RT @MagyarNemzetOn: Az MSZP-s politikust Bohár Dániel szembesítette azzal, amit vasárnap Márki-Zay Péternek mondott a kata elleni tüntetésen.
Great news! @TonoEPP @OliverVarhelyi
RT @TonoEPP: Happy to see that the Foreign Affairs Council answered today the call of more than 158 MEPs who called for the reconvening of the EU-Israel Association Council.
An important step forward in the 🇪🇺🇮🇱 relationship.
@TonoEPP Great news, congratulations!
Vajda Zoltán, kerületem parlamenti képviselője ma letiltott a Facebookon-on, mert a bejegyzése alá belinkeltem a videót a tüntetésről, amelyen elszólta magát az emberek tudatos hergeléséről. Ez nála a szólásszabadság… #szégyen #ezamagyarbaloldal
RT @MagyarNemzetOn: Ezzel maguk ismerték be, hogy semmi másról nem szól az egész tüncizés, csak a politikai haszonszerzésről – fogalmazott a riporter.
RT @V4NA_news: European air traffic in chaos
Backed by 47 of their European colleagues, MEPs @GyoriEniko & @toth_edina, delegates of #Hungary’s ruling #Fidesz party, submit a written inquiry to the @EU_Commission with a view to protecting the rights of air passengers.
RT @zoltanspox: On Kossuth Radio this morning, PM Orbán spoke about the energy crisis, Brussels' failed sanctions policy, border protection, and the latest amendment to Hungary's taxation policy. Read more on the blog:
RT @JuditVarga_EU: About @EU_Commission's #RuleOfLaw report: although the report, like in previous years, is based on uncertain indexes, biased NGOs & prejudices, it's important2note: we can be more confident in our negotiations, the professional dialogue no longer focuses on problems but solutions
HU government issued a state of danger due to the #energy crisis and put in place a 7-point action plan to prepare the country for upcoming challenges.
RT @zoltanspox: Due to the current energy crisis and the looming economic fallback, the government issued a state of danger due to the energy crisis and put in place a 7-point action plan to prepare the country for upcoming challenges. Here are the details.
Excellent event in Brussels organized by for a Civic Hungary Foundation, happy to attend the book launch of @BalazsOrban_HU , a great book for your reading list!
@BalazsOrban_HU See You soon!
Regulation on the #transparency and targeting of political advertising should not affect the content of #political #advertising or #national rules on electoral periods and political campaigns.Defining what #electoral periods and campaigns mean is in the competence of #MSs.
RT @EC_Budapest: Így óvjuk meg magunkat, szeretteinket és a veszélyeztetett embereket.
Az @ECDC_EU és az @EMA_News a COVID-19 mRNS vakcina második emlékeztető adagjának beadását javasolja, különösen a veszélyeztetett emberek és a 60 év felettiek számára.
RT @TonoEPP: Today, together with other 158 Members of the European Parliament, we call on the @EU_Commission to take the appropriate steps to renew the work of the EU-Israel Association Council & resume its activities with regular meetings, as soon as possible.
RT @abouthungary: Gulyás: Agreement on Hungary’s RRF funding now depends on EC
RT @MagyarNemzetOn: A kormánypárt visszaszerezte a körzetet, ezzel listáról egy újabb fideszes jelölt kerül a testületbe.
It is a victory of common a sense! @europarl_en rejected the objection on #taxonomy. The initiative of the leftists has failed.
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Fidesz MEP, EP képviselő @FideszEP