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RT @EUCivicForum: With @EuCivilsociety, @enablingNGOlaw & @ISPThinkTank we contributed to a study for @DiversEESC on the impact of on &

Follow the live presentation by its author F.Pazderski


RT @LVOA_ALCO: In this issue, our VP Kęstutis Kupšys addresses challenges (👉 page 7 of the PDF). Classification of what can be considered 'socially-sustainable' is crucial for all stakeholders: financial institutions, workers, consumers/investors, communities etc.


🔴We need to adopt an Strategy emphasising the sector’s role and constantly monitor and respond to attacks on civic actors.🗣️Filip Pazderski, lead author of the @EU_EESC study on ,

For more, check the study!👉!mwdjNf


🗞️Our May newsletter is out!

In this issue:
📌Members' proposals and demands for the future of the
📌Guest articles by @cvdburgt @ensienetwork & Ana Umbelino @REVESNetwork
📌Comment on by our VP @ArianeRodert
📌& more

Read & share👉!G7nQP4


RT @UPCI_ingenieros: [INGLÉS] ▶️"The liberal professions are an essential part of our society", @Evelyn_Regner, Vice- President of the @europarl_en 🇪🇺at the European Day of the Liberal Professions, hosted by the Category of the @DiversEESC
Thanks Evelyn!


RT @beuc: Intense week as the European consumer movement meets in Brussels to celebrate @beuc's 60th birthday, and hold Executive Board and General Assembly meetings. It's a moment to reflect on what we've been up to. A lot, as our 2021 annual report shows:


The EU must assume its role in helping to advance human rights globally, including the freedom and dignity of LGBTIQ people.🏳️‍🌈

Read the @EU_EESC opinion on the @EU_Commission's LGBTIQ Equality Strategy 2020-2025👉!BW43rC


RT @EU_EESC: 🇪🇺🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️Love is love. Don't be afraid to show your true colours.

We will keep working for a better future where everyone finds:

❤️ Inclusion
🧡 Dignity
💛 Acceptance
💚 Happiness
💙 Open-mindedness
💜 Belonging
🤎 Integrity
🖤 Tranquillity


RT @EESC_President: Nice exchange this morning with our spring .

Great to listen to them and see their interest in 🇪🇺EU affairs and in the @EU_EESC's work.

☘️ Best of luck for the future!


RT @EU_EESC: 👥How can the new generations influence the EU policy-making process? What are the challenges our democracy is facing?

⏰Join us on 2 June for to celebrate the 🔟 anniversary of this participatory tool!



🔎Our president @smsboland introduced the panel on ' - How can we buttress in Europe against looming multiple threats?'

Find out more about his inspiring contribution and proposals👉!3VPdTt
RT @EESC_PRESS: ⚕️Make health a shared competence
🤝Solidarity rather than austerity to tackle poverty
🗞️Push for media literacy & make journalism a public good in the EU



RT @EU_EESC: ⚠️The current geo-political context is challenging for both people and countries.

How can we strengthen our economies and societies❓

📺Join the debate with @eucopresident Charles Michel.

📅18 May, 🕝14.45


RT @EU_EESC: 📈 plans will only work for citizens and businesses if is fully involved.

The will discuss how to better involve stakeholders and social partners in the decision-making process.

📺Follow the debate with @VDombrovskis on 18/05 at 16.00 👇


RT @cdeualmeria: 🏆🇪🇺El Foro Europeo de la Discapacidad recibe el premio Europeo Carlos V otorgado por la Fundación Academia Europea e Iberoamericana de Yuste.

@MyEDF Congratulations! Thanks for contributing to the European integration process!


PR📰Evelyn Regner: Liberal professions are an essential part of our society

Read and share the press release on the 🇪🇺European Day 2022 on 'Lessons learned and challenges ahead'👉!QRWvtw


Long-term policies are crucial to respect refugee rights. organisations need to be involved in the development of policies and plans right from the start.
🗣️@smsboland on the geopolitical impact of the new EU Pact on and Policies, @EESC_REX


RT @CasaReal: El Rey ha entregado el que el jurado de la XV edición ha concedido al Foro Europeo de la Discapacidad por "promover una Europa más inclusiva y una Europa más social, justa e igualitaria".



RT @ONCE_oficial: 👏👏Yannis Vardakastanis @IVardakastanis recibe el en representación del Foro Europeo de la Discapacidad @MyEDF

@CasaReal @fundacionyuste @ALBERT_RIALTAS @JavierManeken @DiversEESC @Junta_Ex @GFVara @Cermi_Estatal @cextremadura


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