
Japan is an energy partner we can count on.

Following agreements with 🇪🇬🇰🇿🇳🇦, I welcome the start of a 🇪🇺🇯🇵 partnership on hydrogen, to boost innovation and create a global hydrogen market ↓
RT @KadriSimson: Historic day for - energy partnership: we signed w/ Minister Nishimura a Memorandum of Cooperation on , to boost innovation & help create a🌍market for this fuel of the future.

🇪🇺 & 🇯🇵 are both trailblazers for H2 technology & together we c…


· · mirror-bot · 2 · 15 · 19

@vonderleyen @KadriSimson Japanese research into ‘red hydrogen’ — hydrogen directly generated by chemistry, with heat from ‘safe’ nuclear reactors (no need for electricity) looks to be a very promising cheap alternative to natural gas, and maybe to petrol or batteries for vehicles too. Let’s hope the research proves fruitful.
#climate #hydrogen

@vonderleyen @KadriSimson hopefully the penny is dropping hydrogen for transport nuclear for electricity

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