The EU continues to support the Indonesian Government's ambition to promote sustainable trade, tackle deforestation and forest degradation, and reduce illegal practices that can cause environmental destruction, climate change, and biodiversity loss. 🌳🌱
The EU Delegation in Indonesia is delighted to welcome Astrid Schomaker, Director for Green Diplomacy @EU_ENV to strengthen and deepen the EU-IDN cooperation on forest protection in the context of the new EU Regulation on Deforestation and Forest Degradation.
and the EU looks forward to engaging further with all stakeholders including local and national governments and businesses on establishing deforestation and forest degradation-free supply chains between Europe and Indonesia."
#EUinIndonesia 🇪🇺🇮🇩
On her visit to Indonesia, Ms. Schomaker delivered a keynote speech at the previous event held by Lingkar Temu Kabupaten Lestari @Kab_Lestari and said,
“The LTKL’s and Government of Indonesia’s efforts in promoting sustainable commodities are very welcome —
In 2021, the European Union became the 5th largest trading partner for Indonesia.
The European Union does not ban any commodity, product, or country. The EU welcomes products which are legal and does not come from newly deforested land on its market.🌱
🇪🇺 & 🇮🇩 continued the successful implementation of the FLEGT Voluntary Partnership Agreement, which ensures that timber and wooden products entering the EU market from Indonesia are legal. FLEGT gives Indonesia a head start on implementing the EU’s new Deforestation Regulation.🌳
The EU continues to support the Indonesian Government's ambition to promote sustainable trade, tackle deforestation and forest degradation, and reduce illegal practices that can cause environmental destruction, climate change, and biodiversity loss.
The EU Delegation in Indonesia is delighted to welcome Astrid Schomaker, Director for Green Diplomacy @EU_ENV to strengthen and deepen the EU-IDN cooperation on forest protection in the context of the new EU Regulation on Deforestation and Forest Degradation.
🔔5 hari menuju batas akhir pengumpulan karya! 💫
Kamu masih dapat berpartisipasi dan berkreasi membuat infografik yang bertemakan ‘EU-Indonesia Cooperation’ yang diselenggarakan Delegasi Uni Eropa dan @perupadata!
Cek informasi selengkapnya di sini:
Wishing you and your family a prosperous year of the Rabbit. Happy Lunar New Year 2023! 🧨🐇
Don't miss the first 2023 #EUAmbassadorLecture with H.E. Vincent Piket, EU Ambassador to Indonesia, on EU's Foreign Policy Outlook 2023.
Register now at to join the virtual event on 27 January 👍
Climate change is not only about gloom and doom. There are so many great initiatives out there that people have to know about and can contribute to greater action." - @R_Ebbighausen, Head of Ecofrontlines Project, Deutsche Welle
As journalists, we should show the relevance of the problem to the audience. Break it down into consumable pieces. We should also show what solutions are there to tackle the issues.
"Climate change and the well-being of people are very closely related, and journalists play an important part in making people understand the issue. This is why a constructive approach is useful as it is not always easy to cover climate change issues.
dan menjadikan isu iklim sebagai isu besar yang mainstream sehingga makin banyak liputan-liputan berita yang dapat membantu aksi iklim." - Dewi Safitri, Wartawan Sains CNN Indonesia dan Sekretaris Jenderal Society of Indonesian Science Journalist (SISJ) @jurnalisains
memperluas jejaring dengan sesama jurnalis lingkungan dan sains, serta sebanyak mungkin berkolaborasi dengan jurnalis atau media lain
Jika jurnalis tidak memiliki akses, biaya dan dukungan yang cukup, penyampaian berita mengenai iklim akan sulit. Maka, jurnalis harus dapat meningkatkan kapasitas, mencari atau mengajukan dana hibah untuk peliputan isu iklim,
"Meliput isu iklim bukan hal yang mudah bagi banyak jurnalis. Banyak hambatan yang dialami. Liputan iklim memiliki banyak istilah khusus yang tidak otomatis dapat dimengerti oleh khalayak umum dengan mudah.
Bagaimana membuatnya jadi “porsi hemat” agar mudah dipahami audiens tertentu secara berkelanjutan agar peliputan memiliki dampak, baik bagi komunitas terdampak, maupun masyarakat yang lebih luas." - Yovantra Arief, Direktur Eksekutif @remotivi
berusia dewasa sampai tua, dan mengalami dampak langsung dari perubahan iklim. Informasi apa saja yang mereka butuhkan, dan bagaimana menjangkau mereka.
Perubahan iklim adalah isu yang kompleks, dan tidak semua audiens mampu “mengunyah”-nya dalam sekali duduk.
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