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RT @marioguarente: As @EU_CoR rapporteur on resilience of critical entities, I welcome adoption of the directive by the European Parliament, which extends the scope to cover 11 sectors. With this directive will come better cross-border communication and national resilience plans.


🗣️ “I encourage local & regional authorities in the Western Balkans to make their voice heard in the Enlargement process as they play a crucial role in the implementation of EU laws on the ground”

Anna Magyar, @EU_CoR rapporteur on the Enlargement Package 2022 at event


Today our Member & Deputy Marshal of @malopolskaPL region @Smolka_Lukasz met EU Commissioner for Agriculture @jwojc to discuss support for sustainable and local food production.

Commissioner Wojciechowski will also be a guest speaker at @EU_CoR plenary session next week
RT @Smolka_Lukasz: Dziś miałem przyjemność spotkać się z Komisarzem UE ds. rolnictwa @jwojc 🇵🇱. Rozmawialiśmy o projekcie budowy giełdy rolnej w Małopolsce, wspierani…


RT @marcomarsilio: la Ue agisca ora, tragedia è dietro l'angolo!
Per garantire la coesione politica a sostegno dell' e delle ambiziose sfide che ci siamo posti, dobbiamo essere in grado di agire subito. Il mio pensiero in sede di Commissione europea territoriale @ECR_CoR


RT @ecrgroup: 🚨 On our initiative, the European Parliament has just recognised as a state sponsor of terrorism and as a state which uses terrorism as a means.

The initiative enumerates a long list of terror acts committed by Russia.

ECR MEP @weimers comments ⤵️


President @marcomarsilio at COTER Commission: "We insist that cohesion policy funds are used only for cohesion policies. The energy transition for different EU regions should be just, fair and inclusive"


Today our Members are participating at the Conference on Just Transition in coal&energy intensive regions, discussing today’s challenges&the way forward.

@JarekStawiarski, Pavel Branda, Peter Švaral, Ádám Karácsony, @smolka_lukasz, József Ribányi, @robgodek, Oldřich Vlasák


"The Carpathians are the common denominator that gathers us here today, unites us & defines us. If we want our countries and regions to develop, then we have to think about the potentials that lie dormant in our country"
-Marshal Ortyl, Carpathian Ministerial Conference, Rzeszów


What's the way forward for coal and energy intensive regions?

Join LIVE the Conference on in Coal and Energy Intensive Regions with @ElisaFerreiraEC @PiratIvanBartos @younousomarjee and more.

🔴 Tune in:!9MxTbq


RT @marcomarsilio: La Sala operativa della Protezione civile della @Regione_Abruzzo
monitora costantemente la situazione.
Il picco delle in Alto Sangro è passato e le previsioni per le prossime ore volgono al meglio.
👉 Non abbassiamo la guardia e raccomandiamo a tutti prudenza!


"The pandemic & then war in Ukraine is having huge consequences on agricultural sector. Gas prices have increased dramatically, almost fourfold. The fertilizer sector was most strongly affected. All this has a tremendous impact on quantity & quality of production"
-Mayor Psikus


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"Young rural residents, despite very good conditions (loans for purchase of agricultural equipment, subsidies for agricultural production, fuel, & crop insurance costs, etc.) do not want to work in agriculture - the vast majority of them are looking for work in other industries"


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Today our members are in Brussels for the Commission meeting. Kępno Mayor Piotr Psikus will share experiences on rural development.

🔴 Follow live
RT @EU_CoR: The Commission meets today to debate

🔷Low carbon agriculture
🔷EU Health Data Space
🔷Sustainable use of pesticides
🔷Bio-economy strategy
🔷Agri-food Pact for Skills partnership

⏲11:00 - 18:30


RT @JarekStawiarski: Minęły 4 lata odkąd Sejmik Województwa Lubelskiego powierzył mi zaszczytną funkcję Marszałka Województwa Lubelskiego.
Dziękuję za okazane mi zaufanie, pozytywną ocenę dokonań całego zarządu oraz wysiłków podejmowanych na rzecz dobra wspólnego.


Yesterday saw draw to a close after intense negotiations.

"The role of cities and regions is crucial in accelerating a just climate transition"

➡️Read more about the successful participation of @JakubChe in this year's climate conference in 🇪🇬


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