
And we're off with the panel:

'Towards the creation of common European data spaces: technologies in practice - purposes, challenges, solutions and successes'

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RT @EULawDataPubs: ‘European data spaces’ are bringing together data infrastructures & governance frameworks to facilitate data pooling & sharing. What are the technologies, purposes, challenges, solutions & successes? Join o…


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covers lots of areas for the EU to be resilient, says Marc Christopher Schmidt @EU_Growth. There is lots more potential to open up more data for the benefit of all, including a fair marketplace for SMEs. This is why we need a 'public procurement data space'.


Marc Christopher Schmidt @EU_Growth summarises the plans to move forward stepwise with this 'public procurement data space' through connecting TED and the Member States' portals and other data sources to this space.


Francesco Cartella @EU_DIGIT elaborates on the plans for creating this 'public procurement data space'. He highlights also technical challenges of doing this. They include the lack of quality data., interoperability between data sources and levels.


Francesco Cartella @EU_DIGIT: We need to ensure the adoption of open standards. Important to share reference data, same taxonomies, ontologies, semantics, so we call the same things in the same way. We need to be technology-agnostic.


There is also the question of data accessibility from multiple entry points. Usability and experience. Everyone should be able to plug and play.


Edward Curry @uniofgalway: we see lots of challenges in trying to develop and deploy 'data spaces'. A key challenge is data quality and many projects fail because of poor data quality. This is the idea of data spaces to make it easier.


We need to work with communities to build consensus but it takes time and needs to be nurtured. This is why we're creating a community of practice. Data spaces will be different according to the topic, between public procurement and language for eg. Edward Curry @uniofgalway.


The TED dataset is one of the most accessed datasets on so clearly we need to make it easily accessible and reusable.


The creation of the data space has also been made possible thanks to @EULawDataPubs and the communities on and semantics it set up years back, according to Marc Christopher Schmidt @EU_Growth.


'Using semantic technologies has the advantage that you can much more easily link datasets together. This is what we found when implementing the data space.'

Marc Christopher Schmidt @EU_Growth.


A data space is about the data and making applications, dashboards etc. The key thing is to think about the applications on top of the data space and targeting them to the users, from an everyday family to researcher. Edward Curry @uniofgalway .


You need to muster support for the adoption of a vocabulary by bringing everyone together. It's less about driving adoption as you need everyone's support. We need minimum standards not overdo them. Edward Curry @uniofgalway.


What is the Language Data Space? @phgelin says at it's all about exchanging language data to ensure (1) competitiveness, for e.g. to create AI tools and services, and (2) to ensure language and cultural diversity.


How do you convince stakeholders to join and provide data? @phgelin points to understanding psychology: you need to highlight the pros of giving a second life to the data for reuse, while ensuring aspects such as data ownership and legal aspects are managed.


This level of confidence has not been possible for the last 20 years. This is why the EU, through its digital strategy, wants to create an easier market that respects and facilitates.


What are 'data spaces'? @EdwardACurry of @insight_centre @galwayDSI @uniofgalway says that a data space is an infrastructure (technical and legal). that allows the exchange of data between different parties based on a clear governance framework for those parties.


What can a data space enable? For @EdwardACurry of @insight_centre @galwayDSI @uniofgalway it's really important to focus on the value we get from data space, which is more important than the challenges that exist. They can be created for different reasons, interested in ...


... collaborating on, sharing & exchanging data. There can be different purposes: (1) cost-sharing, (2) innovation & pooling for creating new business opportunities, (3) create marketplaces for acquisitions & transactions, (4) data spaces for the common good like .


Federico Milani from @DigitalEU wraps us the panel: There is much enthusiasm and growing communities to build data spaces. Challenges include interoperability standards, semantics, data access and data descriptions ...


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