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RT by @CarolineLucas: Junior doctors are NOT being unreasonable - doesn't it make sense that we train and retain doctors with decent pay, not lose them to the private sector or abroad?

That's why we have to defend the NHS, and why I have absolute solidarity with their action.


[2024-01-04 17:50 UTC]

Our major new
report finds UK has a higher deforestation footprint than China. Forests support wildlife & 1.6 billion livelihoods, & cutting them down pollutes our planet. Govt has to ensure goods we buy don’t lead to destructive deforestation


[2024-01-04 11:35 UTC]

Doctors say loud & clear: toxic air is threatening lives. A decade since tragic death of Ella Roberta from air pollution aged 9, Govt refuses to adopt
to make clean air a human right & set tougher targets. 2024 has to be the year that changes.


[2024-01-02 14:00 UTC]

It’s been a tough year for so many, with Govt chaos making it even worse - from cuts to climate u-turns to ripping up refugee rights.
Here’s my end of year message with
your fab candidate to be next Green MP for


[2023-12-31 16:10 UTC]

RT by @CarolineLucas: Of all the arguments against inheritance tax, the "it's a double tax" one seems most baffling. If a bit later I go and buy a coffee, I'll be paying VAT on a purchase financed by money already subject to income tax and NI. What's so special about IHT?


[2023-12-27 11:08 UTC]

RT by @CarolineLucas: Join me, Mark Thomas and a host of other guests talking and playing our favourite xmas songs on his super Christmas Eve livestream!

It’s FREE but donations encouraged for @samaritans and @TrussellTrust


[2023-12-21 21:02 UTC]

RT by @CarolineLucas: More than 1,200 children will be homeless in Brighton and Hove this Christmas. This whole crisis is down to political choices.

🗳️ Right to Buy
❌ Austerity on councils
🥣 Benefit squeezes
🆘 Renters left to the wolves

✅ Decent housing is a human right.


[2023-12-20 12:14 UTC]

RT by @CarolineLucas: 📢 Transparency WIN! 👀

After three years of parliamentary questions and an FOI nudge, the govt has published the 'business case' for @OfficeforEP

It sets out the many benefits of this important body.

This will come in handy to combat any attempts to weaken the watchdog.


[2023-12-20 09:18 UTC]

RT by @CarolineLucas: Public registers of beneficial ownership in the UK's offshore jurisdictions are vital to crack down on money laundering, people trafficking, terrorism & drug smuggling.

We cannot kick this into the long grass, MPs have written to @David_Cameron to get this issue over the line.


[2023-12-19 15:39 UTC]

I've tabled a 'reasoned amendment' to try & halt the Govt's plan to require annual oil and gas licencing rounds.
It's unnecessary, won’t bring down bills or deliver energy security, and is economic & environmental madness.
Ask your MP to sign *today* 👇 ⁦


[2023-12-19 10:59 UTC]

RT by @CarolineLucas: Ahead of today's vote, a group of foreign policy and military experts, including a former chief of the UK Armed Forces, are calling on @David_Cameron to support an immediate ceasefire at the UN Security Council. Not doing so will equal an abdication of political and moral duty.


[2023-12-19 06:00 UTC]

Tonight Parliament’s debating plans to ban live exports. Huge congrats to all who’ve helped reach this long overdue landmark moment including
I’ll keep working for a ban that’s as comprehensive as possible and that’s done & dusted without further delay


[2023-12-18 18:00 UTC]

It’s outrageous that water firms are using up to 28% of bill payments to service their debt - this complete rip off is yet more evidence for bringing water back into public hands. It’s long been ⁦
⁩ policy - time for others to catch up


[2023-12-18 18:07 UTC]

So powerful speaking to parents & staff at St Bartholomew's Primary School in
, which the council is threatening to close. This amazing school supports such a diverse group of children - it needs to be saved! Sign their petition here 👇


[2023-12-15 17:19 UTC]

There's a glaring gap between what we needed at
& what we got. We didn't see full & fair fossil fuel phaseout; there are gigantic, technofix-laden loopholes; & rich countries still aren't paying a fair share of climate finance. UK Govt has a lot of lost ground to make up.


[2023-12-14 17:00 UTC]

RT by @CarolineLucas: Fantastic to see so many friends, allies, ocean leaders & campaigners yesterday for the @oceana @OceanaUK reception at the House of Lords. 🐋🏴‍☠️🌊🤙🌎

Thank you @GreenJennyJones & @RosieBoycott 🙏🙏

Huge thanks to @HughFW @InkaCresswell & @Oceana_Andy for the amazing words & inspiration.

Great to see @Bluemarinef @GreenpeaceUK @Feargal_Sharkey @WATERSHED_i @EIA_News @BlueEarthSummit @Oceano_mag @WCL_News @GreenerUK_ @CarolineLucas @KerryMP @TedDanson


[2023-12-13 16:39 UTC]

Tories can jeer at me all they like - I will vote against cruel, immoral & unworkable Rwanda Bill. We've already seen right to strike, right to protest & other democratic principles being eroded - now we're seeing flagrant attack on human rights & our courts. This Bill must fall.


[2023-12-12 16:28 UTC]

RT by @CarolineLucas: UK MP criticises government for inaction during a UN resolution for ceasefire in Gaza

UK Green Party MP Caroline Lucas said the UK’s abstention during a UN vote seeking a ceasefire in Gaza last week is ‘unforgivable’.

She stressed the need for immediate and creative diplomacy given the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza, where starvation is rife, and violence affects both the Palestinian and Israeli civilian populations. Lucas added that there is no military solution to this conflict, highlighting the necessity of a political resolution to bring an end to the decades of suffering and repeated violence.


[2023-12-12 16:54 UTC]

Those trying to justify absurd Rwanda Bill overriding our courts & laws in the name of “Parliamentary sovereignty” are wrong. Parliament can only be sovereign *within a functioning legal & constitutional system* where courts can interpret law - which this Bill totally undermines.


[2023-12-12 14:23 UTC]

I'll vote against Govt's immoral Rwanda Bill as no amendment can improve something rotten to its core. It's a doomed attempt to reassert PM's fragile claim to non-existent authority & sets dangerous precedent for democracy & justice.
Me for


[2023-12-12 13:38 UTC]

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