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UK Govt fence-sitting on UN ceasefire vote last week was unforgivable. 5 wars in 15 year, yet living conditions in Gaza are still unimaginable, rockets are still fired into Israel, and no-one is safer. There is no military solution to this conflict - only a political one.


[2023-12-12 09:34 UTC]

The performative cruelty of Rwanda Deal shows a Govt sliding into authoritarianism. The deal is unworkable, but it's also *immoral* - overriding the judgment of the highest domestic court in the land & trashing human rights. My amendment urging Govt to drop the deal immediately👇


[2023-12-12 10:02 UTC]

RT by @CarolineLucas: The draft COP28 deal is a “huge step backwards”
@CarolineLucas tells @KrishGM, but the Green MP says there is still time to turn the United Nations conference around.


[2023-12-11 19:59 UTC]

RT by @CarolineLucas: Caroline Lucas, "This is a huge step backwards. You cannot say you are serious about climate science and at the same time not have a text that talks about phasing out fossil fuels" @CarolineLucas


[2023-12-11 21:40 UTC]

RT by @CarolineLucas: Activists are lining the path to the negotiating rooms at as talks stretch into the night.

The latest draft text is wholly unacceptable in failing to .

We’re calling on our leaders to + push for the fossil fuel phaseout we deserve.


[2023-12-11 17:06 UTC]

RT by @CarolineLucas: As negotiators reach the finish line at the @ClimateAPPG reiterates its call for Parties to agree to phase out fossil fuels and to scale up renewable energy.

There can be no compromise on the science or on the need for the highest possible ambition.


[2023-12-11 16:10 UTC]

Govt's "world-leading" net zero claims are built on sand. Counting territorial emissions reduction is only half the picture, when our consumption emissions reduction is nowhere near as high. Memo to PM: creative accounting won't tackle


[2023-12-11 08:28 UTC]

RT by @CarolineLucas: Today is the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It was more important than ever this weekend to join @AmnestyUK in to write to political prisoners and those unjustly suffering abuse of those rights across the world.


[2023-12-10 18:54 UTC]

appearance shows Govt Covid response was always someone else’s fault & never his own. His arrogance, complacency & failure to follow science proved his unsuitability to lead. We can't have another PM like him again
Me for


[2023-12-08 13:09 UTC]

Govt finally admits Russian meddling in our democratic processes. So why years of obfuscation about Intelligence Cttee
; why have I & other cross party MPs had to take Govt to court to try to force them to act; & why do we still not have proper protections in place?


[2023-12-07 14:02 UTC]

Great! Just the person for the job of new Environment Minister - an unelected landowner who has restricted public nature access & backed bird culls. Someone I’d definitely trust to prioritise animal protection, nature access & environmental restoration...


[2023-12-07 08:59 UTC]

RT by @CarolineLucas: “When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’


[2023-12-06 16:43 UTC]

Millions are breathing toxic, polluted air. Yet instead of following advice from their *own officials* & cleaning it up, Ministers are now set to scrap regulations under reckless Retained EU Law Act. Govt’s cavalier attitude towards clean air has to stop.


[2023-12-06 17:51 UTC]

RT by @CarolineLucas: "The possibility of a Covid pandemic was not something that he really “broken upon the political world” or entered his consciousness as a potential disaster."

My goodness.

Sometimes, just sometimes, you have to be proactive rather than being reactive.


[2023-12-06 11:46 UTC]

"We lead the world on net zero", he said.
"We're on track to meet all our targets", he said.
"We’re so far ahead of every other country", he said.
Tell the truth, PM. We're off track to meet our climate targets by a wide margin. This is your failure.


[2023-12-05 17:40 UTC]

Banning bonuses for sewage-dumping water firm bosses is a start, but only a start. Water privatisation has utterly failed & the whole system needs an overhaul - water should be back in public hands. Labour motion today doesn't go anywhere near far enough.


[2023-12-05 12:41 UTC]

Russian & Chinese hackers involved at
nuclear site is just one aspect of this scandalous story. The other is nuclear power's astronomical costs. Why is Govt greenlighting new nuclear, when decommissioning costs are an estimated *£263 billion*?


[2023-12-05 12:59 UTC]

Shocking. Raw sewage at Windermere & in rivers yet water company bosses still get bonus because whistleblowers say Environment Agency systematically covers up severity of sewage spills. We urgently need criminal investigation & water back in public hands


[2023-12-05 06:16 UTC]

How can Labour say it will put "huge constraints" on spending - just when public services need mending,
needs tackling & NHS needs funding - while also refusing to even consider wealth taxes which could raise tens of billions? I despair.


[2023-12-04 16:42 UTC]

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