
RT @EU_CoR: This is on the agenda of the #CIVEX Commission today:
🔹 #EasternPartnership
🔹 #MediaFreedomAct @markspeich
🔹 Enlargement Package
🔹 Active Subsidiarity and #EuropeanDemocracy @KH_Lambertz @gabischoff
🔹 #ARLEM Award
🔴 Follow the LiveBlog:
👉 https://committeeo…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ECR_CoR/status/1620736522126495745
RT @juan_ggallardo: En campaña dijimos que íbamos a aprobar incentivos fiscales y ayudas directas a la natalidad. Después de las elecciones, lo incluimos en el pacto de Gobierno.
Ambas promesas electorales son hoy una realidad. La #Siembra sigue dando sus frutos.
Dicho y hecho ✅🇪🇸
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ECR_CoR/status/1620485511931629570
"Short-term rentals offer opportunities for both hosts and travellers and could help promoting a more balanced tourism ecosystem, encouraging travellers to turn to smaller towns and rural communities"
@venetociambetti @EU_CoR 👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ECR_CoR/status/1620475180744318981
"We must strike balance between agricultural production, food security & environmental concerns. Banning pesticides will be a major burden for consumers as food prices are spiralling"
🗣️Oszkár Seszták #NAT Commission
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ECR_CoR/status/1620442315289661441
"We need transparent rules for short-term rental sector. If effective framework is in place, tourism sector can contribute to 3 pillars of sustainability — economic, social & environmental. Must empower cities to adapt rules to their own reality to manage tourist flows"
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ECR_CoR/status/1620417356483940354
"How can we promote sustainable tourism that has least impact on local communities, but still allows online platforms to thrive in Single Market and comply with EU regulations when handling data-sharing requests? How can public authorities across EU get the data they need?
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ECR_CoR/status/1620417060215070720
"Tourism is a strategic sector & a key driver of social & economic recovery. It accounts for more than 10% of the EU’s GDP & provides jobs to 26 million people"
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ECR_CoR/status/1620416993479507975
Members are in Brussels today for #NAT Commission meeting, which includes very interesting debate on the opinion of @venetociambetti on short-term rental sector⬇️
🔹 Panellists include representatives from the industry & @EU_Growth
🔹 Moderator @aitorehm from @POLITICOEurope
RT @EU_CoR: The #NAT Commission meets today to discuss:
🔹 Short-term rentals
🔹 Smart Rural Europe
🔹 Sustainable use of pesticides
🔹 Strengthening resilience in 🇪🇺
🔹 Sustainable food systems
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ECR_CoR/status/1620364207417081857
🗓️📌Mark your calendars 31 January!
And join our #ECR member and @EU_CoR spokesperson @venetociambetti on the regulation to enhance transparency in short-term rental sector for what promises to be a very lively debate🏘️🗣️
Watch here➡️http://cor.europa.eu/NATdebate.go
RT @EU_CoR: What are the benefits and challenges posed by short-term rentals in EU cities and regions?
🔜 Debate with CoR members, representatives from the industry & @EU_Growth
🔹 31 January 11.30 …
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ECR_CoR/status/1618947454866718722
RT @marcomarsilio: La vergogna delle #leggirazziali e dello sterminio degli ebrei rimanga impresso in ognuno di noi, per capire il significato del pregiudizio e della #Shoah
Sul ricordo di questa terribile pagina di storia abbiamo il dovere di costruire un futuro migliore
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ECR_CoR/status/1618897574030880770
“As we mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day, we, local and regional leaders, must play a key role in combating antisemitism in #Europe. An EU without Antisemitism must be our common goal”
🗣️Ádám Karácsony @EU_CoR spokesperson on Antisemitism 👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ECR_CoR/status/1618897332384448514
RT @ecrgroup: ⬛️ Today, we mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
Remembering this terrible event calls on us to never again allow the horrors of the holocaust be repeated.
❌ Not in Europe. Not anywhere.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ECR_CoR/status/1618896416071639043
RT @marcomarsilio: Oggi ho incontrato l'amico @Francescorocca candidato alle elezioni regionali del Lazio.
Sono stato felice di abbracciarlo, a lui tutti gli auguri migliori e sinceri per una campagna elettorale vincente.
Sono certo che avremo modo di confrontarci presto. In bocca al lupo!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ECR_CoR/status/1618544403345440769
RT @malopolskaPL: W trosce o jakość i bezpieczeństwo maleńkich pacjentów krakowskie pogotowie zakupiło kompletnie wyposażoną karetkę typu "N" za blisko 1,3 mln zł. Pojazd uroczyście przekazali do służby marszałek Witold Kozłowski i wicemarszałek Łukasz Smółka. Szczegóły: https://www.malopolska.pl/aktualnosci/zdrowie/nowoczesna-karetka-dla-najmlodszych-malopolan
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ECR_CoR/status/1618544389751721984
RT @marcomarsilio: A Teramo con il Commissario per la ricostruzione @guidocastelli65 e i sindaci del #crateresismico 2016-2017: stiamo già lavorando spediti e con determinazione
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ECR_CoR/status/1616494940397371392
RT @Consiglioveneto: Turismo - Il presidente #RobertoCiambetti ha incontrato il presidente nazionale dell’associazione degli imprenditori del settore turistico #affittibrevi che nel 2022 ha generato 11 miliardi di Euro di Pil
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ECR_CoR/status/1616346289649901568
Together with the Ukrainian people, we mourn the deaths of Minister Denys Monastyrskyy, Deputy Yevhen Yenin, State Secretary Yuriy Lubkovych and all other victims of the helicopter crash near #Kyiv, among them children.
Our thoughts and prayers are with them and their families.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ecrgroup/status/1615654015832031239
RT @marcomarsilio: 🔵 La giustizia, lo Stato, vincono. Sempre.
Questo e' il giorno della vittoria degli uomini e delle donne che combattono la criminalità organizzata.
Il nostro ringraziamento alle forze dell'ordine e alla Magistratura che hanno effettuato questo storico arresto.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ECR_CoR/status/1614922113529401344
RT @Smolka_Lukasz: Dziś miałem przyjemność uczestniczyć w przekazaniu nowego, średniego samochodu ratowniczo-gaśniczego dla OSP Giebułtów. Dziękuję Druhnom i Druhom z OSP Giebułtów za ich służbę. Gratuluję także świetnie zorganizowanej uroczystości 👩🚒👏
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ECR_CoR/status/1614562343354077185
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ European Conservatives and Reformists Group in the @EU_CoR. A centre-right & Euro-realist political group.