RT @Eurochambres: At today's event, @SChatzichristou mentioned that @Cedefop has been focused on #EGD implication on #jobskills and #VET since 2020. The agency uses skills intelligence to better understand EGD-driven jobs and focus on sectoral training and skills policies.
RT @natasapouliou: Excited to record the new #podcast episode on #microcredentials together with @zahilas and Panos Polyzoidis @Cedefop Stay tuned for the release of the episode! @EU_Social #Microcredentials4LabourMarket
RT @PIMEC: En el #CongresFPcat, la SG @LForasterLloret, @Diplocat, presenta la Coordinadora de @Cedefop, Ramona David, i ens parla de la necessitat de promoure el diàleg internacional i d’aprendre de l’experiència d’altres països. Condueix l'acte @EliCarnice.
RT @orienta4yel: Irene Psifidou, from @Cedefop is analyzing from an European point of view the situation of Early School Leaving in #VETeducation
RT @RenaPsifidou: My keynote speech in @orienta4yel final conference this morning puts VET and @Cedefop 's work at the centre stage of EU policy and action to fight against #Earlyleaving #VETtoolkit #VETTeachersTrainers
RT @GabrielMariya: 📣During this #EYY2022, we want all young people to claim their future, find new opportunities & become agents of change!
🗞️Read my interview in @Cedefop to learn more about our #youth programmes & activities ⤵️
RT @RenaPsifidou: @Cedefop's work on inclusion, #VETtoolkit, #Earlyleaving, #VETTeachersTrainers and mobilising VET in times of crisis was the focus of my intervention at
webinar this afternoon
🔵🟡 Cedefop Dep Dir Mara Brugia winds up the Jean Monnet lecture at @univofmacedonia inviting graduates to apply for Cedefop's #traineeship scheme.
❓ Cedefop Dep Dir Mara Brugia at @univofmacedonia's Jean Monnet lecture asking participants to separate #fraud from plain irregularity.
Cedefop’s #SkillsetMatch May issue is out!
🔸#EuropeanYearOfYouth incl. interview with Commissioner @GabrielMariya
🔸Helping #Ukraine refugees find jobs in the EU
🔸Interview with award-winning teacher Daniele Manni
🔸#Skillmismatch and the pandemic & more
The 4️⃣th #VPLBiennale 📍 🇮🇸 Reykjavik
Day 2️⃣
@AnnaKahlson on the 🇸🇪 Swedish experience.
🟡 Panel discussion: How can #labourmarket, social partners, education support #VPL❓
Cedefop's @ernvillalba, @pedromorenodaf1, @gina_ebner, Þorsteinn Víglundsson, moderated by Ida Thomson.
RT @FessIreland: Day 2 #VPLBiennale Inspirational keynote @Jon_Gnarr VPL ‘options and possibilities V clutter and shame’ wonderful to hear of his success @andrinaeuropa @QQI_connect @LimClareETB_QA @_alanhogan @rpl_network @sforseille
RT @TimoHalttunen: Creating and embracing a culture of lifelong learning – what is the role of validation in addressing the key challenges of our time?
Marie Macauley, UNESCO UIL, speaks in the VPL Biennale for the many opportunities LLL allow us when seen from a ecosystems point of view.
RT @UIL: We must recognize the holistic character of #lifelonglearning and integrate recognition, validation & accreditation mechanisms! Only then can we create flexible learning pathways that recognize all learning outcomes.
Marie Macauley @UIL #VPLBiennale
👉🏽 https://www.uil.unesco.org/en/lifelong-learning/recognition-validation-accreditation
The 4️⃣th #VPLBiennale 📍 🇮🇸 Reykjavik
Day 2️⃣
🔹 A users voice by @Jon_Gnarr
🔹 @ILO_SKILLS, @UIL and @EU_Commission perspectives on #VPL
🔹 VPL in 🌎 Latin America, 🇹🇭 Thailand
🔹 #labourmarket reforms in 🇸🇪 Sweden
🔹 VPL research: State of the art
#validation #lifelonglearning
RT @EU_Social: 🏆 The VET Excellence Awards have been concluded.
👏 Congratulations to the winners who defined EU's best practices in Vocational Education & Training.
🏅 Watch the winners in all categories ⤵️
RT @gina_ebner: Looking at the past and the future of VPL - @ernvillalba presents the vision that has driven VPL as well as the concrete actions. Nevertheless a lot remains to be done @VPLBiennale @Cedefop @EAEA2020
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ The European Union agency that helps policy-makers improve vocational training systems and provides expertise on skills and qualifications. Retweets≠endorsement